The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Nice Guys,’ Failure, Self-Pity and Cruelty

Posted on | August 19, 2015 | 137 Comments

Bailey Poland (@the_author_) is a fairly typical example of how feminism attracts sadistic women by offering them ideological justification for their impulses toward anti-male cruelty. Because of confirmation bias and epistemic closure, however, once a woman enters the feminist echo chamber, it becomes impossible for her to understand her own impulsive responses as emotion, per se.

Feminism as an ideology functions to rationalize negative emotions like self-pity and envy and, because the echo chamber reinforces this rationalizing discourse (“the personal is political”), it becomes impossible for feminists to separate personal problems from the political rhetoric by which she constructs her identity. Because feminism naturally attracts to its banner women with profound resentments toward males, the movement incentivizes a discourse of cruelty, where men are portrayed as underserving of respect, love or sympathy. The more a feminist expresses an anti-male rhetoric that demonizes males, the more encouragement she will receive from within the movement. This is why radical hatemongers — from Mary Daly and Catharine MacKinnon to Jaclyn Friedman and Meghan Murphy — have always found feminism to be such a rewarding career field.

Until yesterday, I had never heard of Bailey Poland, but I included one of her tweets in a roundup about the feminist hashtag campaign #ThingsFeministMenHaveSaidToMe, and someone in the comments remarked, “I loathe Bailey Poland. She’s one of the most loathsome, divisive, and nit picky, yet totally self righteous feminists on Twitter.” Oh, really? This claim required investigation, and I quickly verified the commenter’s assertion. Then I began to read articles Ms. Poland had written about “toxic masculinity” and “benevolent sexism,” and then finally, “nice guys”:

The “nice guy” has made “being nice to women” his defining trait in attempting to get women to go out with him, and his niceness begins to wear thinner and become more and more brittle as he learns this does not work.
The “nice guy” has an image of himself that is fundamentally at odds with his actual behavior. He often sees himself as chivalrous, respectful to women, attentive to the women he wants to pursue romantically, and deserving of affection or romance in return. He sees his behavior as genuinely nice, and has been told all his life that niceness is rewarded. He will hone in on one woman or a few women and idealize them to the point of perfection, befriending them in the hopes that they will relive a dozen teen movies wherein the romantic interest realizes she should have been with her best friend all along. . . .
His niceness is a sham, and a tool for gaining what he perceives as leverage in earning or winning a romantic relationship. The “nice guy” tends to perceive himself as passionate and tender, while his targets see him as grasping and manipulative. . . .
The basic problem with “nice guys” is their sense of entitlement to relationships or sex with women based on nothing more than being nice to them. However, women see through this — and niceness that is performed in service of gaining something from a woman is not actually all that nice to begin with, and it certainly is not a free pass to demand anything from anyone. . . .
When “nice guys” complain that women only date jerks, they often just mean that women are acting outside the imaginary roles they’ve been assigned — women are dating men who do not meet the “nice guy” ideal of performing very specific types of behavior for a reward. Many of the men who are perceived as jerks may actually not be perfect guys, but they’re often honest about it in ways that allow for the negotiations of an adult relationship to take place. . . .
The other major problem with “nice guys” is that it’s not just their niceness that’s a sham. They also often hate women, but rely on romantic or sexual attachments to fuel their sense of self-worth. When the niceness gambit fails and they feel they have been denied something to which they’re entitled, “nice guy” misogyny often follows close behind. In addition to accusing women of being shallow, sleeping only with jerks, or “friendzoning” them, they will also frequently hurl a variety of gender-based slurs at the very women they claimed to idolize.

You can read the whole thing. We must begin by stipulating that the “nice guy” is a particularly pathetic kind of loser. Rather than confront his own shortcomings and failures, he basically throws a pity party for himself. The reason he keeps losing, he tells himself, is because others fail to recognize his superiority. He actually deserves to be with a Kate Upton lookalike, to be worshipped by women for his own special qualities, and the reason he keeps losing is because the world is unfair. The “nice guy” believes he has been wrongly cheated out of the romantic reward to which he is entitled, as a right, and any guy who travels very far down that road is apt to become dangerous to himself and others. Soaking in the juices of his resentful self-pity, a “nice guy” can become a monster — Elliot Rodger was an extreme example of where this mentality can lead.

