The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tucker Carlson Douses Frank Luntz in Gasoline and Lights Him on Fire

Posted on | May 1, 2021 | Comments Off on Tucker Carlson Douses Frank Luntz in Gasoline and Lights Him on Fire

Figuratively speaking, of course:

For quite some time now we’ve wondered what’s going on with congressional Republicans. There are a lot of nice people in the Republican Party, but the point of a political party is not to be nice, it is to represent the interests of its voters. . . .
However, it remains true that the priorities of the people who run the Republican Party are very different — in some cases, completely different — from the priorities of the people who vote Republican. Why is that? Well, there are lots of reasons, probably, but Frank Luntz is definitely one of them. . . .
The problem is that Frank Luntz’s views are very different from those of your average Republican voter. Frank Luntz is a conventional liberal. His main clients are left-wing corporations like Google. When Frank Luntz gives advice to congressional Republicans, he’s got Google’s perspective in mind. That’s a huge problem. . . .
Not long ago, when Donald Trump called for boycotting Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines after they interfered, in a very shocking way, in Georgia’s political system, Luntz came to their defense. Of course he did. They’re his clients.

Tucker’s immolation of Luntz continued from there. Watch the video:


What inspired this? Earlier this week, Tucker Carlson gave a speech in which he name-checked Luntz as one of the advisers steering congressional Republicans to embrace open borders — which is true — and when the video was posted to Twitter, Luntz lashed out:

Enjoy your bonfire. Did anyone bring marshmallows?



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