The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Happy Talk On Congressional Reform From The Federalist

Posted on | March 8, 2019 | Comments Off on Happy Talk On Congressional Reform From The Federalist

by Smitty

Via The Federalist:

4. We should ratify a balanced budget amendment establishing a firm cap on spending. It couldn’t simply be lifted like a debt ceiling with a majority in Congress. This would give constitutional preeminence to balanced budgeting and at a minimum prevent new deficits.
5. There should also be a constitutional amendment requiring Congress to pass a legitimate budget every year. It is already the law,

The thing with a balanced budget amendment is that there will always be a loophole, and everything will be driven through that loophole. The article confesses that there is a law to pass a legitimate budget annually.
The things that has a chance of affecting Congressional malfeasance are voters, and a Convention of States.


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