The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Has Everybody Gone Insane?

Don’t piss off the Jews by issuing a statement on the Holocaust that doesn’t mention Jews. I don’t think this needs any explanation, as it seems obvious to me that (a) when you’re a Republican and (b) the Left is comparing you to Hitler, then (c) you probably shouldn’t offend John Podhoretz. Also, when you’re […]

The Problem of ‘Racist Facts’

More than a decade ago, the first time some left-wing scumbag tagged me with the “white supremacist” label, I was both insulted and amused. The obvious question — which no liberal ever seems to ask — is this: “What does ‘white supremacist’ mean?” Historically, this term is associated with those who defended Jim Crow segregation […]

FMJRA 2.0: Late Night With Crazy Horse Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Inauguration Celebration Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL The #WomensMarch: Why Trump Won A View From The Beach EBL FMJRA 2.0: Somersault The Pirate’s Cove A View From The Beach EBL Victim Shot in Seattle Anti-Trump Riot Reportedly in Critical […]

Feminism Is a Hate Movement

  Two books that I have often recommended for understanding feminism are Domestic Tranquility: A Brief Against Feminism by Carolyn Graglia, and Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism by Daphne Patai. If you have not read these books, order them from Amazon immediately because the authors get to the real core of what […]

The Baylor Varsity Rape Team

Tre’Von Armstead (left) and Shamycheal Chatman (right). Shocking allegations: A Baylor University graduate who says she was raped by football players in 2013 sued the university Friday. Her lawsuit includes an allegation that 31 Baylor football players committed at least 52 acts of rape, including five gang rapes, between 2011 and 2014 — an estimate […]


Decimal points matter: Two British students were nearly killed after they were accidentally given caffeine equivalent to 300 cups of coffee during a science experiment. Northumbria University has been fined pounds 400,000 ($660,000) for the incident in March 2015 which caused Alex Rossetto and Luke Parkin to be rushed to hospital and put on dialysis. […]

In The Mailbox: 01.27.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM BattleSwarm: Ted Cruz/Deadspin Followup EBL: Why Twitter Is Failing – #FreeSargonOfAkkad Twitchy: People Are Noticing What ISN’T Happening At The March For Life Louder With Crowder: Anti-Cop Protesters Block Traffic, Get Taken Down By Police As Crowd Cheers RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES Adam Piggott: The Friday Links And […]

Steve Bannon, Andrew Breitbart and the ‘Humiliating Defeat’ of the Elite Media

  First, the quotes that are being quoted everywhere: “The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while,” Mr. Bannon said during a telephone call. “I want you to quote this,” Mr. Bannon added. “The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. […]

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