The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous: The Strange Case of ‘Gwynevere River Song’

Posted on | March 30, 2018 | 1 Comment

Jackson Mosher, a/k/a ‘Gwynevere River Song.’

“This is what motivates me — to normalize our struggle. It is unnecessary for us to feel like outcasts, because we are not. Science dictates this, and no misconception held by a member of society, even society itself, can change that. We are natural. We have always existed, and we will continue to always exist. You are not alone. We are not alone.”
“Gwynevere River Song,” Aug. 26, 2015

Jackson Mosher was crazy. An only child, Jackson claimed to have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and had first seen a therapist after his parents divorced when he was 7. By his own admission, he had “sociopathic tendencies” and, by age 16, he “began threatening suicide,” culminating in “an incident [that] caused the police to be called to my place of residence, and they gave me an ultimatum. I had to see a therapist or be transported to a hospital for the mentally ill.” It would be beyond the scope of my skills or interest to analyze in detail the etiology and nature of Jackson Mosher’s psychiatric problems. You can read a 4,000-word blog post he published in March 2017, “The ‘Fag’ Next Door,” and draw your own conclusions.

Despite his mental illness, Mosher graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in radiation physics in 2015, but was apparently unable to find professional employment. It was while at Austin that Mosher began pursuing his transgender fantasies in real life, starting on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in May 2015, calling himself “Gwynevere River Song” and identifying as a bisexual “femandrogyne.” In February 2016, “Gwynevere” began producing YouTube videos. “Hello, my little witchlings,” was the greeting with which Mosher/”Gwynevere” opened his/“her” first video, asserting that transgenderism is biological in origin. In one of the creepier YouTube offerings by Mosher/”Gwynevere,” he/“she” discussed his/“her” experience of orgasms before and after HRT.

That video was uploaded to YouTube less than two weeks before the 2016 election, which seems to have traumatized Mosher/”Gwynevere.”


After Trump was elected. Mosher/”Gwynevere” stopped uploading videos, which had never garnered many views. The last post at his/“her” blog, published Aug. 7, 2017, was titled “Stranger Things Have Happened” and began with a rationalization of his/“her” atheism:

I have never worked harder at anything in my life than trying to reconcile [the Bible with] physics and mathematics . . . During that time spent developing a deeper understanding of the universe and how it works, I began to realize that the laws and their mathematical models were all that the cosmos required to create life. No creator was necessary. . . . I lost my religion; this gave way to a greater appreciation for the intricacies of Nature, and I began to reject the notion altogether that there could be a Creator or the Abrahamic “God.”

That post turned into a disjointed 7,900-word ramble about Mosher/”Gwynevere’s” experiences of hallucinations and psychiatric hospitalization, concluding with this weirdly opaque passage:

Every detail is lost in the cascade of coincidences which have befallen me lately. If I could describe it all, every facet of it, completely perfectly I would sound even more suspicious than I do now.
My tarot card is the Six of Cups.
My stone is Labradorite.
I did not choose these things, they chose me.
I have no mouth, but I must scream.
I have no mouth, but I must scream.
I have no mouth, but I must scream.

Tarot? How does one go from physics and mathematics to tarot cards? And why was he/“she” concerned about sounding “suspicious”?

Never Bring a Knife to a Gunfight

The possibility that Mosher/”Gwynevere” could be dangerous was apparent to radical feminist Cathy Brennan, who had been threatened by Mosher/”Gwynevere” in a February 2017 Facebook exchange. Like many other transgender activists, Mosher/”Gwynevere” hated “TERFs” (trans-exclusive radical feminists), but it turned out that Mosher/”Gwynevere” hated someone else even more — his/“her” father, Robert Mosher.

On a Saturday afternoon — Aug. 12, 2017, five days after his/“her” last blog post — Mosher/”Gwynevere” showed up at the home of his/“her” father on Waterford Crossing in Waxahachie, Texas. Mosher/”Gwynevere” was armed with a knife, and an altercation ensued in which “Gwynevere” stabbed his/“her” father multiple times. This was a fatal error. Never bring a knife to a gunfight, as they say in Texas.

“Gwynevere River Song” was shot dead by his/“her” father, who was hospitalized for his injuries. Several media outlets counted the death of “Gwynevere River Song” as an anti-transgender hate crime, and called it “murder,” but in fact it was self-defense — a justifiable homicide — and no charges were filed against Robert Mosher.

