The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Death of ‘Black Rabbit’

Posted on | March 24, 2022 | Comments Off on The Death of ‘Black Rabbit’

Say hello to Czyz Deonte Harrison and, while you’re at it, you can also say good-bye, because he was shot to death by Houston police last month after he fatally shot an off-duty deputy constable. The photo above is the last selfie Harrison posted to his @hoodlumcityfcg (Hoodlum City Fight Club Global) Instagram account, showing him trying on clothes in a menswear shop called Casanova Collezioni at the PlazAmericas mall in southwest Houston, Texas. The mall is about a mile away from the storefront where Harrison ran a small gym, a business he launched in September 2020. The date of Harrison’s death — Feb. 23 — was his 35th birthday, and he had apparently gone to the mall with the intention of buying himself some clothes as a birthday gift to himself.

Unfortunately for everyone involved, when Harrison went to check out with his purchases, his credit card was declined. Harrison became irate and started a disturbance. Someone called mall security, which was being worked that day by San Jacinto County Deputy Constable Neil Adams, a part-time job that the 62-year-old lawman was getting ready to quit, having told his wife that the situation at the mall was becoming too dangerous. Harrison “sucker punched” Deputy Adams, took his gun and shot the deputy multiple times. Houston police were called and when officers located Harrison, he charged at them with what they thought was a knife, but turned out to be an ice pick. Harrison was fatally shot.

Click here to watch YouTube video of the police bodycam.

KHOU-TV reported: “Harrison is no stranger to the police. He’s got a criminal history that goes back at least a decade. Court records show convictions for evading arrest, weapons and drugs.”

Perusing his multiple social media accounts, you find that Harrison referred to himself as the “Black Rabbit,” which nickname might have suggested a speedy and elusive boxer, but if he ever actually won a match, I couldn’t find a record. He was only five feet tall, which obviously put him at a disadvantage in boxing. He was 0-1 in September last year when he fought Omar Urieta, losing by a TKO in the first round.

Keep in mind that the “Black Rabbit” had been operating a gym “created by fighters for fighters” for over a year prior to getting knocked out in his second match. If you were going to train as a boxer, wouldn’t you seek out a gym run by somebody who had actually won a fight at some point?

There’s a lot of craziness apparent in Harrison’s Instagram postings. Four days before his death, he posted a 23-minute video to his @super_czyz account in which he (a) smokes some fat joints and (b) reads a book titled Metaphysics of Astrology: Why Astrology Works. And when I say he reads the book, I don’t mean he reads it aloud. He starts out by firing up his joint then issuing a greeting: “Peace, love, compassion and action. It’s really going down, know what I’m talking about? Shout out to God.” Then he sits there toking weed and just flipping through the book until, about 15 minutes in, he reads aloud a couple of sentences about Venus and Mars. What was the point of that video? I don’t know, but as evidence that Harrison was losing his grip on reality, it’s suggestive.

On the other hand, his grip on reality was never very tight.

Like, he was supposed to be running a business — a gym “for fighters by fighters,” with rent and other bills to pay — but instead he seems to have spent a lot of time just posting nonsense on Instagram.

Like, here’s a 51-minute video he posted last November, which begins, “Hey, man, positive vibes for whoever’s watching this, for whatever reason they’re watching this, positive vibes! Don’t waste your time, all your energy and resources, f**king with people, especially when whatever you do going to come back on you anyway.” That video had a total of eight views before I clicked on it. One of the basic principles of business is, time is money. So what value was created by posting that rant, which almost nobody watched? Wouldn’t it have been more productive for Harrison to be doing something else with his time? All of which is to say, it’s no mystery why his credit card got declined, is it?

Scroll down far enough in his IG feed, and you find a mishmash of health and fitness, motivational memes and Afrocentrism. Why this guy who never won a boxing match thought he could succeed in running a gym is as mysterious as why he imagined anyone would want to watch videos of him — a convicted felon — talking about “positive vibes.”

So now a deputy is dead, and “Black Rabbit” is likewise dead, because he flipped out when his credit card got declined at the mall.

Crazy People Are Dangerous.



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