The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Further Evidence That Deranged SJWs Have Taken Over Women’s Magazines

Posted on | October 28, 2017 | 1 Comment


The headline at Ace of Spades HQ:

Childless Weirdoes at Cosmopolitan Who Advocate
Sex Without Procreation Insist, For Some Reason,
on Giving Social Justice Warrior Orders to Parents

Never take advice from feminists, unless your goal in life is to be a crazy cat lady living in a tiny apartment in Brooklyn, which is where the writers for women’s magazines live. Oh, sure, some of them have dogs instead of cats, but they’re all crammed into those tiny Brooklyn apartments, with their Gender Studies diplomas hanging on the wall right next to their “Smash Patriarchy” banner and their rainbow flag.

Feminists have spent the past half-century advocating abortion and homosexuality, while condemning marriage and motherhood, yet these enemies of the family now presume to tell parents how to raise children. Having taken over the women’s magazines, these left-wing fanatics now use them as platforms for lectures on “intersectional” themes, e.g., proclaiming that it’s racist “cultural appropriation” for any white child to wear a costume inspired by Moana. This social justice warrior (SJW) mentality, which is always on the hunt for “microaggressions” and “privilege,” is a guaranteed formula for insanity. The Left has taken over women’s magazines, and Iowahawk explains what that means.




One Response to “Further Evidence That Deranged SJWs Have Taken Over Women’s Magazines”

  1. Further Evidence That Deranged SJWs Have Taken Over Women’s Magazines | Welcome to my Playpen
    October 28th, 2017 @ 6:23 pm

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