Feminists, however, are not interested in helping men like this. Instead, feminists use these maladjusted losers as weapons in a permanent campaign to demonize males for “misogyny,” et cetera.

Males are always damned if they do, damned if they don’t in feminist discourse, which is an exercise in Kafkatrapping, where the point is to humiliate males in order to justify the feminist’s exercise of her punitive authority. This is what Bailey Poland does with her “nice guy” column. She paints these losers as undeserving of sympathy, characterizing their misguided idealism as “misogyny,” in order to justify cruelty as a response to male attention. She herself has zero sympathy for males experiencing romantic disappointment, and believes that no other woman should, either. And her conclusion is self-serving pseudo-sympathetic “advice” to the pathetic losers she despises:

Be kind instead of nice. This requires a shift in thinking about your own behavior, “nice guys.” Do things for people without expecting anything in return. Think about what your friends actually need or want, and help them achieve it or acquire it without thinking you deserve anything more than a “thank you” from them. You’ll be surprised how often people do more for you when an act of kindness on your part doesn’t come with any strings attached.
Get used to just being friends with women. Often, a “nice guy” is not capable of seeing friendship with women as good enough on its own; the relationship must be taken to the “next level” to be worth anything. This is not a healthy way to approach women, and it makes the women you are interested in feel used and disrespected. Being friends with women is rewarding because having friends is rewarding — sex should only come into it when both parties are interested, not when the friendship is being used as a springboard into a fantasy relationship.

Translation: “Give me everything I want, loser, then go away and leave me alone, because men never deserve anything, period.”

Bailey Poland feels no obligation of kindness to males, yet requires males to treat her exactly as she wants to be treated, because otherwise she has been “disrespected” by these miserable losers.

The feminist can be as cruel and selfish as she wants to be, but any male who behaves similarly is condemned for “misogyny.” Bailey Poland derides men who seek a “fantasy relationship,” but what about her own fantasies? Yeah, buddy — her with the whip in her hand, and you on your knees, helplessly begging for mercy.

Guys, just walk away. There are more than 3.5 billion women in the world, not all of whom are cold-hearted monsters who demand that you genuflect at the throne of the Bitch Goddess.

One of the things my father taught me is, “It never hurts to ask. The worst they can tell you is ‘no.'” This advice was offered in the context of salesmanship or seeking employment, but it’s equally applicable to the search for love. If you’ve ever been involved in direct sales — knocking on doors, cold-calling strangers, hustling to make that sale — you know how crucial it is to overcome your own self-consciousness, to learn how to handle rejection without becoming demoralized.

“Just win, baby” — Al Davis had it right. There is no substitute for victory, but you can’t win if you don’t play the game, and it is foolish to hope you’ll be undefeated in every season. What is important is to maintain your morale, and not to become so discouraged by a losing streak that you surrender to despair.

Pay attention, guys: Never talk to a feminist.

Do not waste time on sadistic women who hate you.

No matter how “nice” you are to a feminist, she will never respect you. The feminist always mistakes male kindness for weakness, and is incapable of gratitude toward males, so that being “nice” to her will only serve to convince her of how infinitely contemptible you are — a servile lackey, a fawning slave who appeals to her sadistic impulses.

Never talk to a feminist. Never look at a feminist.

If you know that a woman is a feminist, avoid being in her presence, because the feminist has no interest in males except as demonized objects of fear, hate, scorn and ridicule. Wherever the feminist is, make it a point to be somewhere else, and do not associate with anyone within the feminist’s circle of hateful influence.

Feminism is a vortex of negativity so intense as to extinquish all positivity in its vicinity. Anyone who associates with a feminist risks being sucked into her gravitional force-field of soul-killing evil.

Here’s the thing, guys: Never explain to the feminist why you are shunning her. Don’t argue with her. Don’t tell her off. Master the habit of silence in her presence, insofar as you are unable to avoid her presence. If you’re talking with a group of your friends and the feminist interrupts, this is your cue to end the conversation and, if possible, walk away.

