The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Trump Is Right: No, It’s Not Crazy to Suspect Biden Is Being Medicated

Posted on | September 12, 2020 | 1 Comment


Allahpundit mocks this as a sort of new “birtherism,” but what President Trump is saying here is entirely realistic:

President Trump has once again implied that former Vice President Joe Biden used drugs to sharpen his performance during the Democratic primary debates.
“I think there’s probably — possibly — drugs involved,” Trump told Fox News host Jeanine Pirro in an interview airing Saturday night. “That’s what I hear. I mean, there’s possibly drugs. I don’t know how you can go from being so bad where you can’t even get out a sentence …” he trailed off.
The president offered no evidence to support his claims nor did he say what drug he thought Biden was taking, but stated that his theory was based on his own observations.
“I mean, you saw some of those debates with the large number of people on the stage,” Trump added. “He was — I mean, I used to say, ‘How is it possible that he can even go forward?'”
Trump went on to claim Biden only won the Democratic nomination “because Elizabeth Warren didn’t drop out. Had she dropped out, Bernie would have won Super Tuesday, every state and you would have had Bernie instead of Biden.”
Trump first made the allegation during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s Byron York last month, where he called for a mandatory drug testing of both nominees before the first presidential debate Sept. 29.

Now, which specific debate performance is Trump talking about? I think it was the Feb. 25 debate in South Carolina. I remember watching that and wondering, “Why is Biden shouting?” There was this weird intensity and aggressiveness to Biden’s performance, and he was shouting rather than talking. It seemed to me at the time that Biden had been told he had to be “Fighting Joe,” and he seemed very angry about something.

The thought also occurred to me, at the time, that Joe must have changed his pre-debate routine. Like, maybe a couple of double-shot mochas. And while Allah mocks Trump for suggesting that Biden has “gotten hold of some secret ‘Flowers for Algernon’ sauce that turns him from a stammering imbecile into Pericles overnight,” there is nothing secret about the most likely drug involved — Adderall.

Adderall abuse is rather widespread among college kids these days. The notorious “influencer” Caroline Calloway was an Adderall addict. So if the young staffers on Biden’s campaign were looking for a way to get him hyped up for the debates, it’s entirely reasonable to suspect they’d be giving the old man Adderall. Notice how they say Trump “offered no evidence to support” his speculation, but anyone who watched Biden in that South Carolina debate could see a remarkable difference in his performance, so that the “evidence” was right there in plain sight.

As I say, this difference could be explained innocently — a nice afternoon nap, followed by a couple of pre-debate double-shot mochas — but it’s not crazy to suspect Biden was popping Adderall.

Or could it be that Biden resorted to Ed Muskie’s favorite drug? After all, nobody ever proved Big Ed was not addicted to Ibogaine.



One Response to “Trump Is Right: No, It’s Not Crazy to Suspect Biden Is Being Medicated”

  1. Sunday Linkage « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    September 13th, 2020 @ 2:00 am

    […] Trump Is Right: No, It’s Not Crazy to Suspect Biden Is Being Medicated […]
