The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Liberal Idiot: ‘There Are Proven Strategies to Interrupt These Cycles of Violence’

Posted on | November 30, 2020 | 2 Comments

Perhaps you have forgotten the name Lisa Bender. Over the summer, the president of the Minneapolis City Council became a symbol of liberal idiocy, when she was interviewed on CNN saying that she could “imagine a police-free future.” Since then, not surprisingly, violent crime in Minneapolis has skyrocketed. The number of shootings in the city has doubled, and more than 100 officers have left the city’s police force.

No one who values their life would go near Minneapolis, and as the city circles the toilet bowl, Lisa Bender announced earlier this month that she will not seek re-election. James Lileks, who lives in Minneapolis but hasn’t been murdered yet, calls attention to an interview Bender gave to a Minneapolis journalist, in which she maintained her expertise:

For a number of years, the city has pursued developing a broader system of safety in Minneapolis. We’ve invested in community-based safety strategies, youth violence prevention, hospital-based violence prevention, group violence prevention. A couple of years ago, we directed staff to look at ways we could better serve the community by matching the right response to a call for help, looking through all the reasons why people call 911. Most of them are for non-violence-related incidents.
Violent crime makes up a very small percent of the total number of 911 calls. So that work has been ongoing. . . .
Unfortunately, 80% of gun-violence victims in Minneapolis are Black. Seventy percent of gun-violence victims are very young — ages 12 through 31. And there are proven strategies to interrupt these cycles of violence that are often group involved, that are relationship based.
A lot of the other incidents like car thefts and armed robberies are also related to groups that are known to the city, that are known to law enforcement. So for me the package looks like increasing accountability for law enforcement, investing in community-based safety strategies that we know work to prevent violence, investing in alternatives to policing so that we’re not relying on police to answer every single kind of call that’s coming into 911, so that we have a more holistic system of safety that’s working to keep people safe.

Do you get the idea that Lisa Bender thinks of certain phrases as if they were magical incantations? She speaks of “community-based safety strategies” as if merely saying these words will end the spree of carjackings and shootings that plague Minneapolis. Of course, she is corrected that their are “proven strategies to interrupt these cycles of violence” — you send the cops to arrest the perpetrators, prosecute them and ship them off to state prison for 10 or 20 years. That will “interrupt” their criminal career, but that’s probably not what she had in mind.

And whatever the “community-based safety strategies” might do, it will be too late to save the people already murdered in Minneapolis:

A 20-year-old man was fatally shot early Thursday in north Minneapolis, marking the city’s 78th homicide of the year.
Police found the man, later identified as Edward Mathew Thomas Hodges Jr., lying in the 2700 block of N. Dupont Avenue just before 3 a.m. after a ShotSpotter activation. A police spokesman said officers saw numerous people fleeing on foot. Hodges, who had been shot in the chest, died at the scene.
The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Thursday also identified the man gunned down in his car earlier this week in the 3800 block of N. Girard Avenue early Tuesday as Frank L. Barber, 49, of Crystal.
The 78 homicides in 2020 make it the third-worst year for such deaths in Minneapolis. In all of 2019, there were 48 homicides. The highest number, 97, was recorded in 1995; the second-highest, 83, in 1996.

In case you didn’t do the math, that’s a 63% increase in the number of homicides, compared to 2019, and the year is not over yet.

Just a few more holistic victims of community-based murders.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)



2 Responses to “Liberal Idiot: ‘There Are Proven Strategies to Interrupt These Cycles of Violence’”

  1. 2 December 2020 – Dark Brightness
    December 1st, 2020 @ 1:05 pm

    […] or two. The lies that led the Boomers to start an apostate and secular progressive movement are now threadbare and the movement is now relying on authority alone. The image is not the […]

  2. LinkSwarm for December 4, 2020 « Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog
    December 4th, 2020 @ 9:17 am

    […] idiots in Minneapolis keep making the same mistakes over and over again. “In case you didn’t do the math, that’s a 63% increase in the number of homicides, compared […]
