The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Antifa State University: Charlie Kirk Sparks ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Riot at UC-Davis

Posted on | March 15, 2023 | 1 Comment

I just met you and this is crazy:
Charlie Kirk is a proponent of hate.
Call me maybe.

Or something like that. Could anything be more insane than the belief that Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk is some sort of right-wing extremist? He’s basically an Eisenhower Republican, definitely less conservative than, say, Ace of Spades, but reality doesn’t matter to California kids who have been taught that disagreement is “hate”:

Left-wing and LGBTQ activists at UC Davis were arrested after vandalizing university property on Tuesday during an event featuring Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. The incident came just hours after UC Davis chancellor Gary S. May declared Kirk a “proponent of hate” and encouraged students to “neutralize and negate” TPUSA’s influence on campus.
Protestors carrying banners that read, “Queers Bash Back,” and, “Bash Fash,” were seen on video smashing glass windows while police officers tried to fend them off.
Additional footage showed police outside taking down masked protesters who appeared to be carrying spray paint cans.
Police also clashed with banner-wielding protesters who were chanting, “fight back!” as they tried to advance toward the building where the Turning Point USA event was being held.
A UC Davis campus police spokesperson told Breitbart News that “two people were arrested after spray painting the outside of the building.”
“I’m not sure what the exact charges are, but that’s what they were doing,” the spokesperson said.
The police spokesperson added that he did not have information on the identities of the individuals who were arrested and that, so far, no arrests have been made in connection to the smashed glass windows on the university’s campus doors.
The left-wing and LGBTQ activists were also seen carrying banners that read, “Protect Trans Kids,” and, “Fascists Off Campus.”

What a bizarre worldview: Men can be women, and vice-versa, and if you don’t agree, that makes you a “fascist.” And the chancellor of the university evidently shares these beliefs!

“Under UC policy, campuses may not prohibit student organizations, such as TPUSA, from inviting these speakers, even if the speaker’s intended speech is as loathsome and hurtful to me and to others in our campus community,” May said.
The chancellor also addressed alleged concerns related to “violence,” adding that while US Davis is allowed to deny a speaker if they “present a clear and present danger to the campus,” the school “carries a heavy burden in justifying such a denial under these circumstances.”
“While I abhor the inflammatory speech of this speaker, UC policy permits the student organization to invite the speaker,” May said, adding that university officials are “monitoring the event closely to determine if a threat or incitement develops that meets that threshold or violates other campus policies.”
“We can’t control how these groups operate, but we can work together to neutralize and negate their influence,” the chancellor added.

Once you start kowtowing to these precious darlings with their pronouns and whatnot, you’re basically inviting anarchy and chaos because their entire existence is based on being offended by everything.

When I was in college, my entire existence was based on getting drunk and trying to get laid. Life made more sense then, and nobody ever rioted.




One Response to “Antifa State University: Charlie Kirk Sparks ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Riot at UC-Davis”

  1. Antifa Rage! Over Charlie Kirk? - The DaleyGator
    March 15th, 2023 @ 1:35 pm

    […] The Other McCain ponders another “mostly peaceful” riot or something […]

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