The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Caring, Loving and Charitable … He Got a Kick Out of Pulling Pranks on People’

Posted on | May 17, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Caring, Loving and Charitable … He Got a Kick Out of Pulling Pranks on People’

Theodoro Macias Jr., known by the nickname “Lolo,” was only 28 when he died on May 9. His obituary includes these remembrances:

Junior grew up in Longmont and attended schools in the area. He recently worked for a national cell phone network. He was dedicated to his job, and was passionate about serving people. Lolo was a caring, loving and charitable individual. He enjoyed spending time with his friends, and family. He loved to explore the mountains in search of scenic spots to contemplate. He enjoyed working out at the gym, listened to a variety of music genres, attended numerous concerts, and cherished going on long road trips with his friends, always seeking unique adventures and memorable experiences.
He adored his nieces and nephews, frequently bought them toys and video games, spoiling them like no other. He became a kid all over again when playing with them. Junior was extremely playful, he got a kick out of pulling pranks on people, since a young boy all throughout his life, and for this he will be mostly remembered. Not even his grandparents escaped his mischievous tricks. His frequent jokes and sayings will never be forgotten. Lolo was a loving son and brother, an excellent, fun, and best uncle, an amazing cousin, and a real and faithful friend.
He will be deeply missed by his loved ones. We love you Lolo. Forever.

Macias was less fondly remembered by other residents of Colorado Springs, where he committed the worst mass murder in the city’s history:

The man suspected of fatally shooting his girlfriend and five members of her extended family in a Colorado Springs mobile home had a history of jealous, controlling behavior and opened fire at the family’s birthday party in part because he was upset he wasn’t invited to the celebration, police said [May 11].
Investigators believe Teodoro Macias, 28, walked into a mobile home in the 2800 block of Preakness Way shortly after midnight Sunday and shot his girlfriend, 28-year-old Sandra Ibarra-Perez, and the five others in quick succession and in a deliberate manner, Colorado Springs police Lt. Joe Frabbiele said at a news conference Tuesday.
The suspect then killed himself, according to police.
“At the core of this horrendous act is domestic violence,” Chief Vince Niski said. “The suspect… displayed power and control issues. When he wasn’t invited to a family gathering, the suspect responded by opening fire.” . . .
Those killed were identified as Melvin Perez, 30, his wife Mayra Ibarra De Perez, 33; Melvin’s brother, Jose Gutierrez, 21; and the men’s mother, Joana Cruz, 52. Also killed were Mayra’s siblings, Ibarra-Perez and Jose Ibarra, 26.
The suspect and Ibarra-Perez had been dating for about a year, Frabbiele said. While there were no official reports of domestic violence by Macias, Frabbiele said family members told investigators he was jealous, controlling and tried to isolate Ibarra-Perez from her family. Macias and Ibarra-Perez’s family had a conflict a week prior to the shooting at a different gathering, Frabbiele said. . . .
The Mother’s Day mass shooting is one of the deadliest in state history and happened just seven weeks after a gunman killed 10 people at a grocery store in Boulder. It is the deadliest shooting in Colorado Springs history, Mayor John Suthers said. . . .
Nine of 39 people killed in homicides in the city last year died in connection to domestic violence, according to Colorado Springs police statistics. About a third of aggravated assaults in the city in the first three months of 2021 were related to domestic violence.

So domestic violence accounted for 23% of the city’s homicides last year, and this mass shooting was just a domestic violence incident. The weapon Macias used was a 9mm Smith & Wesson pistol, which had been purchased legally by someone else in 2014, and police said they don’t know how Macias obtained the weapon. But it was just an ordinary pistol, not one of those evil “assault weapons” that Democrats want to ban, nor was this mass murder a “hate crime” committed by white supremacists, so there’s no political angle to the story, which is why it disappeared from the national media immediately after it happened. If only Macias had been shot by a cop, rather than committing suicide, maybe the media could have worked some kind of “social justice” angle into their coverage, but as it is, this grisly massacre in Colorado is just “local news,” like most of the 15,000 or so homicides in America annually.

The reason I led with Macias’s obituary — “his mischievous tricks”! — is because every time a black criminal gets shot by police nowadays, we get the “Family Demands Answers” story, where the perp’s grieving relatives hold a televised press conference with the local “civil rights” lawyer. We are expected to sympathize with these people, who tell us what a wonderful person the deceased suspect was.

Family demands answers after police-involved shooting that led to man’s death
June 5, 2020

Family demands answers after Ohio deputy fatally shoots Black man
Dec. 7, 2020

Delaware family demands answers after fatal police-involved shooting
Feb. 5, 2021

Family demands answers after DeKalb man shot, killed by police
April 14, 2012

Family demands answers and reform after 37-year-old Latoya James was killed in a raid
May 7, 2021

Those are just a few of the dozens of such headlines in recent months, as the media seems to assume — and expect their audience to believe — that no criminal ever deserved to be shot by police. Some of these cases are more ambiguous than others, but even where the police shooting was indisputably justified (e.g., the Ma’khia Bryant case), the media still promotes the narrative that what happened was somehow the fault of police, rather than a reaction to the suspect’s criminal behavior.

Next time you see one of these “Family Demands Answers” stories, where they’re trying to convince you the deceased criminal was an innocent angel, just keep in mind Teodoro Macias’s obituary.

Oh, “his mischievous tricks”!



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