The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sorority Sister Turned BLM Radical? Kappa Delta Arrested in Lancaster Riot

Posted on | September 15, 2020 | 5 Comments


During the anti-police riots Sunday in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (“Cop Shoots Knife-Wielding Maniac, Lancaster Riots After BLM Lies”), police arrested eight people, including Kathryn Patterson, 20, who was “charged with felony arson, felony vandalism, felony riot, failure to disperse and other protest-related charges.” It turns out that Patterson is a junior at Franklin and Marshall College, a private liberal arts college in Lancaster where the annual cost of attendance is $75,801, including room and board. She’s also a Kappa Delta sorority member and an “ally” (whatever that means) of the college Black Student Union:

On Sunday 09/13/2020 Lancaster PD shot and killed Ricardo Munoz. During the protest that evening Lancaster PD detained Kathryn Patterson. Kat is a student at Franklin and Marshall College where she is an ally of BSU, a medic for Green Dreamz and a member of Kappa Delta Sorority.
Kat was providing medical attention to injured demonstrators and has now been wrongfully accused of crimes she could not possibly commit.
We as members of the Black Student Union and Kappa Delta Sorority, have created this fund to raise money for Kat’s bail and any legal fees that she may have incurred while being wrongfully detained.

The Kappa Delta chapter page says this:

Monday morning, our Eta Lambda sister Kat Patterson was protesting the wrongful murder of Ricardo Munoz in downtown Lancaster. Kat was working as a medic to help protestors, and was wrongfully arrested on excessive charges. The Black Student Union of Franklin & Marshall College has set up a Go Fund Me page that will go solely to Kat’s bail.

The idea that a Kappa Delta sorority girl at a pricey liberal-arts college would be running around with BLM and Antifa, rioting because cops shot a knife-wielding lunatic, rather boggles my mind. Just last week, Kat Patterson was profiled on her sorority’s Instagram page:

I decided to join KD because I wanted to surround myself with strong, passionate, like-minded women. Not only have I met some of the most supportive and intelligent people in my life, but I have also had the opportunity to grow exponentially as a person because of what KD has pushed me to accomplish. Every day, the women in KD inspire me to pursue my dreams and change the world, and I love them for that.

Kappa Delta: “Pursue your dreams! Change the world! Go to prison!”

UPDATE: According to police, Patterson is currently being “held at Lancaster County Prison in lieu of $1,000,000 bail.” This tactic of imposing a million-dollar bail was credited with preventing a repeat of the riot Monday night — this ain’t Portland, where they turn the rioters loose as soon as they get arrested. Of course, once they go in front of a judge, their lawyers will get their bail reduced, but at least they’ll spend a couple of nights in jail. Oh, by the way, here’s her mug shot:


Photographing a sorority girl without her makeup — what a crime!

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Our favorite Kappa Delta sister and most of her Communist comrades were released from jail Thursday after the judge reduced their bail. Lesson learned?



5 Responses to “Sorority Sister Turned BLM Radical? Kappa Delta Arrested in Lancaster Riot”

  1. Judge Sets Million-Dollar Bail for Lancaster Rioters - Globalist News | #Globalist
    September 15th, 2020 @ 3:58 pm

    […] among the rioters locked up in Lancaster is a sorority girl from Franklin and Marshall College. Police accuse Kathryn Patterson of felony arson, among other charges. She is a member of the Kappa […]

  2. Wednesday Linkage « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    September 16th, 2020 @ 2:00 am

    […] Sorority Sister Turned BLM Radical? […]

  3. Liberals Outraged by Million-Dollar Bail for Lancaster #BlackLivesMatter Rioters : The Other McCain
    September 16th, 2020 @ 7:27 am

    […] Patterson’s personal life, no matter what our common-sense hunch might be. For some reason, commenters yesterday kept suggesting that Ms. Patterson is a fan of British television programs, […]

  4. Sorority girl accused of rioting in Lancaster has bail set at $1 million | PBF NEWS
    September 16th, 2020 @ 11:42 am

    […] first reported on the conservative blog, “The Other McCain,” Patterson is a junior at Franklin and Marshall College, a private liberal arts college in […]

  5. FMJRA 2.0: Winged Hussars : The Other McCain
    September 19th, 2020 @ 10:51 pm

    […] Sorority Sister Turned BLM Radical? Kappa Delta Arrested in Lancaster Riot Bacon Time Globalist News PBF News EBL […]
