The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Duchess of Sussex Is a Nasty Whore, and Prince Harry Is a Hopeless Fool

Posted on | January 15, 2020 | 2 Comments


Meghan Markle is doing to the British royal family what Yoko Ono did to the Beatles. Prince Harry married a trashy celebrity, who is now starring in her own reality show, Real Housewives of Buckingham Palace or maybe Keeping Up With the Windsors. Harry is being humiliated by his wife who seems determined to make a mockery of the title, Duchess of Sussex, she obtained by marriage. What stupendous ignorance must exist in the mind of this minor American actress, best known for her role as Rachel Zane in seven seasons of the cable-network drama Suits, not to understand that her new role came with certain obligations, chief among them maintaining the dignity of the House of Windsor? Grant that their royal reputation has been tarnished by the Prince of Wales, who divorced Harry’s mother and finally married his mistress, to say nothing of the stain acquired by Uncle Andrew’s association with Jeffrey Epstein (who did not kill himself). Despite such scandals, the royal family has remained generally popular, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has never herself done anything that would detract from that popularity.

Now, however, the 93-year-old Queen might be smeared by the Duchess whom Rod Dreher calls “A Yankee Yoko In Queen Elizabeth’s Court”:

According to the Daily Mail, Meghan fled to Canada, leaving her husband to deal with his family. The Queen asked them not to go public with this stuff yet, but Harry and Meghan defied her. The appalling pair plans to live in Los Angeles eventually, but only after Donald Trump is no longer president (second term!). And — this is the kicker — if they don’t get what they want, including the right to capitalize on their royal status, even though they are bailing on their royal duties, they’re threatening blackmail:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could give a tell-all interview to their friend Oprah Winfrey if they do not get their way in showdown talks with the royal family at Sandringham, palace aides fear.
Meghan’s US PR team is thought to already be in contact with Oprah, as well as several American TV networks for a potential no-holds barred interview.
Tom Bradby, the ITV journalist who spoke to the Sussexes in their bombshell documentary last year, has already warned that a ‘no-holds barred’ interview could be in the offing.
As well as Oprah, Meghan’s team is believed to have contacted the television networks ABC, NBC and CBS.  Meghan’s mother Doria has also been seen leaving Oprah’s home.
Now, a royal source said: ‘Harry and Meghan’s people have been reaching out to all the big US networks to explore the possibilities of a sit-down warts-and-all interview.
‘Meghan feels she’s been silenced and is no longer prepared to be muted. She and Harry feel the royals have been racist and sexist.’

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) Imagine going on TV to denounce your own grandmother as a racist. Now imagine being married to the kind of woman who thinks this threat of a “warts-and-all” interview with Oprah is a clever move. This is all on Harry, you see. As I always say when some man grumbles that his ex-wife is an evil crazy bitch, well, what does that say about you? A man who marries an evil crazy bitch is self-evidently lacking in good judgment. So it is not accurate to say the Duchess of Sussex is making a fool of Harry — he was already a fool.

As to the accusation of royal racism, Professor Reynolds is correct: “If you start with the assumption that charges of racism are usually self-serving twaddle, you’ll usually be right.” Beyond that, however, the very idea of royalty is inherently racist, since it assumes that some people are born with a hereditary superiority. It has always amused me how so many American liberals — especially women — who would never be caught in the same room with a right-winger (because we are all so “racist”), nevertheless often display a starstruck admiration for the British royals. Remember all the emotional gush over Princess Diana’s death? Or what about the media’s fascination with Kate Middleton? Do the American women who fawn over the Windsors not see the contradiction between their hatred of “racism” and their love of British nobility?

Of course, liberals are always contradicting themselves this way. Liberalism is really an expression of ambition, a desire for the kind of elite social status which in a democratic polity can only be obtained by advocating egalitarianism. The American liberal aspires to live like a Kennedy, with guaranteed admission to Harvard as an inherited birthright, but they expect us plebs not to notice the double standard — one rule for them, another rule for the rest of us. The blessings of Equality that liberals promise never seem to materialize, while the liberal elite send their kids to private schools that your kids could never get into (even if you could afford the tuition, which you can’t).

By the way, did you know that Meghan Markle’s parents are divorced, her grandparents were divorced, and both her half-siblings (from her father’s first marriage) are divorced? Meghan herself has already divorced one husband, and if Harry thinks he’s not headed for divorce, he should think again. He is making a public spectacle of himself, and bringing disgrace upon his family, for the sake of a woman who is just using him temporarily — a plaything with which she’ll soon grow tired.

Harry should have read The Rational Male.



2 Responses to “The Duchess of Sussex Is a Nasty Whore, and Prince Harry Is a Hopeless Fool”

  1. Friday Links | 357 Magnum
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