The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Tumblr: Human Train Wreck Offers Online ‘Support’ to ‘Survivors’

Posted on | June 7, 2015 | 145 Comments

Maybe somebody should start a Tumblr blog called “Getting S**tfaced Drunk at College Parties Is Probably a Bad Idea,” because that’s the kind of advice Lilly at “Survivor Support” needed before she went to college. However, such advice is what we call “common sense,” and Lilly calls herself a feminist, so what’s the use? Feminists hate common sense.

Lilly is taking legal action against Pace University:

Pace University forced the victim of an alleged sexual assault into an investigation, found the alleged rapist not responsible without saying why, and then attempted to require both students to attend a program on alcohol and date rape, a complaint filed with the Education Department claims.
The student who filed the complaint, and who asked to remain anonymous due to the private nature of her experience, received word in July that the department’s Office for Civil Rights would look into her grievance. . . .
The Pace student said she had no intention of reporting the Feb. 14, 2014, incident, but did disclose it to a doctor at the New York university’s health center on Feb. 27 when she went to get tested for sexually transmitted infections. The doctor fetched another colleague, who agreed they needed to inform campus security, who would in turn have to start an investigation, the student said.
“I said I don’t want an investigation, don’t want the police involved at all, don’t want an in-school investigation, but they told me it had to happen,” the student said to The Huffington Post. “I did not want to report my rapist, because it is a very miserable and tedious process in which the victim rarely gets justice.” . . .
After Pace University staff talked to the student in an exam room for two hours — she didn’t feel she could leave — the student agreed to cooperate, figuring that if it had to happen, the investigation might as well be done right, according to the complaint. She submitted a written account of her version of events the following day, and the university issued a no-contact order between the two students involved. . . .
On March 31, Marijo Russell-O’Grady, Pace’s dean of students, told the reported victim and the accused assailant that the school was dropping the charges, according to a copy of the decision letter obtained by HuffPost. The reported victim said she never received an explanation why the school was finding him not responsible. Pace did determine that both students should be required to attend training on alcohol and substance abuse and on date rape.

The extra-judicial process for dealing with sexual assault cases involving college and university students is, on the one hand, required as a consequence of federal policy and yet is, on the other hand, a huge part of the problem that feminists have spent months protesting about, i.e., so-called “rape culture” on campus.


Does that advice need a “Trigger Warning”? Perhaps it is traumatic to college girls who, despite solid GPAs in high school and high SAT scores, are nevertheless too stupid to understand why college guys want to get college girls drunk. Do I need to draw you a diagram, ladies? Whatever else is going on at these parties, sex is certainly near the top of the list of desired outcomes, so if you don’t want to have sex, don’t go to the party. However, if you choose to ignore that advice, and go to the party even though you don’t want to have sex, there are all kinds of common-sense strategies that smart girls use to avoid misfortune. On the other hand, if you’re a feminist, common sense doesn’t matter, and offering smart advice is “blaming the victim.” So . . . Trigger Warning!

Lilly’s Tumblr blog “Survivor Support” may not offer smart advice, but it does give us insight into what kind of hopeless idiots are being admitted to college nowadays. From Lilly’s “About Me” page:

My name is Lilly and I am 23 years old. I went to college at Susquehanna University for 2 years in nowheresville Pennsylvania. The school was not a good fit for me at all, because I really didn’t like the students or the location. In addition to the school not being a good fit, I was raped three times during my freshman year there.

(Raped three times during your freshman year? How does that happen? We’ll get to that part, but for now keep reading.)

I developed PTSD… and I abused alcohol. My therapist once asked me if I tried to kill myself with alcohol when I told her how much I could drink in a night. I also started self harming. . . .
During my sophomore year, on February 24th, 2012, my older brother died. He had been very ill for about 12 years. He overdosed. He was 26.
I decided to go back to school to finish up the semester after my brother’s death. It was really difficult. My PTSD was through the roof and I was mourning. I was also really suicidal and depressed. . . . I barely did manage to finish the semester. But I did.
Over the summer of 2012, I was hospitalized twice for my depression and suicidal ideation. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks, receiving ECT (shock treatment). I dropped out of college. I took a year off to recover.

(Shock treatment? Six weeks in a psych ward?)

