The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE: 04.23.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Supremes Uphold Michigan Affirmative Action Ban Decision bolsters California’s affirmative action ban; Ward Connerly “a very happy camper” ROK Prosecutors Raid Home Of Ferry Firm’s Founder Death toll could rise past 300 Ukraine Captures Three GRU Officers Estimates at least one hundred more helping pro-Russian militias in Donets basin […]

Notes on the Psychotic Sisterhood: Feminism’s War Against Nature

Andra Peyser wrote a New York Post column about feminist reaction to Kirsten Dunst’s comments on marriage and motherhood. Having hashed that out at length a week ago — “Sex Roles: Me Tarzan, You Jane” — I’m not particularly interested in revisiting it today. However, I find myself puzzled by Ann Althouse’s dismissive reaction to Peyser’s […]

Latter-Day Bolsheviks

Today is Vladimir Lenin’s birthday, which left-wing environmentalist freaks have celebrated as Earth Day since 1970. Nowadays, this means making a lot of noise about “climate change.” The New Abolitionism Averting planetary disaster will mean forcing fossil fuel companies to give up at least $10 trillion in wealth — Christopher Hayes, The Nation Great, Chris: […]

No Dissent Allowed!

The mission of enforcing intellectual conformity requires Azusa Pacific University to disinvite bestselling author Charles Murray from campus, lest any of APU’s students should be encouraged to think that there can be any acceptable disagreement with liberals. Liberal academia tolerating open and honest debate is sort of like Justin Bieber recording a kick-ass rock-and-roll album: […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 04.22.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Administration Ordered To Release Secret Drone Assassination Memos Appeals Court panel holds DOJ can’t withhold memos after making statements about the drone program State Department Cites Photo Evidence Showing Russian Spetsnaz Troops In Ukraine Biden Arrives In Ukraine To Show US Support Administration May Cut US Troops In Afghanistan […]

New Gay Sex Abuse Allegations in Hollywood Pedophile Scandal

As promised, Michael Egan is naming more names: Hollywood executives Garth Ancier, David Neuman and Gary Goddard have been accused of sexually abusing teenage boys in lawsuits filed Monday in Hawaii federal court. “I would not wish on my worst enemies what I went through,” declared plaintiff Michael Egan at a Monday news conference at […]

David Gregory: He’s So Crazy, He Thinks We’re Still Watching ‘Meet the Press’

The Washington Post reports that NBC hired a “psychological consultant” to interview David Gregory as part of a desperate effort to find out why ratings for Meet the Press have fallen to their lowest point ever — as in, since 1947. The accuracy of the Post‘s reporting has been called into question, However, no one […]

Holy Guacamole, A Decent Sequel!

— by Wombat-socho I did manage to sneak in some reading before getting buried under the deluge of work that is the Death March to April 15, and they’re very different kinds of books. Leaving aside all the various subgenres of science fiction, it strikes me that there are two basic attitudes expressed in SF: […]

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