The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Kathryn Narcisi (a/k/a ‘KC Hill’) Wins Injunction in Bogus Defamation Case

Posted on | July 5, 2019 | Comments Off on Kathryn Narcisi (a/k/a ‘KC Hill’) Wins Injunction in Bogus Defamation Case

Kathryn Cahill Narcisi is allegedly a singer, who seems to have spent years trying to Be Somebody on the Internet, with such a lack of success that the blogger Turtleboy has dubbed her “Failure Swift.” She evidently has a pattern of marrying and divorcing men, and also of claiming to be sick to get attention and money. Her current husband, jazz saxophonist Medoro “Metro” Narcisi III, was a high school music teacher until February 2018, when he was apparently forced to resign not long after Kathryn filed a domestic violence complaint against him. A couple of months later, a GoFundMe page claimed that Kathryn was suffering from lupus and scleroderma and that doctors had found tumors in her breasts and liver. She posted a video accusing doctors at a local hospital of mistreating her after she claimed to have had a stroke, and this was the video that drew Turtleboy’s attention to her. Well, she didn’t like what Turtleboy wrote about her — shabby grifters don’t like being called shabby grifters — and so she sued him (a total shabby grifter move).

The Rhode Island ACLU came to Turtleboy’s defense:

Aidan Kearney, whose business is based in Worcester, Massachusetts, runs a website and blog on In February, he re-posted a video and numerous Facebook comments originally posted to the web by Hopkinton resident Kathryn Narcisi. He did so after Narcisi’s Facebook postings requested media coverage of an incident at Kent County Hospital, where she claimed the hospital refused to treat her for autoimmune disease. . . .
Last month, Narcisi filed a libel lawsuit claiming the blog post “defamed and discredited” her, and that it led to her receiving unwanted messages “from followers of the defendant’s website.” At a court hearing held before Kearney was ever notified, RI Superior Court Judge Susan McGuirl issued a temporary restraining order requiring the removal of any and all references to Narcisi from Kearney’s website and all other “associated” sites. . . .
ACLU executive director Steven Brown added: “The court’s order requiring the removal of items from a website is a classic prior restraint that the First Amendment simply does not countenance. In order to avoid a chilling effect on Internet speech, we are hopeful that this suit will be dismissed promptly.”

Click here to read Kathryn Narcisi’s bogus defamation claim. Whether or not she is suffering from any physical illness, she seems to exhibit symptoms of a sociopathic personality disorder. As the ACLU points out, she “requested media coverage” of her claim that the hospital mistreated her, and she has sought publicity in various other ways, which means that she is arguably a public figure, which has legal consequences. People who seek publicity can’t claim “harassment” just because some of the publicity they get is negative. Like, if Madonna goes on tour, she can’t file “harassment” complaints against critics who call her a flabby old skank. Shabby grifters like Kathryn Narcisi never seem to understand that when they seek publicity — through a GoFundMe account or a YouTube video — they thereby forfeit the expectation of privacy. Particularly in this case, where Kathryn Narcisi claimed that she had suffered medical mistreatment and sought media coverage for her story, it is absurd to argue that Turtleboy was engaged in harassment or defamation simply because he mocked her and expressed doubt about her claims.

My podcasting partner (and former co-defendant) John Hoge called my attention to this story, which resembles in many ways the legal entanglements we had with Brett Kimberlin years ago. For a court to have granted an injunction in this case is just wrong, and suggests that Rhode Island judges don’t know crap about the First Amendment.



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