I then transferred to a college in NYC called Pace University. I was having a very difficult time making friends and was very depressed the entire time I was there. I was raped again on Valentines Day, 2014. The school forced me into an investigation that I did not want. My anxiety, depression, PTSD was just awful. I wanted to drop out of school and not finish the semester. . . .
I decided to leave Pace after the semester ended. I am now at another small school in NYC. I study photography and sociology.
I am currently suing Pace University for the forced, botched, and very illegal investigation. My rapist graduated.
Pace University tried to silence me, but I refuse to be silenced. . . .
I am also a very outspoken feminist. I am very liberal. And very political.
I currently suffer from major atypical depression, chronic suicidal thoughts, general anxiety disorder, complex PTSD, and complicated grief. . . .
And I fear men. I actually believe that I am more gay than I used to be. I was bi-leaning-straight, but now I’m bi-leaning-gay. At this point in my life, I cannot handle college. I fear college. So I am taking time off once again.
I am a survivor of harassment, abuse, assault, and rape. I created this blog to help create some form of a community. I wanted to prove to you that you are not alone.

In other words, “You think your life sucks? Ha!” However crazy you may be, Lilly’s much crazier. So there’s that.

Lilly has a page called “My Stories,” but instead of putting the stories in text form, she has uploaded them as images, and I’ll save you time by summarizing these stories briefly.

  • LILLY’S STORY NUMBER ONE — Her childhood sucked. When she was 8 years old, her brother developed a serious illness, which was very stressful on her family. Her mother and father fought a lot, sometimes violently, and her father had an affair with a former college girlfriend.
  • LILLY’S STORY NUMBER TWO — Her adolescence sucked. She fell in love with Sam in sixth grade, but he rejected her. She contemplated suicide. Beginning in her freshman year of high school, Lilly was “involved with other boys, and girls,” but by senior year, she renewed her romance with Sam. She “almost lost [her] virginity” to Sam, but meanwhile, she found out Sam was “hooking up” with her friend Steven, as well as “seeing other girls.” She “kept asking him if he was gay.” Much drama ensued.
  • LILLY’S STORY NUMBER THREE — Her freshman year at Susquehanna sucked. At the start, she met a guy named Brian. They hung out and “fooled around,” but Brian “had a girlfriend . . . and refused to have sex with me, even though I wanted to lose my virginity to him.” So then she started dating Larry, even though Larry “wasn’t really [her] type.” One Friday night in November, she went to a party: “I wanted to get drunk.” Larry was at the party with another girl. After she “had about 4 drinks,” Lilly started dancing with “a tall skinny black guy” named Jeremiah who “was very drunk.” They started kissing, because Lilly “wanted to make Larry jealous.” She told Jeremiah she “was a virgin” and “did not want to have sex that night.” However, they went to Jeremiah’s place, where he took off her pants and digitally penetrated her. “I was fine with this,” Lilly said, “but then all of a sudden” he inserted his penis into her vagina. Sexual intercourse was very painful. Jeremiah kept trying to contact Lilly afterwards, but she was not interested.
  • LILLY’S STORY NUMBER FOUR — She was drunk at a frat party and danced with a drunk guy who groped her.
  • LILLY’S STORY NUMBER FIVE — At a party, she got “completely wasted” from vodka and “jungle juice” and was dancing with a bunch of guys. She dry-humped a “nice boy” on the couch “in front of everybody.” After the party, Lilly and her friends went “back to the dorms to smoke weed.” She had a very unpleasant sexual experience with a “random guy” named Eric. It was so bad she “actually had to ice my vagina for three days.” Months later, Lilly decided that what happened with Eric was actually rape.
  • LILLY’S STORY NUMBER SIX — This is the Pace University rape story. On the night of Feb. 14, 2014, Lilly drank “the majority of a bottle of rum, roughly about 8 vodka shots, a cosmo on the rocks, and a few cups of white wine.” She was with a guy named Rainer, and they “kissed on and off during the night.” She was “heavily intoxicated” and her memory is “foggy,” but she ended up in the dorm bathroom, where Rainer expected her to perform oral sex on him. She complied, but it wasn’t very good for either of them. At a later point, she blacked out and “the rape happened sometime before 3:30 AM on the 15th.” Lilly woke up with “vaginal pain and a a hickey on [her] right breast.”

