The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Binary Intersectional Tyrannical Cis-Hetero Slave Lord Anti-woke Patriarchy (BITCHSLAP) Mourns @TitaniaMcGrath

Posted on | March 7, 2019 | Comments Off on The Binary Intersectional Tyrannical Cis-Hetero Slave Lord Anti-woke Patriarchy (BITCHSLAP) Mourns @TitaniaMcGrath

by Smitty

Many far wiser than I have long since abandoned the Twitter necropolis. But there are still some accounts that really bring the fun, including Poe’s Law All-Star Titania McGrath:

Thus it was with sadness the news was greeted today that Titania McGrath is merely a hypothetical psychotic battle-axe:

I guess this is conjunction with the release of this tome, which you should buy via Stacy’s Amazon link so that he scores a few schillings.

I’m working through the new Hanson release, which I’ll start posting about tomorrow. In the meantime, disseminate the BITCHSLAP far and wide. And remember: it’s not swearing if it’s an acronym.


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