The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Probably Not a Trump Voter

Posted on | April 5, 2022 | Comments Off on Probably Not a Trump Voter

Sunday night, the rapper Tyler “the Creator” Okonma performed a concert in downtown Sacramento at the Golden 1 Center arena. Some hours after that concert ended, about 2 a.m., gunfire erupted outside a bar two blocks from the arena. More than 100 rounds were fired, leaving 12 wounded and six people shot dead:

  • Johntaya Alexander, 21
  • Melinda Davis, 57
  • Sergio Harris, 38
  • Joshua Hoye-Lucchesi, 32
  • Yamile Martinez-Andrade, 21
  • DeVazia Turner, 29

Democrats immediately demanded new gun control laws:

Oh,the scourge of “gun violence” requires “meaningful legislation”? How about enforcing the laws we’ve already got? And by “enforcing the laws,” I mean putting people in prison when they break the law.

Say hello to 26-year-old Dandrae Martin:

California authorities on Monday night announced the arrest of an individual in relation to Sacramento’s mass shooting downtown in the early hours of Sunday which left six dead and 12 injured after no less than 100 gunshots were fired following a brawl at a local nightclub.
Dandrae Martin, 26, was arrested on charges of assault and illegal firearm possession. He is being characterized by police as a ‘related suspect.’
The man was being held with no bail and was scheduled to appear in court, Tuesday ABC10 reported.
Martin whose social media profile also described him as a rapper, was also discovered to have an outstanding warrant for domestic violence in Riverside County.

Add another one to the “Aspiring Rapper Update” files, and of course, the shooter should have already been behind bars:

Martin was freed from an Arizona prison in 2020 after serving just over 1 1/2 years for violating probation in separate cases involving a felony conviction for aggravated assault in 2016 and a conviction on a marijuana charge in 2018.
He was also wanted on a misdemeanor warrant by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department in Southern California. The Sheriff’s Department said the charges stemmed from a 2015 arrest by the Blythe Police Department but no other information was immediately available.

So, a violent felony conviction six years ago — when Martin was 20 — and then violating probation two years later, but still he served less than two years behind bars. More on that warrant in Riverside County:

Riverside County court records show that Martin had a previous domestic violence arrest in 2014. John Hall, spokesperson for the District Attorney’s office, said the case was out of Blythe court.
According to Hall, Martin pled guilty to one misdemeanor count in October 2014 and was sentenced to 30 days in custody and 36 months of summary probation. Martin subsequently violated two terms of probation (the community service requirement and the 52-week class requirement) and a $5,000 bench warrant was issued by the court in October 2015.
Hall confirmed that the warrant has remained active since then, meaning he’s been wanted in Riverside County for 7 years.

The Democrats who run California don’t believe in arresting criminals, see? So nobody in California bothered to pursue extradition against Dandrae Martin when he was arrested and imprisoned in Arizona, and when he turned up in California again? Oh, it’s not like the police could do a stop-and-frisk, ask to see some ID or anything like that — it’s racist to ask for ID, according to Democrats — and so this probation-violating felon was allowed to stroll around free as a bird in California. Then he gets himself involved in a headline-making atrocity, and suddenly Democrats are demanding “meaningful legislation” — more laws, because they won’t enforce the laws we’ve already got. Democrats are the pro-crime party, plain and simple, and if you elect Democrats (which is what they’ve been doing in California) you will always get more crime.

Another suspect was arrested Tuesday:

A second suspect has now been identified in this incident. 27-year-old Smiley Martin was located at the scene with serious injuries from gunfire and was transported to an area hospital for treatment. Smiley Martin was quickly identified as a person of interest and has remained under the supervision of an officer at the hospital while his treatment continues. Based on information developed during this investigation, Smiley Martin was taken into custody by Sacramento Police Department detectives on April 5, 2022.
Once Smiley Martin’s medical care has been completed and he is determined to be fit for incarceration, he will be booked at the Sacramento County Main Jail for possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a machine gun.
Smiley Martin is the brother of Dandrae Martin.

Yep. Dandrae Martin’s older brother is also a “prohibited person” (i.e., convicted felon) who isn’t allowed by law to own any firearms and yet was in possession of an illegal machine gun. Because, as I say, California is run by Democrats and Democrats are pro-crime. In California, criminals can violate the law all they want, and get turned loose. Democrats are in charge and the laws don’t really mean anything because criminals never go to prison. Go to San Francisco and you can see dope dealers peddling heroin, cocaine and fentanyl on the city streets without fear of arrest. Laws? Police? Nobody cares. It’s California, and nothing is really illegal, because Democrats are in charge.

There were multiple shooters in Sacramento, and police say it’s a “complex” investigation with lots of video to analyze. The motive is unknown and more suspects may be arrested, but I’ll offer police this helpful tip: Probably none of the shooters were Trump voters, IYKWIMAITYD.



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