The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Aspiring Rapper Update: ‘C Blue’ Accused of Shooting NYPD Officer (Accidentally)

Posted on | January 21, 2022 | 1 Comment

Yes, it’s time for another Aspiring Rapper Update:

A rising 16-year-old rapper charged with shooting a New York City police officer could be freed on a $250,000 bond as soon as Friday using cash from a record label deal, sources told Fox News Digital.
Camrin Williams – known as C Blue – signed with Interscope records recently and used part of his advance of several hundred thousand dollars to hire celebrity bondsman Ira Judelson to arrange his bond, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Williams’ family paid more than $15,000 to Judelson to submit all the bail paperwork to the Bronx district attorney’s office.
But before he can be released, prosecutors have up to 72 hours to examine the source of the funds to ensure that none of the money came from illegal activity related to his alleged gang ties.
Judelson, a high-profile bondsman, who has worked with countless celebrities – including disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein and late rapper DMX, declined to comment.
Interscope records didn’t immediately return a request for comment.
The up-and-coming musician, whose music videos have garnered over 1 million views on YouTube, was arraigned on one count each of second degree assault and firearm possession and three counts of weapons possession in Bronx Criminal Court Thursday night.
He allegedly shot NYPD officer Kaseem Pennant in the leg Tuesday in Belmont by accident, according to a criminal complaint.
His loaded 9mm pistol discharged while tussling with cops after he tried to flee, the complaint says.
The bullet struck Williams in the groin before exiting his thigh and hitting Pennant, according to his lawyer, Dawn Florio, who blamed cops for the mishap.
“My client is in pain, he has open wounds,” she said. “They started searching him for no reason and when he tried to walk away, they jumped on top of him. Because of the police officer’s actions, my client got shot and so did the police officer.”
The complaint does not say why cops tried to search Williams who was standing on a sidewalk. Pennant is one of three officers to be shot in New York City so far this year.
Judge Denis Boyle, who has come under fire in the past for his low bails, ordered Williams held on $200,000 cash over $250,000 bond over the objection of prosecutors who requested that he be held without bail.
Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch blasted Boyle’s decision as ‘horrendous judgement” that is putting cops and the community in danger. “There is absolutely no justification and no excuse for setting bail in this case,” he wrote on Twitter Thursday. “This individual was previously arrested for carrying an illegal gun. Then he violated his probation, carried another gun and shot a cop. If he gets another opportunity to go free, he will use it to cause more violence and mayhem.”

At age 16, Camrin “C Blue” Williams was already on probation for a weapons charge, and yet his lawyer claims there was “no reason” for cops to search him. But riddle me this: If they turn you loose on probation, rather than sending you to prison, and if one of the terms of your probation is that you avoid carrying weapons, doesn’t this constitute more or less permanent probable cause to search you?

Of course, if you are actually in possession of a weapon — violating the law — when the cops decide to search you, then “tussling with cops” is also a crime, because I’m pretty sure the conditions of probation require that the convict cooperate with officers. But criminality is a career prerequisite for any “aspiring rapper,” so of course “C Blue” was a walking stack of felonies, just waiting to be apprehended.




One Response to “Aspiring Rapper Update: ‘C Blue’ Accused of Shooting NYPD Officer (Accidentally)”

  1. Sunday Linkage « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    January 23rd, 2022 @ 10:34 am

    […] Aspiring Rapper Update: ‘C Blue’ Accused of Shooting NYPD Officer (Accidentally) […]

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