The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sociology Professor Who Quoted ‘Red Pill’ Sites Forced Out of Canadian University

Posted on | June 5, 2019 | 2 Comments


In 2011, University of New Brunswick sociology professor Ricardo Duchesne published The Uniqueness of Western Civilization, a critique of multiculturalism. In 2017, Professor Duchesne published Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age:

At this pivotal moment in recent Western history, Richard Duchesne tackles what may be the most crucial question for people of European descent: ‘What makes us unique?’
Casting aside the dominant cultural Marxist narratives and dismissing the popular media attacks on concepts of ‘whiteness’, Duchesne draws on a range of historical examples, sources and philosophies to examine the origins of European man, his achievements, and the nature of the Faustian spirit that has driven his innovation and creativity.

Last month, Huffington Post published an article detailing how Professor Duchesne was “peddling white supremacist views while the university’s leadership is unable or unwilling to intervene.” As a result, Professor Duchesne has now been forced into retirement:

A University of New Brunswick professor accused of being a white supremacist and denounced by more than 100 colleagues for his views on immigration is taking early retirement, the university announced on Tuesday.
Prof. Ricardo Duchesne provided his notice “to focus on his own pursuits as an independent scholar,” vice-president Petra Hauf said in a statement.
“We respectfully accept his decision and thank him for his 24 years of service.” . . .
Duchesne, who teaches sociology at the Saint John campus, has appeared on far-right podcasts and YouTube channels. He has also written about what he calls the “relentless occupation of the West by hordes of Muslims and Africans,” and asserts that “only out of the coming chaos and violence will strong White men rise to resurrect the West.”
He says he’s looking forward to retiring at the end of the month and pursuing independent studies.
He plans to write about “why European civilization was far more creative than all the other civilizations combined” and “why all European-created nations are being forced to diversify themselves through mass immigration,” he said in an emailed statement.
He will also address “why the mainstream media never allows any critical thinking about the mandated ideology of diversity,” he said.

Googling some of the phrases attributed to Professor Duchesne, I found a March 2017 article, “There Is Nothing the Alt Right Can Do about the Effeminacy of White Men,” a historically informed analysis of cultural decadence. Professor Duchesne cites such sources as Plutarch, Polybius, Sallust and Livy on the similar trend of decadence in ancient Rome. Interestingly, Professor Duchesne also cites “red pill” sites Chateau Heartiste and Return of Kings. He does this to refute their claim that feminism is to blame for the decline of the West, concluding instead that this decline is a consequence of historical forces:

The expectation recently articulated in a Counter-Currents article that reading about Rome’s glories can teach current White men to regain their valor and heroism is pure wishful thinking. White men today will never build up their “resolve as great as that of the Romans” by reading about the Romans. The Romans built their character, before and during the time of Cato the Elder, by living at a point in the historical cycle when anarchy and savagery demanded hardness, by working extremely hard as farmers, by living in a very patriarchal culture that had harsh laws and expectations, and by undergoing intense military training and warfare. The Rome of Cato was a civilization at its peak; the West today is senile and childless, its families in decline, preoccupied with appearances, and overall too lazy and comfortable.
Decline is irreversible. The relentless occupation of the West by hordes of Muslims and Africans is an expression of White male decadence and effeminacy. Only out of the coming chaos and violence will strong White men rise to resurrect the West.

Well, these startling assertions would make an interesting topic of debate, if only Professor Duchesne’s critics were willing to debate him, but instead they have sought to silence him, to terminate his employment and ostracize him as persona non grata. How odd is it that disciples of Marx and Lenin — advocates of revolutionary socialism — are tolerated in academia, but a professor who makes reference to Plutarch and Livy is condemned as a Thought Criminal? The point is not whether one agrees with Professor Duchesne’s racial beliefs or his bleak assessment of future prospects, but instead whether these beliefs can be the subject of open discussion and debate. There is a totalitarian tendency in academia that now seeks to silence certain perspectives by labeling them “hate speech,” and it’s never the Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries who are silenced.

(Hat-tip: Jeanette Runyon on Twitter.)



2 Responses to “Sociology Professor Who Quoted ‘Red Pill’ Sites Forced Out of Canadian University”

  1. Un professeur canadien congédié pour avoir défendu le " caractère unique " de la civilisation blanche européenne |
    June 6th, 2019 @ 10:36 am

    […] de la civilisation occidentale), une critique du multiculturalisme, et huit ans plus tard, il a finalement été congédié pour ses opinions  » suprémacistes blanches  » […]

  2. News of the Week (June 9th, 2019) | The Political Hat
    June 9th, 2019 @ 5:24 pm

    […] Sociology Professor Who Quoted ‘Red Pill’ Sites Forced Out of Canadian University In 2011, University of New Brunswick sociology professor Ricardo Duchesne published The Uniqueness of Western Civilization, a critique of multiculturalism. In 2017, Professor Duchesne published Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age […]
