The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Republican’ ‘Presidential’ ‘Debate’

Posted on | December 7, 2023 | Comments Off on ‘Republican’ ‘Presidential’ ‘Debate’

Let’s face it — none of the four candidates on the stage Wednesday night are going to be the Republican presidential nominee. Donald Trump beats all of them by at least 30 points. What was the point of that televised exercise? Cui bono? Chris Christie’s poll numbers are microscopically small, but he feeds the media’s anti-Trump appetite:

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie called former President Donald Trump a “dictator” during Wednesday night’s debate and said that “he wants to exact retribution” if he wins back the Oval Office.
The rhetoric mirrors a narrative spun in recent days as at least three leftist outlets — the Atlantic, the New York Times, and the Washington Post — have worked to stoke fear about a potential second Trump administration.
Christie first attacked Trump as a dictator in his opening statement while criticizing the other candidates for not speaking about Trump to that point:

The fact is that when you go and you say the truth about somebody who is a dictator, a bully, who has taken shots at everybody, whether they’ve given them great service or not over time, who dares to disagree with him, then I understand why these three are timid to say anything about it. . . .

Christie contended that Trump “instructed others to commit crimes,” which the federal government alleges but has not been proven in court.
“So, do I think he was kidding when he said he was a dictator? All you have to do is look at the history and that’s why failing to speak out against him, making excuses for him, pretending that somehow he’s a victim, empowers him,” Christie added.
“He will only be his own retribution. He doesn’t care for the American people. It’s Donald Trump first,” concluded Christie.

Now that he’s gotten his fourth TV debate appearance, Chris Christie has completed the purpose of his “Republican” “presidential” “campaign.” The anti-Trump forces have chosen Nikki Haley as their preferred alternative, and the other names on the ballot in Iowa, New Hampshire, etc., are irrelevant. It’s now Trump-vs.-Haley, which I would expect to be a 70-30 landslide for Trump, and all these televised “debate” circuses are just about producing sound bites for the cable networks.



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