The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CNN ‘Stepped Up,’ Covered Avenatti Prison Sentence, MSNBC Didn’t

Posted on | July 10, 2021 | Comments Off on CNN ‘Stepped Up,’ Covered Avenatti Prison Sentence, MSNBC Didn’t

Credit where credit is due — the Media Research Center’s Curtis Houck notes that CNN covered the story of former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti being sentenced to prison on extortion charges, while MSNBC continued to ignore Avenatti’s downfall. So CNN (where Avenatti made 122 appearances during his 2018 heyday as an anti-Trump hero) has more journalistic integrity than MSNBC (where Avenatti made 108 appearances). To describe a media organization as being “better than MSNBC” is to damn them with faint praise, of course. Still, it’s a tiny glimmer of encouragement that Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer show some measure of penance for their network’s shameful role in publicizing an obvious sleazeball like Avenatti, merely because he said bad things about Donald Trump. MSNBC appears to be without shame.



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