What can we say of this tale of endless woe? Are these guys — Jeremiah, Eric and Rainer — all equally guilty of rape?

No, none of them are guilty of anything, because you can’t convict somebody of rape merely on the basis of what a drunk girl said happened while she was “completely wasted” or “heavily intoxicated.” If you asked Jeremiah, Eric and Rainer, each would have his own story of innocence to tell and so, without any other evidence, not guilty. Case dismissed.

When drunk college girls and drunk college boys get together, situations like this inevitably occur. What are you going to do? Do we expect that Eric — who saw Lilly dry-humping a guy on the sofa in front of everybody at a party — is going to treat Lilly with courtesy and respect? Shouldn’t we point out also that (a) college freshmen are underage for drinking and (b) they were also illegally using marijuana? “Hey, let’s completely rearrange the world to make it safe for drunk teenage dopeheads,” said no sane person ever.

Let the feminists call me a slut-shamer and a victim-blamer for asking, but does Lilly bear no responsibility at all?

Think about what Lilly says happened with Jeremiah. She seems to have been rather desperate to lose her virginity. She nearly got her high-school crush Sam to do the honors, but no luck there. Then she went to college and wanted Brian to deflower her, but he turned her down. She was willing to settle for Larry, but he showed up at the party with another girl, so Lilly danced with Jeremiah, then went back to his place where she took off her pants and was willing to have Jeremiah do everything to her except vaginal intercourse. Lilly was drunk and naked with a stranger — she had never met Jeremiah before that night — and anybody with ordinary common sense would say that this was a very bad decision.

Ordinary common sense seems to be quite rare on college campuses nowadays, however, and you’ll be called a “rape apologist” if you warn teenage college girls against very bad decisions.


And since Lilly raises the issue of her sexuality — formerly “bi-leaning-straight, but now . . . bi-leaning-gay” — can we be honest and say she is just lonely, confused and pathetic?

Look, you don’t need a “sexuality.” You need love.

You don’t need an unrealistic crush on a guy who doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. You need to have some sense of your own human dignity. You need to get your act together, and stop being so emotionally needy that you’re willing to do anything just to have a guy (or girl) pay attention to you. In short, you need to grow the hell up and at least attempt to conduct yourself like a responsible adult.

Feminist Tumblr is never going to give you that kind of advice, and that’s a huge problem. It seems that young people believe that the only place to get advice is from their peers, including basket cases like Lilly at “Survivor Support.” Never listen to successful grown-ups! Listen to Feminist Tumblr! Because feminists on Tumblr know everything!

Follow their directions closely, kids. Because the one thing feminists on Tumblr know best is the shortest route to Hell.

UPDATE: A predictable reaction:

‘We Need to Get Him Off the Internet’

Feminism tells them that they are never responsible for anything. Therefore, feminists require a scapegoat to shoulder the blame. And what the heck, why not me? Let them screech all they want at me.



145 Responses to “Feminist Tumblr: Human Train Wreck Offers Online ‘Support’ to ‘Survivors’”

  1. marcus tullius cicero
    June 7th, 2015 @ 7:36 am

    …Besides “you can’t fix stupid” Freshman course, they need an AA chapter in every single US university…Our children cannot help themselves away from home…
    PS. complete as many credits by e courses as possible.

  2. tempdog
    June 7th, 2015 @ 8:04 am

    How dare you suggest that she has the power and agency to act like someone who deserves respect? And then you suggest she that she avoid high risk behavior and not get sf drunk & high? At long last, have you no sense of decency?

  3. TheOtherAndrewB
    June 7th, 2015 @ 8:38 am

    Growing up, my heroes were the people in my neighborhood. On one side of me was Colonel Whitehead, who had flown biplanes on the Western Front in WW1 and gone back to command a fighter wing during the Battle of Britain in WW2. Mr. Murray on the other side had been in the infantry in the frozen hell of Korea. Under my own roof, my dad had served in the US Navy in WW2 and again in Korea. Down the street was my beloved babysitter, Mrs. Mackenzie, who fought a long, terrible battle with cancer and never lost her joy and her smile.
    Today, a hero is nothing more than the sum total of his or her weaknesses, phobias, bad decisions and mental aberrations. This cannot end well for Mankind.