It must be noted that “Gwynevere River Song” claimed on his/“her” blog to have been a victim of childhood abuse by his/“her” father. However, given his/“her” admission of “sociopathic tendencies” and the generally deranged content of “Gwynevere’s” online output — “Hello, my little witchlings!” — this is dubious testimony.


As I say, readers may draw their own conclusions, but there is no use speculating about why “Gwynevere River Song” was crazy. Rather, it is the fact of his/“her” craziness which deserves our attention. Over and over, I’ve repeated here that crazy people are dangerous, and it is dangerous to ignore the kind of warning signs that were apparent in the behavior of “Gwynevere River Song.” In June 2015, Tyrelle Shaw committed suicide after being identified as the suspect in a series of attacks on women in Manhattan, prompting me to remark:

How many times do I have to explain this? You let enough kooks run around loose — as has been the policy in this country since we de-institutionalized the mentally ill in the 1970s — and people adjust their expectations. People become accustomed to encountering weirdos, freaks and lunatics, jabbering madness to themselves on street corners or posting deranged nonsense on Tumblr blogs. You’re not even supposed to notice there is anything strange about these wild-eyed nutjobs roaming around with facial piercings, tattoos and purple hair. . . .
Well, you can’t call them “crazy” anymore, because then you’re stigmatizing the mentally ill, and stigma is bad.

The fear of stigmatizing people like “Gwynevere River Song” — it’s transphobia to call them “crazy” — prevents us from noticing that transgenderism is often associated with a constellation of other mental illnesses, and you can’t cure crazy with hormone therapy.

As I wrote Wednesday, “We do a disservice to the mentally ill when we act as if their delusions deserve to be taken seriously, except as symptoms of their psychiatric pathology.” Requiring sane people to cooperate with the delusional fantasies of a mentally ill “femandrogyne,” and punishing non-cooperation as “hate,” is not social justice, it’s madness.

Our society is descending into insanity because a misguided concern for the “rights” of crazy people has replaced common-sense concern for the safety of sane and law-abiding citizens. Consider the price paid in blood for the failure to incarcerate the Parkland shooter, a mentally ill teenager with a lengthy history of dangerous behavior. However, the same liberals who condemn anyone who stigmatizes mental illness are quick to offer a “solution” to this problem: Disarm the sane people!

The ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ Factor

In a free society, individuals have the liberty to live as they wish, and if someone has a fantasy of living as a “femandrogyne,” they are free to pursue that fantasy. Yet their liberty to live as they wish cannot exempt them from criticism. Such an exemption would infringe the free speech rights of anyone who might tell them, “Hey, maybe this ‘femandrogyne’ thing isn’t a good idea, especially in Waxahachie, Texas.”

There is a “monkey see, monkey do” factor at work in the transgender cult. Critics speak of “social contagion” and rapid onset gender dysphoria, as emotionally vulnerable young people turn to online social media in search of answers to their problems. For confused and unhappy teenagers with seemingly intractable problems, the fantasy of escaping by changing their identity may appear to be an ideal solution, and the proliferation of online transgender activists, producing YouTube videos celebrating their “transition,” provides such vulnerable youth with models for their own transgender “journey.”

Never is heard a discouraging word within the echo chambers of the transgender cult. All problems that may be experienced in the “journey” are blamed on the prejudices of “haters” in an oppressive society. Within the cult echo chamber, it is never permissible to suggest that perhaps “society” is not the problem, or to focus instead on the psychological maladjustment of the individual pursuing the transgender fantasy. Parents who have seen their adolescent children captured by the transgender cult tell alarming tales of seemingly happy and well-adjusted young people who suddenly become obsessed with changing their identity, demand access to “treatment” and expect to be addressed with pronouns of the opposite sex. This obsession can develop quite swiftly, sometimes in just a few weeks, as teenagers binge-watch “transition” videos and communicate with activists in online social media.

Synthetic hormones and sex-change surgery, however, can never cure the underlying psychiatric problems of people like “Gwynevere River Song.” When someone tells us that they have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, and describes their “sociopathic tendencies,” should we believe their claims to have been “born in the wrong body”?

Zachary Antolak, a/k/a ‘Zinnia Jones,’ a/k/a ‘Satana Kennedy.’

Should we grant the authority of expertise to such people as Zachary Antolak (a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy”), listening in respectful silence while they lecture us about the evils of transphobia?

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”
Romans 1:22 (KJV)

In his/“her” final blog post, “Gwynevere River Song” claimed to have read completely through the Bible four times in a futile attempt to reconcile Christian belief with science. A careful reading of the first chapter of Romans, however, ought to be sufficient warning against the “ungodliness and unrighteousness” that leads to “a reprobate mind.”

