The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Smoking Gun’ on Biden Corruption?

Posted on | May 8, 2023 | Comments Off on ‘Smoking Gun’ on Biden Corruption?

Generally speaking, I don’t hold my breath waiting for some scandal to gain enough traction to bring down a Democrat, because the mainstream media are so biased in terms of what constitutes a “scandal” that Democrats are nearly bulletproof in this regard. Nevertheless, House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-Kentucky) seems very confident that he’s now got ironclad proof that the Biden family were running a pay-for-play influence-peddling scheme:

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) joined Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo.
During the interview, Rep. Comer announced that he will hold a press conference on Wednesday with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).
Comer said he will disclose specific Biden family bank records in a press conference on Wednesday which could indicate alleged bribery from foreign adversaries.
“Senator Grassley and I received a tip on a whistleblower. Senator Grassley was the lead in this. We reviewed documents from the legally protected whistleblower, a highly credible whistleblower that would implicate Joe Biden in a pay-per-play scheme in trying to set up a deal to receive funds [for him] and his family in exchange for foreign policy decisions,” Comer told Bartiromo.
“Now that fits a pattern Maria, of what we’ve seen with these bank records. And on Wednesday we’re going to present to the American people all the information that we’ve received thus far pertaining to bank records. We’re going to disclose many of the different LLCs, many of the different transactions that all these different biden family members have gotten from our adversaries around the world.”
“Now, we don’t believe this was just a coincidence, that all these biden family members were receiving money from this web of LLCs into their personal bank account. We believe this was done in exchange for something that then vice president Biden and now President Biden would have done. So this whistleblower is going to provide some very crucial information to our investigation, and we’ve given the FBI until May 10th to produce this document,” Comer added. . . .
Rep. Comer sent a message to the DOJ during the interview, not to indict Hunter Biden before Wednesday.
“My message to the Department of Justice is very loud and clear,” said Comer. “Do not indict Hunter Biden before Wednesday when you had the opportunity to see the evidence that the House Oversight Committee will produce with respect to the web of LLCs, with respect to the number of adversarial countries that this family influence peddled in. This is not just about the President’s son. This is about the entire Biden family, including the president of the United States.”

This may just be too much for the mainstream media to ignore.




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