  4. RKae
    June 7th, 2015 @ 8:50 am

    Being the only sober person at many parties, I always wondered, “Why do these people WANT to be drunk? Why do they WANT to be retarded? Why is it not its own deterrent?”

    My only answer is that the culture tells them, “This is what college kids do,” and so they do it no questions asked. Yeah, “Question Authority,” kids, but never question partying!

    If people choose that, then the hell with them. It’s voluntary, so all fallout is their own problem.

  5. Feminist Tumblr: Human Train Wreck “Lilly” Offers Online ‘Support’ to ‘Survivors’ | Living in Anglo-America
    June 7th, 2015 @ 9:24 am
  6. JadedByPolitics
    June 7th, 2015 @ 9:41 am

    Well at least they are being named so potential male suitors or female nutjobs know that she is crazier than they!

  7. MicahGunn
    June 7th, 2015 @ 9:47 am

    She “fears college”. Hey lady try getting an effing job. Do something useful with your utterly narcissistic life.

    She has PTSD – hey lady try reading about the boys — and I do mean 18 year old boys — who stormed the beaches at Normandy 71 years ago.

    And didn’t even make it off the landing craft.

  8. Shawn Smith
    June 7th, 2015 @ 10:00 am

    Feminism requires as its adherents emotionally damaged women who bear a grudge against men. Why on Earth would they help young women avoid situations that will produce exactly that?

  9. V the K
    June 7th, 2015 @ 10:17 am

    I have come up with a name for this phenomenon. I call it, ‘The Tyranny of the Mentally Ill.”

    I wrote a post about it. Here it go.

  10. Jim R
    June 7th, 2015 @ 10:44 am

    May I suggest that, as a public service to parents with daughters, you compile these columns into a book? I think most parents understand the need for The Talk bout the birds and the bees when their kids reach a certain age, but a talk about the crazy as a sh1thouse rat? Not so much.

    “Baby, you’re old enough to start being interested in guys… or, at least, for them to be interested in you. Let’s talk about what can happen and how you can guard yourself.”

    “Son, you remember that movie where the woman boiled the rabbit? THAT SH!T IS REAL! Let’s talk about what can happen and how your d1ck can land you in more trouble than you can even think about how to get out of.”

    That aside, I feel rather sorry for people like this Lilly. She obviously needs help. A lot of it. Perhaps it’s too late for her. Maybe it was too late when she was born. But she’s clearly confused and very miserable, something that I would wish on very few people.

    Poor kid.

  11. Matt_SE
    June 7th, 2015 @ 11:21 am

    If gender is a construct, then nobody obeys its strictures more than feminists. Tumblr is a collection of women competing for sympathy in a digital sewing circle. All the jargon and theory rationalizes behavior women want to engage in, but in previous eras were warned was sinful.
    This is a specific example of leftists avoiding responsibility.

  12. McGehee
    June 7th, 2015 @ 11:41 am

    I look at what people let happen to them and wonder what’s wrong with them.

    They look at how much shit I’ve seen without being touched by it directly, and they wonder what’s wrong with me.

  13. noprism
    June 7th, 2015 @ 11:53 am

    This reminds me of ESPN giving Bruce Jenner a courage award instead of giving it to someone who actually showed real courage like a double amputee Iraq veteran.

  14. Michael:GodOfEWN
    June 7th, 2015 @ 11:56 am

    “Today, a hero is nothing more than the sum total of his or her weaknesses, phobias, bad decisions and mental aberrations. This cannot end well for Mankind.”

    Agreed, 100%.

  15. JoesEmpire
    June 7th, 2015 @ 12:06 pm

    Go to her “Things I’ve Accomplished” page, and you’ll see something truly horrifying: she testified in front of a state legislature, and her experiences were being used to craft harsher sentencing for rape, and assault.

  16. JoesEmpire
    June 7th, 2015 @ 12:09 pm

    For an 18 year old girl to be turned down for sex by multiple young men of the same age, and in this era, she’s got to give off some truly bad vibes, and must be totally next level crazy.

  17. RS
    June 7th, 2015 @ 12:44 pm

    It strikes me that this feminist Tumblr business is not unlike an old evangelical tent revival. The difference is, instead of the alter call resulting in a conviction of and responsibility for one’s own sin followed by repentance and salvation, you have a confession of one’s own dysfunction followed by cries of “me too, but even worse” and group wallowing in collective misery. There’s no guide to overcoming; no “salvation,” if you will. Only continued weeping and gnashing of teeth.

