The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

You Heard It Here First, Folks

Posted on | January 18, 2020 | Comments Off on You Heard It Here First, Folks


Online dating is for losers and, also, psycho killers:

FBI agents are issuing a warning about dating apps following the murder of a man who was found naked, mutilated and hanging from his ankles in a secret room of a Michigan basement after meeting someone on Grindr.
Kevin Bacon, 25, of Swartz Creek, was mutilated and killed by a man he met on the popular dating app, according to police.
Following Bacon’s murder, FBI agents have an urgent warning about who people are connecting with online. . . .
Michael Glennon, a special agent with the FBI in Detroit, issued a warning about who people talk to online.
“Meet in public,” Glennon said. “I think that’s an important key. Second to that, let somebody know where you’re going and who you’re with, and give them that person’s contact information.” . . .
FBI officials said about one in 10 profiles on dating sites are fake.

This murder in Michigan was particularly gruesome:

The victim Kevin Bacon (left) and accused cannibal Mark Latunski (right).

Months before the killing, police say, the man’s Grindr dates had fled his basement bondage sessions in partially clothed terror.
One hopped a fence in the middle of an October night to call 911, telling officers of leather ankle straps and a chain used to restrain him. In November, a man ran from Mark Latunski’s house wearing only a leather kilt — chased by Latunski, who told authorities that he just wanted his $300 piece of clothing back.
Both men declined to press charges against Latunski, police said. They said that their sexual activities with him were consensual and that they had simply gotten spooked at the home in a small Michigan township.
Then, late last month, police say they descended into 50-year-old Latunski’s basement about 30 miles from Lansing to discover another match from the same dating app — dead, naked and strung up by the ankles in a hidden room.
The crimes to which Latunski confessed on the spot were gruesome, police say. The defendant explained how he had stabbed 25-year-old Kevin Bacon in the back, suspended him from the ceiling rafters with rope and then slit his throat. In a final act of gore, police say, Latunski cut off Bacon’s testicles and cooked them for consumption.
Latunski has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and disinterment and mutilation of a body. His attorney, who has not responded to inquiries from The Washington Post, is seeking an insanity defense and has described a litany of past mental health issues, according to court records.
Authorities are combing through the defendant’s history on Grindr and urging people to use caution with dating apps known for linking strangers in casual hookups. But David Kaiser, a first lieutenant with the Michigan State Police, says there is little they could have done to apprehend Latunski after his other hookups’ frightened exits. Police are worried that others involved in bondage activities at the house may be reluctant to come forward.
“He obviously got into something he wasn’t prepared for,” his father, Karl Bacon, told a local news station after court documents revealed the grisly particulars of his son’s death. “We all make mistakes. It’s gut-wrenching to hear the details, and we’re just beside ourselves.”
He told WILX that the revelations showed a “dark side” that Kevin Bacon’s loved ones did not know. Family members have described a top student and a talented hairstylist with a hummingbird tattoo in honor of his grandmother.
“He loved and cherished everyone he touched,” Karl Bacon added.

“We all make mistakes”? True, technically, but few of us make the kind of mistakes that result in our being hoisted from the ceiling rafters in the basement rape dungeon of a psychotic homosexual cannibal.

But you see, we can’t criticize the dead man’s decision-making process, because that would be “blaming the victim.” Like when a freshman girl gets drunk at a college party and goes back to the dorm room of a varsity linebacker. The next morning, she’s going to be sore and sticky and have only the vaguest memories of what happened — did his roommates take turns with her? — but it’s going to be difficult to convict anybody of rape in such a “he-said, she-said” situation. So they’re going to handle the case as a campus disciplinary procedure and expel the football player and you are a bad person if you suggest maybe this girl should have known better than to guzzle vodka and hook up with 275 pounds of NCAA prime beef.

“We all make mistakes,” says the father of the gay hairdresser who was hooking up with total strangers on a gay dating app and — “Oops!” — ended up dead, with no testicles. Just a random coincidence, a mishap, an unfortunate faux pas that could have happened to anybody.

The dead man was such a sweetheart — “He loved and cherished everyone he touched” — as if being nice and courteous means that you can’t also be depraved and decadent. It reminds me of Mackenzie Lueck, the small-town Mormon girl from Utah, much beloved by her sorority sisters at the university, but who nonetheless went for a 3 a.m. rendezvous with a Nigerian guy she only knew from the Internet. Her body was burned and dumped in the desert, and nobody wants to talk about the evidence that she was hustling extra cash as a “sugar baby.”


How many times do I have to repeat myself? Now that the FBI is endorsing my advice, maybe people will start paying attention.



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