Only if we keep in mind that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 9:10), and heed the warning against “science falsely so called” (Timothy 6:20), may we hope to escape the “wrath of God” (Romans 1:18) prophesied against those who deny God and become “vain in their imaginations” (Romans 1:21). Some biblical scholars say that the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Roman church was meant to condemn the pagan depravity prevalent in the court of the Emperor Nero, and that it was this view that resulted in Paul’s execution. Whether or not we accept that interpretation, we may study the wickedness of Nero, examine Paul’s explanation for such vile decadence, and consider the possibility that Paul was exactly right about why Nero became so infamously evil.

In August 2015, “Gwynevere River Song” created the blog Rainbow Veinz to “to shake up society and remove prejudice wherever it may be”:

By sharing content and informed opinions, we hope to increase the resilience of the LGBTQIA+ community so that we may all stand as one and bring about a new era of understanding, love, and support to every sentient being on this planet. Above all else, show everyone that intolerance will no longer be allowed. Misconceptions, disinformation, and hatred does not need to be given a voice or a place in this world, and it must be silenced by any means necessary.

Anyone who disagreed with “Gwynevere River Song” was accused of “prejudice . . . intolerance . . . hated,” which “will no longer be allowed” and “must be silenced by any means necessary.” Less than two years after he/“she” posted that radical declaration, “Gwynevere” was dead, shot to death by his/“her” own father in Waxahachie, Texas.

Having declared his/“her” desire “to normalize our struggle,” claiming that “science” justifies transgenderism against society’s “misconceptions,” was perhaps not so much a political statement by “Gwynevere River Song,” but rather a symptom of his/“her” disease.

A Matter of Public Policy

As I have said, it is not my intention to analyze the etiology and nature of Jackson Mosher’s psychiatric problems, but rather to allow readers to examine the evidence and reach their own conclusions.

What I hope is to encourage readers to resist the bullying tactics of deranged radicals who seek to silence us “by any means necessary.” And if you’re a citizen of Texas, permit me to call to your attention the claim by “Gwynevere River Song” that it was a counselor at the University of Texas who advised him to become “her”:

That August [2014], I met with a counselor at my university, the sweetest one that I have met so far, and began discussing things with them. They told me some new things — previous counselors had misdiagnosed me, PTSD better characterized the majority of how I felt — and some old things — that I did have gender dysphoria and I did need to seek treatment. They offered to help me call somewhere, but the prospect of having to pay without insurance frightened me, and I told them I would handle it on my own. This was a poor choice on my part, because my dysphoria often manifests as social anxiety. So, calling around to places is often delayed — sometimes indefinitely. After the five sessions were up with that counselor, I was on my own. The pressure of finding help mounted, and was only temporarily assuaged when I found several individuals willing to help on my insurance plan, but quickly came back when I felt as though I might be blocked from getting the exact treatment I felt I needed. My insurance was not my own, and family issues began to deflate my options.

“Treatment” is not free, and the process of “gender transition” has the effect of making someone a permanent patient, forever in need of prescriptions for synthetic hormones, to say nothing of the possibility of various side-effects of such “treatment.” When a university counselor advises a mentally ill student to pursue transgender “treatment,” this can set in motion a chain of events leading to disaster. Even if the transgender patient is deemed a “success,” however, there is still the matter of how to pay for their “treatment,” and the demand that the cost to be borne by others (e.g., through higher insurance premiums) makes this a matter of public policy. Your right to become a “femandrogyne” does not impose an obligation on taxpayers to foot the bill.

Pandora’s box has been opened, and chaos has been unleashed, so that a university counselor in Texas (“the sweetest one that I have met so far”) is permitted to tell the mentally ill Jackson Mosher that all his previous therapists have “misdiagnosed” his psychiatric problems. Three years later, Jackson Mosher was “Gwynevere River Song,” and slashing at his/“her” father with a knife before being shot to death.

These lunatics now presume to lecture us about our “prejudice,” and seek to silence us “by any means necessary.” Perhaps I don’t have the proper training and credentials to diagnose and analyze such cases, but it takes only common sense to know that crazy people are dangerous.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.

(Hat-tip: @KaeleyT on Twitter.)




One Response to “Crazy People Are Dangerous: The Strange Case of ‘Gwynevere River Song’”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: And Now A Few Words From The Evolution Control Committee : The Other McCain
    April 1st, 2018 @ 1:15 am

    […] Crazy People Are Dangerous: The Strange Case of ‘Gwynevere River Song’ EBL […]