We are currently experiencing a resurgence of radical feminism, what might be called a “Fourth Wave.” We can perceive a return to the vehement man-hating tendencies of the “Second Wave” of the early 1970s, a reversal of the postmodernist “Third Wave” that began in the ’90s. The toxic feminism of Daly/Dworkin/MacKinnon has been resuscitated, and wherever this poison spreads, its effect will invariably be lethal to heterosexuality. Young men must therefore enforce a cordon sanitaire around those women infected with the feminist virus until this anti-male pandemic burns itself out in a frenzy of lesbian rage.

Trust me on this, guys. “Hunt where the ducks are.” Feminists don’t like men, and they spread their contempt for males to every woman around them, so wherever feminism is, be somewhere else.



137 Responses to “‘Nice Guys,’ Failure, Self-Pity and Cruelty”

  1. Phil_McG
    August 19th, 2015 @ 5:38 pm

    Yes, Nice Guys (TM) are losers.

    Women don’t want Nice Guys, they want men. No woman ever fantisised about being ravished by a sensitive male feminist who’ll treat her as his equal.

    That’s why “jerks” do well with women. Women love cocky, demanding men and despise supplicating simps.

    The Nice Guy is usually that way because he made the mistake of listening to what women say they want in men. Often well-intentioned women, like their mothers.

    Men should never, ever, ever take a woman’s advice on relationships, ever. Women don’t know what they want, not on a conscious level they can articulate. If women were sages at relationship advice, they wouldn’t end up crying so much.

    Don’t listen to the rationalisations that come out of their mouths – look at what they do, and the sort of men they swoon after. Be a confident, sexist, and – above all – masculine – playful jerk, and you’ll do a lot better with women. High quality women, not frumpy man-hating Plain Janes like Bailey Poland.

  2. Jeanette Victoria
    August 19th, 2015 @ 5:54 pm

    I remember years ago woman whingeing about wanting men who “shared their feeling” when they go one all they did was deride him talk behind his back about what a wimp he was and ultimately dumping him.

    The last thing I ever wanted was a man sharing his feelings like eww

  3. Sort-Of-Mad Max
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:07 pm

    ” I am so sorry the educational system failed you as badly as it did”

    If I wanted snot, toots, I’d blow my nose for it.

  4. Sort-Of-Mad Max
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:15 pm

    About the only redeeming quality I’ve found about snark devotees like what’s-her-name, here, is the quailing collapse that can be induced after one of their lame sallies by simply leaning toward them and growling sternly ‘What…did…you…SAY???”, while glaring directly at them.

    Try it sometime, but be prepared to dodge the resulting puddle.

  5. Jeanette Victoria
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:16 pm

    We call that projection it is so obvious it is painful

  6. Phil_McG
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:20 pm

    Jeanette, I share my emotions with my wife all the time: hungry, sleepy, angry, happy or c’mere lady…

    A man may or may not have more complicated feelings in his heart than that, but nobody wants or needs to know about them.

    The sensitive, emotionally incontinent, Oprahfied male cheats women out of what they need from him: a rock, an anchor, a refuge from their own stormy moods.

    If girls want to gab about feelings, they can get that from their mothers, sisters or girl friends. A man should be as logical as a Vulcan, as fair as a judge, and as dependable as a finely crafted Swiss watch.

  7. Eidolon
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:21 pm

    What’s so infuriating about this type of thing is the sequence of events by feminists:

    1. Tell men to be girly and nice. Tell them that’s what women like and desire.
    2. Men desire relationships with women, so they act girly and nice. They expect women to respond with attraction, as they were told by feminists that they would.
    3. Criticize “nice guys” for being manipulative and creepy. Lambaste them for having an “entitled” attitude, and say that they think they “deserve to be rewarded with sex.”
    4. Have sex with the jerk who actually is entitled and doesn’t give a crap about them.

    Now I agree that being a “nice guy” type is stupid, but as with so many things this is a problem feminists created, which they then blame men for and use as an excuse for why we need more of the thing that created the problem.

  8. Unix-Jedi
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:28 pm

    Hollywood also bears a lot of the blame.

    Think of most of the most loved “Chick Flicks”.

    “Say Anything”, fer example. Do that in the real world you’ll end up with a restraining order. (In college, rape allegation now.)

    I spent college (and far too long afterward) as a “Nice Guy”. It’s what you were supposed to do, right? Be there, do things, and then listen to how you’re the only nice guy they know, but they don’t want to “mess up” the friendship.

