The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

On MSNBC ‘Kerosene Maxine’ Labels Republican Voters ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Posted on | June 5, 2024 | 2 Comments

Of all the people to be criticizing inflammatory rhetoric! Some readers may not be old enough to remember why California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters got the nickname “Kerosene Maxine.” During the Rodney King controversy leading up to the deadly 1992 Los Angeles riots, Waters was one of the most irresponsible voices in the South Central district she represented — pouring kerosene on the flames of hatred, so to speak. Her entire career has been built on smearing white people as “racist.”

“I believe George Bush is a racist. I believe he’s a racist for many, many reasons. . . . [Bush] is a mean-spirited man who has no care or concern about what happens to the African-American community in this country. I truly believe that. . . . I think that Bill Clinton is much better on the race question than George Bush. Not good enough, but most whites in America are not good enough on the race question, and we all understand that. I just think that George Bush is worse than most.”
Maxine Waters, July 8, 1992

She’s talking there about the first President Bush — you know, the mild-mannered country club Republican who advocated for a “kinder and gentler America.” And notice what she’s saying: Most white people are “mean-spirited” racists, but Bush was “worse than most.”

All that is necessary preamble to her latest insult:

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on this week’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Saturday Show” that former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric on “revenge” was so divisive she is worried it could start a civil war.
Host Jonathan Capehart said, “Congresswoman Waters, your name has been invoked several times. We will give you the last word. What do you think?”
Waters said, “Let me say when I tweeted about Trump talking about the Constitution, I basically said in my tweet that he had disregarded the Constitution he doesn’t have ant respect for the Constitution, I got over a million hits on that. I think the American people see through him and, they will be guarded in how they deal with the election.”
She continued, “Let me just say this, I am worried that he is so divisive and that he is talking about retribution and about revenge and I think that is dangerous. He has even mentioned civil war saying there will be bloodshed. I will spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system asking them, tell us what’s going on with the domestic terrorists? Are they Preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned? What is he doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous.”
Waters added, “It is not just that he is a criminal, this is a man who disrespects the Constitution and democracy and we have to figure out what they are doing as domestic terrorists tried to take over the government January 6, how far is this going to go? Are they going to be attacking?”

This is deeply ironic, coming from a woman who notoriously called the 1992 Los Angeles riots a “rebellion,” “understandable,” “acceptable,” “a spontaneous reaction to a lot of injustice.”

Maxine Waters thinks Republicans are threatening violence? She thinks Trump is “divisive” one? Trump “disrespects the Constitution”?

As I say, this is an insult, not an argument. Political rhetoric, properly understood and properly exercised, is about persuading people, and should be directed toward matters of public policy. Maxine Waters is not seeking to persuade anyone, but is merely name-calling, making defamatory smears against her opponents. What she and other Democrats hate most about Trump is that he delights in playing the same game Democrats habitually play. You want to turn politics into a name-calling competition? You think it’s OK to label any and all Republicans “racist”? Donald Trump will see your bet and raise you a thousand.

The co-founder of the Black Panthers just endorsed Trump. Deep in my heart, I do believe, we shall overcome the Democratic Party some day.


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2 Responses to “On MSNBC ‘Kerosene Maxine’ Labels Republican Voters ‘Domestic Terrorists’”

  1. America’s most loathsome Congresswoman spews bile and hate | If You are Left you ain't Right
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  2. FMJRA 2.0: Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad : The Other McCain
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