The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Big Lie: ‘Rape Culture,’ the UVA Hoax and the Democrat-Media Complex

Posted on | October 17, 2016 | 2 Comments

The dishonest journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely and her dishonest source, Jackie Coakley, are both expected to testify in the UVA rape hoax trial that began today in Charlottesville, Virginia:

A defamation lawsuit filed by a former University of Virginia dean against Rolling Stone magazine for its botched article about an alleged gang rape at the Charlottesville school is set for trial starting Monday.
Nicole Eramo was the associate dean of students who counseled “Jackie,” an otherwise unidentified student whose tale of sexual brutality in a fraternity house set off a nationwide firestorm when the magazine published the article in November 2014. Eramo is suing the magazine for almost $8 million, saying A Rape on Campus cast her as the “chief villain.”
Lawyers for Eramo have included Jackie on their witness list. . . .
Charlottesville police investigated and found no evidence of rape. The magazine commissioned the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism to study the way the article was handled. That 13,000-word report?—?4,000 words longer than the article itself?—?found a systematic failure by the magazine, starting with relying too heavily on a single source: Jackie. The report also said the magazine, not Jackie, was to blame for the botched piece.
The magazine issued an apology in December 2014 for its failures in reporting and editing. The story was fully retracted four months later.

More from BuzzFeed, the New York Times and Hot Air.

Meanwhile, I’ve shared my own perspective on what the case means:

Erdely’s quasi-religious faith in Jackie Coakley’s gang-rape story shows how many journalists have become True Believers, dedicated progressive activists whose “reporting” is actually political propaganda. Liberal journalists seek to promote narratives that advance the movement’s agenda, and in the case of Erdely’s Rolling Stone story, the narrative was that teenage girls on university campuses are raped routinely raped by “privileged” male students, and that university administrators are complicit in this “campus rape epidemic.” . . .
Highlighting the “campus rape epidemic” clearly served the Democrats’ political interests. It is therefore no coincidence that Emily Renda was directly involved with the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault that Obama created by executive order on Jan. 22, 2014. Renda spoke at a February 2014 University of Virginia event entitled “Sexual Misconduct Among College Students. Another speaker at that UVA event was Catherine Lhamon, Assistant Secretary in the federal Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), who served as the Education Department’s designee to the White House task force. Renda attended six meetings at the White House, including one held on Feb. 21, 2014, was conducted by Lynn Rosenthal, then the White House Advisor on Violence Against Women. The connection between Renda, Lhamon and the Obama administration’s campus rape task force is directly relevant to the case of Eramo v. Rolling Stone, et al., because (a) both Renda and Lhamon were sources quoted in Sabrina Erdely’s false story, and (b) it was Renda’s testimony that first called Erdely’s attention to Jackie Coakley’s false claim of gang-rape at the Pi Kappa Phi house. . . .

Read the whole thing at The Patriarch Tree.



2 Responses to “The Big Lie: ‘Rape Culture,’ the UVA Hoax and the Democrat-Media Complex”

  1. All Linked Up – Inconceivable!
    October 22nd, 2016 @ 10:45 am

    […] Robert Stacey McCain: ( His book Feminists celebrate debauchery and disease. Virginia Rape Hoax still a hoax. (In case you […]

  2. News of the Week (October 23rd, 2016) | The Political Hat
    October 23rd, 2016 @ 3:43 pm

    […] The Big Lie: “Rape Culture,” the UVA Hoax and the Democrat-Media Complex The dishonest journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely and her dishonest source, Jackie Coakley, are both expected to testify in the UVA rape hoax trial that began today in Charlottesville, Virginia. […]

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