    Hey, it’s what women _want_ right? It’s what they say they want? Surely they know what they want??!

  9. Eidolon
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:35 pm

    The anger feminists decry is the anger that comes from doing what you’re told and not getting the response you were told to expect.

    It’s as though you taught men that you ought to offer to shake hands with women you’re just meeting, but every time a man does so the woman slaps them in the face. They don’t get indignant because they expected women to worship them or anything, but the disrespect and disgust they encounter in response to doing what they were told was attractive makes them rightfully angry.

    If feminists don’t want them to be angry, they shouldn’t lie to them. Or, they should just let men teach them the real situation instead of trying to instruct men in things they don’t understand and are completely wrong about.

  10. Jeanette Victoria
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:39 pm

    It is a rare moment that my hubby and I “share feelings” We pretty much know what each other is feeling anyway. I not that interested talking about navel lint. We are both getting our degrees in theology (he a masters me a bachelors) and that is what we talk about most of the time.

  11. Jeanette Victoria
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:45 pm

    What a freaking loon…notice their despicable posts and you are stalking and harassing them. Darn, these progressives are crybabies in diapers!

    We all understand what she said just fine

  12. robertstacymccain
    August 19th, 2015 @ 6:49 pm

    “Women don’t know what they want, not on a conscious level they can articulate. “

    The same is true of men, as Mammy observes in Gone With the Wind, “What gentlemen say and what they think are two different things.”

    For any young person trying to figure out the opposite sex, it is important to observe what people actually do, as opposed to what they say because, as you point out, people are often unable to articulate their desires at a conscious level. Did I know what I ultimately wanted in a woman when I was 18, 19, 20? Certainly not in a way I could describe. What I wanted as a teenager (sexual adventure) was not what I wanted when I became an adult, after I’d become bored with the constant pursuit of thrills.

    if a guy is “on the hunt” without any real interest in commitment, all he cares about in a woman is (a) her looks, and (b) her sexual enthusiasm. All that Cosmo “how-to-drive-him-wild” sex advice in women’s magazines is a waste of ink and paper. Supposing that a woman is willing to engage in casual sex, she doesn’t really gain anything — she does not enhance her market value — by learning sexual technique.As long as she’s good-looking and enthusiastic, she’ll do just fine.

    However, why bother with any of that? A girl has nothing to gain and everything to lose from being promiscuous. The derogation of virginity — a common theme in liberal “pro-sex” feminism for the past 30-plus years — confuses young women into believing that they risk nothing from promiscuity. As I’ve said elsewhere, “Why do drunk sluts get drunk?” That is to say, the correlation between promiscuity and substance abuse is not accidental. Promiscuity is both cause and effect of low self-esteem among women, and the use of drugs and alcohol functions as both to enable promiscuity (overcoming normal inhibitions) and to anesthetize the emotional suffering that results. Back in the 1970s, everybody I partied with was “self-medicating” with dope and booze. By the 1990s, however, anti-depressant SSRIs like Prozac had become for many women a prescription replacement for the emotion-suppressing effect people once got from alcohol, marijuana, Qaaludes, etc. But it’s all just the same thing, a way of coping with the emotional pain that loveless sex inevitably inflicts on women. Of course, guys hurt, too, but women hurt more, and the emotional security of a strong marriage is the best protection.

    My apologies for the sermon.

  13. robertstacymccain
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:03 pm

    It’s always the same reaction. No feminist ever expects to be quoted by any critic capable of dismantling her argument. To quote them in a critical context is “inciting harassment.” I’ve been repeatedly accused of “stalking” or being “obsessed” with some particular feminist whose work engages my critical scrutiny, even though it’s usually just a one-off — “Here, look at this particular example of feminist rhetoric,” and then I forget it and move on. The thing is that these young feminist bloggers are accustomed to writing whatever the hell they want and never being criticized, so that criticism shocks and angers them: “How dare he notice what I wrote?”

    And what have I said here? Simple: AVOID HER.

    Advising men to leave feminists alone — never to talk to a feminist, nor even to be in her presence if you can avoid it — is “inciting harassment”?

    George Orwell could not be reached for comment.

  14. JoeBee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:04 pm

    Sadly, she’s only one of the worst. There a great number that are worse than her.

