The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Yale Girls Are Sluts

Posted on | March 10, 2014 | 54 Comments

On an elevator in the lobby of the Gaylord National Convention Center during CPAC, I spotted a smiling girl wearing a T-shirt that indicated she was a volunteer for the event. She was carrying a stack of books, and when I commented about this, she explained that she had received them as freebies, distributed in the volunteer room. “Would you like one?” And how could I possibly refuse?

This explains how I got a copy of the 2010 essay collection, Proud to Be Right: Voices of the Next Conservative Generation, edited and with an introduction by Jonah Goldberg. It includes 22 essays by young writers, some of whom you likely already  know —  e.g., editor Joel Pollak and documentary filmmaker Evan Coyne Maloney —  and others you probably don’t. Nathan Harden is author of God & Sex at Yale and editor of The College Fix, and his essay in Proud to Be Right is entitled “The Girls I Knew at Yale”:

Sex in college exists apart from and, occasionally, as a prelude to love. Many girls engage in sex with the hope that it will lead to “something more.”
At Yale, a guy shows up at a party and meets a new girl. They have a few drinks, nod to the music, ask each other, “What’s your major?” and “What college are you from?” (At Yale, dorms are referred to as “residential colleges.”) Maybe they dance. At this point, if the two are getting along, it is not considered unreasonable for the guy to expect oral sex at the end of the night.
Men, I would argue, do not benefit spiritually or morally from such a promiscuous culture. But women receive the worst end of the bargain. . . .
At Yale, caring about love is a weakness. If a girl resists, doesn’t get with the program and get into bed, another girl will take her place. Expectations are so slanted toward casual hook-ups that any girl who holds out for a meaningful relationship is in danger of being left out altogether. It’s either “friends with benefits” or another Friday night spent alone. As a result, many girls go further and faster sexually than they really want to go. . . .

You can buy the book and read the whole thing, but you see the point: This is not “empowerment.” This is not “autonomy.”

This is desperation, loneliness and peer pressure. And rather than address the underlying personal problems involved in what Nathan Harden calls the “promiscuous culture” on campus, the intellectual class instead offers lectures against “slut-shaming.”

But sluts should be ashamed, because their promiscuity doesn’t only harm them, it also harms other girls by encouraging boys’ expectations of casual drunken hook-ups and “friends with benefits.”

In such a toxic environment, it’s hard to blame college girls who become LUGs (Lesbians Until Graduation) simply to avoid creeps who expect a blow job from any girl who talks to them at a party.

BTW, the girl on the elevator who gave me the book wasn’t from Yale. She was a nice girl from Oregon. Nice girls don’t go to Yale.

Or Cornell, for that matter. And certainly not Duke.



54 Responses to “Yale Girls Are Sluts”

  1. Kirby McCain
    March 12th, 2014 @ 2:29 am

    Ms.Weeks, Kate Hunt, and the hot teacher pedos are symptoms of a declining culture. But when, based on the observations of women at parties, we call the women of Yale sluts our host and the Buckley wannabe have set a new bar. If you’re a virgin or stay at home mom, vote for whatever candidate the Tea party nut sacks tells you to. If you are a woman who has chosen to pursue a higher education and might occasionally sin, vote Democrat. Because no matter what these women do they will never satisfy these new conservatives and Tea party zealots. Mr. President we are all sinners but what Stacy and his lounge lizard cohort are really whining about is the fact that women have become equal opportunity sinners. And just like the radical left we have blame shifting. Hello, these sluts are responsible for the bad behavior of Yale’s young men. Branding every woman on the planet a slut will not advance conservatism.

  2. rmnixondeceased
    March 12th, 2014 @ 7:45 am

    You are correct of course Kirby. What our society and culture needs is that ‘lightbulb’ momeent I wrote about in my previous reply. What would be even better for our nation would be a “Saul on the road to Damascus” event. Anything short of that and we will collectively continue the slow slide into perdition as a nation.

  3. FMJRA 2.0: Vernal Equinox Late Edition : The Other McCain
    March 20th, 2014 @ 9:47 pm

    […] Yale Girls Are Sluts […]

  4. Maggie's Farm
    March 22nd, 2014 @ 6:43 am

    Saturday morning links

    Are Yale girls sluts? Overprotected kids Our Criminal Justice System? It’s a Crime Why we debate the unimportant issues American Schools Are STILL Racist, Government Report Finds Steyn vs. Mann:  Oh, Won’t You Stay-ay-ay Just a Little Bit