  18. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    June 7th, 2015 @ 12:51 pm

    If you have sex with a girl when she is too drunk to consent, it can be rape. The problem with this girl’s stories is it appears she gave consent everytime.

    If campuses were serious about “rape culture” they would strictly enforce drinking and drug bans. But (other than LDS schools and maybe a few Protestant schools) that would curtail enrollment…so they wont.

  19. RS
    June 7th, 2015 @ 1:01 pm

    Make that “altar.”

    My bad.

  20. Adobe_Walls
    June 7th, 2015 @ 1:22 pm

    Perhaps the story about oral sex going badly for both participants got around.

  21. Adobe_Walls
    June 7th, 2015 @ 1:27 pm

    I think the support to survivors angle is a misnomer. I see no evidence of ”survivors” in any of these stories.

  22. Jeanette Victoria
    June 7th, 2015 @ 1:42 pm

    Anyone remember the Daisy Coleman Maryville sex assault case?

    This is how my Twitter barnacle first became attracted to me. I tweeted that getting drunk and going to a boy’s house in the middle of the night was NOT at good idea. Rachael Caron-Zerby was busy recruiting folks to harass me and tweeted that I was a “rape apologist the anon creeper @NicoleBonnert1 jumped into my twitter timeline. Yeah that is when she claimed she was visiting her police offer brother at the Greensboro PD and driving to my hometown to contact various groups and my diocese to expose and have me “monitored”. LOL Dumb as a box of rock Thomas A Mix believed her.

    Bit Mix and the anon creep @NicoleBonnert1 have Tumbr pages all about me…but you know I’m the obsessed one J (FYI this one post should generate dozen posts on Twitter about me and Stacy and just of evil we are)

  23. Jeanette Victoria
    June 7th, 2015 @ 1:57 pm

    Looks to me that these kind of women were perpetual victims even before the unfortunate and terrible things that happened to them. Events that they clearly set themselves up for.

  24. The original Mr. X
    June 7th, 2015 @ 1:58 pm

    “This is traumatising to the mentally ill!” is this generation’s “Won’t somebody please think of the children???”

  25. Jeanette Victoria
    June 7th, 2015 @ 1:59 pm

    Gosh when did we stop raising adults?

  26. Patrick71
    June 7th, 2015 @ 2:08 pm

    In the UK a soccer player was convicted of Rape because the female was deemed too drunk to consent, doesn’t matter if she said yes. So now he’s a convicted rapist with no way to get a job now because, You can bet that’s coming here.

  27. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:01 pm

    I’m also wondering where the parents were while their daughter spent 6 weeks in a psych ward, and got shock therapy. This seems pretty extreme. You worked in a place like that, didn’t you? Is this something they do to people, then simply bid them adieu? Wouldn’t there be medication given? Follow-ups required?

    Also, this kid wasn’t paying her own tuition. Seems then as if the parents would be taking more…I don’t know…supervisory action, you know? I sure as hell would have.

  28. Jeanette Victoria
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:04 pm

    State hosptials don’t do shock therapy but private ones do, but one has to be over 21. And shock therapy is done as a last resort and medication is given.

  29. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:07 pm

    I’m working on an article about this very thing, the rationalization of bad behavior. Seems so much more prevalent now than it used to. To quote Raul Julia as Gomez in the Addams Family movie: “Has the world gone mad???”

  30. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:08 pm

    Wondering whether this legislature was told about the shock therapy and the psych ward?

  31. Jim R
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:09 pm

    Unfortunately, the fallout isn’t just their problem. Taking advantage of “rape culture” and the basic idea behind it (i.e. that men are brutes, women are victims, and only by sweeping away “patriarchy” can society be fixed), the feminists have subverted the rule of law, turned universities into indoctrination centers, done matrial damage to marriage and family, and convinced an entire generation (at least) of American women that living in this world is a constant battle and that they are at constant risk of insult, assault, rape or murder.

    Ironically, in the not-so-distant past, feminists were telling women that whoring around was “empowering”. As my mother likes to say, feminism became about telling women to live down to the level of the worst man.