    How about this piece of human waste?

  15. robertstacymccain
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:06 pm

    Judd Nelson as John Bender in The Breakfast Club — that’s what feminists subconsciously crave, a man who can see through their phony bullshit and call them out for the hypocritical frauds they really are.

  16. Jeanette Victoria
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:09 pm

    I’m more global I stay away from progressives they are simply insane

  17. JoeBee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:11 pm

    Forgot I was on my mobile!

    A human garbage dump, with an agenda of hate, and degradation.

  18. Daniel Freeman
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:12 pm

    You’re basically describing gammas. Funny thing is, feminism is incapable of teaching men what women actually want, but the Game community that they despise is devoted to it.

  19. Daniel Freeman
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:26 pm

    One of my mental models for feminism is a shit test writ large — and you’re writing the guide for passing it.

  20. robertstacymccain
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:35 pm

    Here’s the thing: I am not a masochist. I don’t like domineering personalities, power junkies or control freaks, whether they are male or female.

    In a work environment, I understand that somebody has got to be The Boss and call the shots. I am perfectly amenable to legitimate authority. What I can’t stand is when somebody obtains delegated authority — that is to say, they hold a position in an organization or institution — and then exploits that authority in order to satisfy their own psychological needs. This was what Bill Clinton routinely did in politics, for example, and if you’ve ever been in an office environment where a power junkie is, say, an assistant manager, you know how they can completely demoralize everybody with their crazy control-freak games.

    Everybody with extensive work experience knows how this sucks, but you collect a paycheck and you deal with whatever you have to deal with on the job in order to pay your bills.

    However, if somebody brings that control-freak act into a situation where you aren’t compelled to put up with it, DON’T PUT UP WITH IT.

    This is the situation with feminists. They go to college and get so used to bossing everybody around on campus (where Title IX protects them from criticism) that by the time they graduate, they are incipient dictators who think they can tell other people what they are allowed to say.

    Fuck that noise. You don’t have to listen to it. Just walk away and let them ramble their bullshit to whatever fools are willing to listen, but life is too short to be lectured by people who hate you.

  21. Quartermaster
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:35 pm

    Both sexes.

  22. Daniel O'Brien
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:38 pm

    I was just contemplating today while mowing the lawn, here in FL where the heat and humidity make it feel like 115F, why you, McCain, always poke at these tried and true feminist. What do you hope to achieve by challenging them? You can’t possibly change their minds. But then it dawned on me (or perhaps I was just in desperate need of some water) that what you are doing is sharpening your sword against RadFem. What better way than to attack the Witch directly and gain valuable combat experience! Bravo, McCain, bravo!

  23. Quartermaster
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:40 pm

    There’s not a thing to apologize for there. It needs to be said. many, many times over.

  24. Jeanette Victoria
    August 19th, 2015 @ 7:41 pm

    Agreed. They are all professorial victims who cry “stalking! harassment!” if anyone notices just how vile their pubic screeds are.

  25. Durasim
    August 19th, 2015 @ 8:35 pm

    “It never hurts to ask. The worst they can tell you is no.”

    I don’t think this is true anymore, especially as romantic/sexual matters are concerned.

    Under the rapidly increasing feminist rules being enacted on college campuses, schools, workplaces, government institutions, etc., asking just once in itself can constitute “harassment” or “stalking” or “preliminary verbal rape” or some other punishable offense. It does not matter if the person asking accepts the refusal with complete equanimity and never approaches again. If the woman asked does not like the request or person asking, she can do a lot worse than saying “so.”

  26. Jason Lee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 8:51 pm

    “Whatever you do, guys, never be nice to a feminist. It will only make her hate you more”

    I’m increasingly convinced that if there were fewer “nice guys”, there would be fewer feminists.

  27. jakee308
    August 19th, 2015 @ 8:58 pm

    To be fair (to ourselves) there are men like she describes. I confess I myself was like that when younger.

    Then when I realized how dishonest I was being and changed much of how I related to women, I found that now that I was looking and acting with honesty, that the women I was interested in turned out to be being less than honest with me.

    A lot of women LIKE the nice guy approach. They USE guys like that to pay their bills, get an expensive dinner, get taken out expensive places, treated to drinks in bars, clothes and other “gifts”.

