The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

$57 Worth of Hamburgers and Corn Dogs

Posted on | November 24, 2020 | Comments Off on $57 Worth of Hamburgers and Corn Dogs

Four quarter-pound hamburgers, six quarter-pound double burgers, 12 corndogs and a Queso burger — that’s what Roberto Carlos Silva, 23, allegedly ordered from Sonic Drive-Thru in Nebraska using an app in an identity-theft case last week. Silva was arrested and released from jail Thursday. He returned to Sonic on Saturday and shot four people:

Bellevue Police confirmed two people are dead after a shooting at a Sonic Drive-In Saturday night.
During a press conference Sunday evening, Bellevue Police Lt. Andy Jashinske shed light on the events of the shooting and released the names of the four victims.
Police also shared body camera footage of the moment the suspect, Roberto Silva Jr., was taken into custody.
The deceased are Nathan Pastrana, 22, and Ryan Helbert, 28. The other two victims, ages 18 and 25, are still hospitalized for gunshot wounds.
Silva was booked into the Sarpy County Jail early Sunday morning for two counts of first-degree murder and first-degree arson. A bond has not yet been set.
According to the Bellevue Police Department, two other people were hurt in the shooting. They were taken to the University of Nebraska Medical Center in unknown condition.
A U-Haul truck in the parking lot was set ablaze at some point during the incident, and Silva is accused of starting the fire.

All of the victims were Sonic employees. The two wounded survivors were Kenneth Gerner, 25, and Zoey Reece Atalig Lujan, 18.

Because of $57 worth of hamburgers and corn dogs.




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