The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Media Mourns Loss of Terrorist Leader

Posted on | September 28, 2024 | 1 Comment

After much blowback — were college interns working the weekend copy desk? — Associated Press has changed that headline, but what was the logic? How does the journalistic “mainstream” reach a point where a bloodthirsty Jew-hater like Hassan Nasrallah gets such a fond send-off from AP? Dig the euphemism in the lead paragraph, where Hezbollah is described as a “Lebanese militant group” when, in fact, they are a gang of Islamic terrorist thugs sponsored by Iran which, to their credit, the AP more or less admits farther down in the story:

An astute strategist, the 64-year-old Nasrallah reshaped Hezbollah into an archenemy of Israel, cementing alliances with Shiite religious leaders in Iran and Palestinian militant groups such as Hamas.
Under his leadership, Hezbollah fought wars against Israel and took part in the conflict in neighboring Syria, helping tip the balance of power in favor of President Bashar Assad.
Idolized by his Lebanese Shiite followers and respected by millions of others across the Arab and Islamic world, Nasrallah held the title of sayyid, an honorific meant to signify the Shiite cleric’s lineage dating back to the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.
A fiery orator viewed as an extremist in the United States and much of the West, he was also considered a pragmatist compared to the militants who dominated Hezbollah after its founding in 1982, during Lebanon’s civil war.

You know who else was “fiery orator viewed as an extremist in the United States and much of the West”? A guy named Adolf Hitler. Perhaps you’ve heard of him. Anyway, Nasrallah is dead, as are other top Hezbollah leaders including Ali Karaki. Bibi Netanyahu is Israel’s Michael Corleone, settling all the family business. Can you imagine being a junior “militant” in Hezbollah and learning that you’ve gotten promoted because the guy above you in the terrorist hierarchy just got killed?


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One Response to “Media Mourns Loss of Terrorist Leader”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: The Pleasure Is To Play : The Other McCain
    October 6th, 2024 @ 12:29 am

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