  32. Jeanette Victoria
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:12 pm

    Just more proof that one needs to be VERY mentally ill to be a feminist liberal and politically active

  33. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:14 pm

    Seems like those guys who (wisely) turned her down for sex recognized it. The extent of her crazy vibes must’ve been pretty extreme, given that those guys sounded like sh1tbags anyway (similar to your internet stalkers, only saner.)

  34. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:29 pm

    Good grief [eyeroll]. I notice how all these crazy people seem to glom onto each other. Then they harass for making a common sense statement??? I’d make that statement, too!

    Here’s some other common sense statements I’d make as well:

    1. Don’t have sex with someone you’re not married to. This will prevent 99% or more of campus “rapes”, and will also prevent pregnancy and STDs.

    2. If normal people regularly avoid you, let alone refuse to have sex with you, the problem is YOU. Seek professional help, and make a real effort to straighten yourself out.

    3. If everyone you know is a “victim” or “survivor”, once again, the problem is YOU. Perhaps you are an attention whore, or flat-out crazy. Again, seek professional help.

    4. Tumblr is not professional help.

    5. Stay off the damn internet until you’re not crazy anymore, as determined by any normal people around you. Better yet, stay off permanently. It is adversely affecting you, mentally.

  35. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:33 pm

    Of course it’s coming here, and probably already is here. So guys, if you want to get laid, get married, preferably to a nice girl, not some whack job you met online or in a bar.

  36. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:39 pm

    Really good article. I enjoyed it. It’s funny, because it’s all true.

  37. nickshaw
    June 7th, 2015 @ 3:54 pm

    I hate to be cynical but, more likely it was acupuncture needles with a TENS hookup.
    To the mentally feeble…ahem…it may seem like “shock therapy”.

  38. Steve White
    June 7th, 2015 @ 4:07 pm

    Nicely done.

  39. trangbang68
    June 7th, 2015 @ 4:16 pm

    That ain’t no lily, it’s a freakin’ weed

  40. Mister_Carson
    June 7th, 2015 @ 4:38 pm

    Sounds more like borderline personality disorder than depression to me. BPD folks can be very clever at hiding the true nature of their underlying disorder, which then seems more like “depression” which at least has meds one can take. And when spurned BPDers go into revenge overdrive mode (sort of like Emma Sulkowicz). She needs help, but she’s not likely to get it, another unfortunate aspect of BPD.

  41. Jeanette Victoria
    June 7th, 2015 @ 4:40 pm

    Agreeed but there s clearly depression as well. And lack of insight as well.

  42. RKae
    June 7th, 2015 @ 5:15 pm

    Then I would say that a civilization has the duty and the right to protect itself from people who make themselves voluntarily insane and retarded as a form of recreation.

  43. Jeanette Victoria
    June 7th, 2015 @ 5:58 pm

    Oh my you are such a tea trash hater!

  44. RS
    June 7th, 2015 @ 6:27 pm

    2. If normal people regularly avoid you, let alone refuse to have sex with you, the problem is YOU. . .

    As the old adage says, there’s an a**hole in every group. If you don’t know who it is, you’re it.

  45. Matt_SE
    June 7th, 2015 @ 6:35 pm

    It’s the expanded influence of the left. All of their constituent groups have sought to avoid responsibility in their various ways.
    In order to be a victim, you need to lose agency.

  46. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 6:42 pm

    I am! I’m a hatey-hater. I hate stupidity.

  47. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 6:43 pm

    I can definitively say, it’s never me. 😀

  48. DeadMessenger
    June 7th, 2015 @ 6:44 pm

    Those people need to go to an agency. One that gives mental health referrals.

  49. Lamprotatia
    June 7th, 2015 @ 7:55 pm

    With her family background, C-PTSD (which is basically borderline symptoms caused by unstable upbringing) is a definite possibility.

    Mom and dad, when you have a kid who is a college drunk and another kid who ODs, sorry but that’s not a coincidence.

  50. Lamprotatia
    June 7th, 2015 @ 7:58 pm

    I’m gonna guess her parents are some of those narcissistic types who act like overgrown teenagers and were busy with their own constant drama fest and substance issues. A, where do you think she learned it, B, you don’t get a drunk and an OD out of the same household in one generation by accident.