    If they work it right they can take up to a year to milk a guy and if they keep 2 or 3 on a string they can make out like bandits. And women are in the position to do this more than a guy is to receive this sort of stuff from a woman.

    When you wake up to the dishonesty of this sort of sexual pursuit, a lot of things happen. You’ll find you’re not as interested in paying for a date and then getting ignored for a week so you move on. They don’t like that. You also have a tendency to be more critical (if they deserve it) and they definitely do not like to be told about any of their deficiencies.

    They’ll start putting you down or whining about how mean you’re being or being a tight wad or some such.

    That’s why bars and clubs are not the places to search for decent women.

    Churches, your work place (carefully) and other places that you normally frequent to please your self are the places to search for companionship.

    Don’t be a cow to be milked.

  28. Jason Lee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 9:11 pm

    I’ve been binge watching shows from the 80s and 90s lately. That has revived childhood memories of the idiot notions that were pushed so hard during those decades. In particular, I remember the 80s as a time when the falsehoods of the “sensitive male feminist who’ll treat her as his equal” were so heavily promoted.

    Sometimes even in a single episode of a show you can see a sort of schizophrenia alternating between the “sensitive male” themes and other more honest themes that reflected the reality of normal heterosexual relationships.

    Now that I see how much influence homosexuals had as writers, directors and producers of these shows, I wonder if the schizophrenia was a product of ignorance. On the other hand I can see evidence of deliberate efforts to sabotage normal sexuality.

  29. JoeBee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 9:17 pm

    Yeah, I don’t see how they could honestly like, or respect the syncophantic men that correspond with them online, defend them, and attack us. They’re sickening, soft, and weak.

  30. Jason Lee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 9:21 pm

    Not all feelings are created equal. It’s the feelings that reflect weakness that make women turn cold. Thus, nice guy sentiments of vulnerability turn women off while other emotions, such as anger, do not.

  31. Jason Lee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 9:25 pm

    Thus, if there were fewer nice guys, there’d be fewer feminists. And everybody would be happier.

  32. RS
    August 19th, 2015 @ 9:29 pm

    There seems to be a consensus here about what a “nice guy” is, which, frankly, is diametrically opposed to what I consider it to be. It is being polite; it is being a decent human being; it is not taking advantage of someone; it is both professing and exemplifying those things which we call the “Cardinal Virtues.” None of those things are inconsistent with being a masculine male.

    Are there those who attempt to put on the facade of “male feminist” in hopes of attracting a certain type of woman? Sure. Are there “Elliot Rogers” in the world. Sure. But to equate the term “nice guy” only with those types of men is an insult to those men who simply are trying to live decent lives.

  33. Jason Lee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 9:38 pm

    A “nice guy” is weak. By definition. That’s simply how the term is used. A man who is strong and capable can be polite and decent and chivalrous, but that does not make him a “nice guy”.

  34. Prime Director
    August 19th, 2015 @ 9:39 pm

    “Nice guy” is an idiom, not a compound word

    It basically means doormat

  35. Jason Lee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 10:11 pm

    “Nice” originally meant “stupid” coming from a Latin word meaning ignorant. Then it gradually came to mean “timid”, “fussy” “dainty”, “delicate”, “precise”, “careful” and more recently “agreeable”. I don’t know if “nice” was ever fully free of the negative connotations, but the older connotations are certainly apt in the phrase “nice guy.”

  36. mole
    August 19th, 2015 @ 10:18 pm

    I think part of what you said there leads to an interesting idea.
    Feminism, as its taught, can only survive in places like universities because its protected from criticism. What its led to is the “impotence of the pure”, where the freedom from having their ideas tested has led to incredible cul-de-sacs of theory which are obviously barking insane, but unscrutinised.

    Her: I want to work
    Me: Fine knock yourself out
    Her: I cant earn 5 figures with my masters in feminist basket weaving/vaginal knitting (yes it is a thing) because of a male dominated society
    Me: Thats insane, there is no demand for what you studied.
    Her: RAPE!!! HATE SPEECH!!!

    a subtle difference.

