The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Running Gun Battle’ in Florida Town Leaves One Dead, Four Wounded

Polk County, Florida, is in the central part of the state, between Tampa to the west and Orlando to the northeast. It used to be a mostly rural area, with lots of orange groves and a cheap place to retire, but the population has grown to more than 700,000, adding about 250,000 new residents in […]

The Joy of Schadenfreude as Nick Wright Cries the Tears of Unfathomable Sadness

When my team loses a football game, I have the luxury of being silent, pretending that nothing happened. The incident on January 10? Nope. No comment. Movin’ on. Nick Wright of Fox Sports does not have that luxury. He gets paid to talk about football, which is galling to fans of other teams who must […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Evangeline Lilly

— compiled by Wombat-socho Ms. Lilly has been in a fair number of movies & TV shows, most notably Lost, The Hobbit, and Ant-Man & The Wasp. Of course, what caught my attention is her public statement against the jab mandate, which of course has earned her some flak from her fellow actors & actresses. […]

‘Air Biden’: Midnight Flights Bring Illegals From Border, and It’s ‘Racist’ to Notice

Remember, the “Great Replacement” is just a right-wing myth: The Biden administration doesn’t want media attention on illegal immigration, its open border policies, or the results of those policies. How do we know? A security officer just said so, in an explosive video of secretive, dark-of-night flights transporting illegal immigrants to various points throughout the […]

Yes, Black Lives Matters Was a Scam

Intelligent people knew from the start that Black Lives Matter was simply a Democratic Party propaganda operation. “Systemic racism” did not suddenly become a problem in the spring of 2020, and obviously it was not a coincidence that the “mostly peaceful” protests erupted in an election year. Further proof of the BLM movement’s essential bogusness […]

FMJRA 2.0: There Ain’t Nothing Wrong With The Radio

— compiled by Wombat-socho Not a good week for my Senators, who dropped two to the Pirates at RFK, and neither of them were close. Hoping to get three in against the Orioles tomorrow morning before I motor up to Reno for three weeks of work in the tax mines there.  Ceterum autem censeo Silicon […]

‘Liberal Creationism,’ Revisited

William Saletan marks his 25-year anniversary at Slate-dot-com with a column discussing what he’s learned, about himself and the online audience, during his quarter-century at the original Internet magazine. Among other things, he laments the rise of Twitter warfare and the way centrifugal forces seem to be driving both Left and Right toward tribalism, with […]

In The Mailbox: 01.28.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho We had some stragglers from Everybody Blog About Mass Formation Psychosis Day, and I’ve included them with the rest of the links.  Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam. OVER THE TRANSOM A View From The Beach: In a Fit Of Mass Formation Psychosis 357 Magnum: Happy Belated Birthday EVH, also, […]

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