In The Mailbox: 11.11.22 (Afternoon Edition)
Posted on | November 11, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.11.22 (Afternoon Edition)
— compiled by Wombat-socho
Normal Friday post will follow sometime between 7-9 PM Pacific.
Silicon Valley delenda est.
357 Magnum: What Should A Woman Do If A Man Climbs In Her Window?
EBL: Happy Birthday USMC Rule 5
Twitchy: Stephen King Dragged For Saying He Liked It Better When The Little People Had No Voice On Twitter, also, Desperate Rick Wilson Thinks He Can Crawl Aboard The DeSantis Train
Louder With Crowder: Kevin Costner reveals the true reason he endorsed Liz Cheney, also, MSNBC: Hey, you know who would make a good president?
Vox Popoli: Mailvox: On Suicide, 1918 Finally Ended, and The Good Immigrants
Adam Piggott: Podcast #156 – Interview with Tony Lowe, also, The Importance of Regular Spiritual Nourishment
American Conservative: The Most Dangerous Post-Election Lie
American Greatness: Why Are We Not Being Told the Truth About Ukraine?, also, Progressives Launch ‘Don’t Run Joe’ Anti-Biden Campaign
American Power: Ron DeSantis: The New Champion of Trumpism
American Thinker: What on Earth Happened with Brazil’s Election?, also, DeSantis in 2024
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s 2022 Election Postmortem
Babalu Blog: Cuban dictatorship forcing survivors of Bahia Honda Massacre to give false statements on video, ‘Inspectors monitor the sale of tomatoes in Cuba as if they were lobster tails’, and Some blockade! Cuba bought over $31 million of chicken from U.S. in September
BattleSwarm: Russia Starts Bugging Out
Behind The Black: Atlas-5 completes last launch at Vandenberg, Rocket Lab sets date for 1st launch from Wallops, November 10, 2022 Quick space links, and Today’s blacklisted American: Student mob shuts down Ann Coulter speech at Cornell
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Why This Week’s Results Are a Shock in Two Stories, also, We have officially become the Peoples Republic of Marxachusetts
Don Surber: After the election, the truth emerges, also, Thank you, Donald Trump
First Street Journal: Is Trump Done After The Red Sprinkle Election?, also, Brandon’s Pushing “Nature Based Solutions” For Hotcoldwetdry Or Something
Gates Of Vienna: The Great American Divide Isn’t What You Think, Finally, Term Limits, We Wants the Digital Euro, Precious, and Fettermania
The Geller Report: ELECTION FRAUD: Nevada Finds 60K Ballots in Drop Boxes, Delays Will Stretch into Next Week, Arizona Announces Election Results Delayed AGAIN ….. Until Next Week, Maricopa Officials Say, and 27 Illinois Counties Have Voted to Split the State
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Seeing Different Times Simultaneously Through Gravitational Lensing
Hollywood In Toto: Airplane! Director: ‘They’re Destroying Comedy’, also, How Hello, Bookstore Threatens Its Bipartisan Charm
The Lid: Biden Scoffs At Hunter Laptop Investigation While Encouraging One Into Elon Musk
Legal Insurrection: Democrats Backing Trump-Endorsed GOP Candidates in Primaries Worked, Ukraine: Russia Withdraws Troops From Key Southern City, U. Pittsburgh Student Newspaper Whines – Elon Musk Makes Twitter an ‘Unsafe’ Environment, and No, Spanish Language ‘Disinformation’ Didn’t Cause Hispanics to Support DeSantis, GOP
Nebraska Energy Observer: There is no end
Outkick: Lakers’ Hopes Come Crashing Down As LeBron James Suffers ‘Significant’ Injury, Jemele Hill’s New Book Ranks #2,961 On Sales Chart, Buffalo’s 30-Year-Old, Former Navy SEAL Defensive End Damian Jackson Is A Full-Grown Man With An Amazing Story, Olivia Dunne Hits Back At The NYT With Outstanding Photo, Aaron Rodgers’ Teammates Reportedly Growing Tired Of His Behavior, and ESPN Stupidly Let Erin Andrews Leave And Now We Know Why
Power Line: Dementia Don, also, The Daily Chart: DeSantis’s Breadth
Shark Tank: Byron Donalds Officially Announces Run For House GOP Conference Chair
STUMP: Movember 2023: Prostate Cancer Mortality Trend Update
The Political Hat: Post-Election Ballot-Counting Musical Interlude
This Ain’t Hell: Noon Wednesday: Republicans tank, Happy Birthday Marines!, and Post-election soul searching? The Elephant in the room
Transterrestrial Musings: SLS and Nicole, also, Inside The Climate Model Black Box
Victory Girls: Are We Really Ready To Quit Donald Trump?
Volokh Conspiracy: What’s Next For FedSoc?, also, The Secret Breast Connections of the Internet, Here of Mastodon
Watts Up With That: The Warming that Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas
Weasel Zippers: MSNBC Compares Stacey Abrams To Moses, Biden: Elon Musk “Worth Being Looked At” As A Possible Threat To National Security, And Now, An Important Message From Joe Biden, and Tennessee Introduces Legislation To Ban Castration & Mutilation For Minors
The Federalist: The Big Midterm Lesson: Defensive ‘Victories’ On The Right Aren’t Going To Save The Country, Why New York’s GOP Midterm Loss Is More Of A Win Than You Think, The Case Against Mitch McConnell For Leader, Arizona’s Election Administration Is An International Embarrassment, and EXCLUSIVE: McCarthy Demands House Managers Open Up The Capitol
Mark Steyn: Asymmetric Warfare, They’re Lying to You, Warm Front, and The Red Rain Drop