  37. mole
    August 19th, 2015 @ 10:24 pm

    I have a friend whos a copper, a lot of their work involves attending domestics, usually the same couples over and over.
    Now the local womens shelter is run by rad-fems of a particularly man-hating stripe, Ive had to attend there to do some work and its made perfectly clear you are a CIS white male and therefore a rapist.
    Anyway my mate attended to get some details from the radfem running it for evidence in a court matter where an asshole had done damage to the place.
    He perched on the desk and the radfem said “Your position is making me uncomfortable” meaning because she had slumped her lardbeast frame in the chair he was not “over” her.

    He looked at her and said “oh, is it” and carried on getting the statement.
    Thats the way you treat radfems, contempt.

  38. David, internet troll
    August 19th, 2015 @ 10:26 pm

    You know, I grew up about that time, and even as a youngster, I could tell what utter bullshit that advice was. Or maybe it was the fact that if I were to be a “sensitive, caring guy” that I couldn’t have looked myself in the mirror without projectile vomiting into the toilet.

  39. f0rever_rachel
    August 19th, 2015 @ 10:46 pm

    You are an intelligent person, and it is a pleasure to read this blog. I don’t feel the same with regards to a fair amount of people who comment, but well, that’s not an essential issue 🙂

  40. f0rever_rachel
    August 19th, 2015 @ 10:46 pm

    plus: I have just seen that comments are automatically published (and not “moderated”) and this confirms my impression about you :).

  41. Joe Guelph
    August 19th, 2015 @ 11:04 pm

    She’s a professional dominatrix. Of course she’s going to sound like a nuclear-powered bee-yotch.

  42. JoeBee
    August 19th, 2015 @ 11:21 pm

    Oh, really? Wow! I was unaware of that! Thanks for your input!

    She’s not acting, and she’s got a flat ass. She did an interview with an online magazine a few weeks ago explaining what motivates her, and she’s a resentful piece of shit who thinks because she’s an ” oppressed woman” she’s entitled to your money.

    Do some research next time efore you reply with such banality.

  43. Wombat_socho
    August 19th, 2015 @ 11:31 pm

    You know, if this blogging thing doesn’t work out, have you considered taking up preaching? 😉

  44. Wombat_socho
    August 19th, 2015 @ 11:36 pm

    We only moderate comments when people forget they’re in Stacy’s virtual living room and start trying to poop on the carpet or whiz on the other guests. Then I make with the banhammer.

  45. Daniel Freeman
    August 19th, 2015 @ 11:48 pm

    It’s a dysgenic behavior that should solve itself over time, since they’re using incompetent techniques to try to get laid by women that hate babies. Social Darwinism in action.

  46. Daniel Freeman
    August 20th, 2015 @ 12:01 am
  47. Daniel Freeman
    August 20th, 2015 @ 12:32 am

    Comments are moderated after the fact for disruptiveness, but otherwise I would say that this is generally a disagreement-allowed zone. It’s a good idea to comport yourself as a guest, but we definitely do not just reflect the opinions of our kind host.

  48. DeadMessenger
    August 20th, 2015 @ 12:53 am

    This is bogus, and makes me mad. This beyotch makes all women look bad, and I resent that.

    From Twitter:

    I am so sorry the educational system failed you as badly as it did.

    For realzies? I’m 99th percentile Mensa. Miss Bailey, I’ll see your educational fail, and raise you 3 STEM degrees and an impressive six-figure salary.

    I win. You’re an idiot.
    I need some laundry done. Why don’t you pop by around 9:00 a.m., and take care of that. I’ve got $15 an hour for you. I want to carve out some time to make my husband some hot dish and an apple pie. Uh-kay, thanks.

  49. DeadMessenger
    August 20th, 2015 @ 12:55 am

    Yes, as Daniel says. Do not piss off the Wombat. He has an enormous….um….banhammer.

  50. DeadMessenger
    August 20th, 2015 @ 1:01 am

    If women were sages at relationship advice, they wouldn’t end up crying so much.

    That really hurts, Phil. After all the up twinkles I’ve given you. And I’ve typed my fingers to the bone in agreement with you. And this is the thanks I get? Really? I’ve wasted literally months of my life on you. Oh my gosh…I’m fanning my face now, to dry the tears. You are just so mean! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! After all I’ve put into this relationship, this is the thanks I get? I’m going home to my mother! [door slam]