The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bonfire of the Wokeness: Feminist Editor ‘Steps Down’ Amid Racism Accusations

Posted on | June 9, 2020 | 2 Comments


Ed Driscoll actually has a stack of headlines about this:

Bon Appetit Editor Resigns
After ‘Brownface’ Photos Surface

Daily Wire

Refinery29 Editor Resigns After Former
Employees Describe ‘Toxic Culture’

New York Times

Cancel culture was propped up by the media.
Now, they’re suffering the consequences

Washington Examiner

The situation at Refinery29 has many layers of rich, sweet irony. The site was started in 2005, and hoovered up more than $100 million in investment capital before being sold to Vice Media last year for a reported $400 million. Refinery29 was originally a fashion/lifestyle sort of site, but in 2015 decided to dive into politics and news — of course from an ultra-“woke” left-wing intersectional feminist angle.

The person presiding over this was editor-in-chief Christene Barberich, who decided that hiring a lot of “women of color” (WOCs) would convey sufficient wokeness, but amid the #BlackLivesMatter furor, a former black staffer at Refinery29 decided to “spill the tea,” as the kids say, about her experiences working at the publication. Using the hashtag #BlackAtR29, several other ex-staffers joined in, and within a couple of days, Barberich announced she would “step down” as editor. In other words, she got fired from a company that she started — yes, Barberich was a cofounder of Refinery29, and had put 15 years of her life into the site, from start-up to corporate acquisition, but none of that matters, because racism! Oh, how beautiful! Barberich was all about the “sisterhood,” supporting the Women’s March and every trendy progressive cause that came along, but it wasn’t enough, because it’s never enough. Hire as many WOCs as you want, and you’re still just another cracker honky when push comes to shove.




2 Responses to “Bonfire of the Wokeness: Feminist Editor ‘Steps Down’ Amid Racism Accusations”

  1. Thursday Theology. – Dark Brightness
    June 10th, 2020 @ 4:55 pm

    […] I did not expect that the issue of idols and blaspehmy against kions would be current. But it is. The current ikon is black lives matter: to offend against this is a career ending move. Even if you founded the organization, or it has a track record of wokeness, bowing to the idols of this age. […]

  2. LinkSwarm For June 12, 2020 « Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog
    June 12th, 2020 @ 9:57 am

    […] Bonfire of Wokeness claims the founder and editor of feminist Refinery29. Remember, you can never, ever be woke […]
