The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Vindicated: Britain’s ‘Grooming Gangs’ Finally Get the Attention They Deserve

Posted on | January 8, 2025 | Comments Off on Vindicated: Britain’s ‘Grooming Gangs’ Finally Get the Attention They Deserve

Because Elon Musk decided to remind people of the role that Britain’s Labour Party played in the “grooming gang” scandal, suddenly millions of people who never knew about the scandal — particularly in the United States — are talking about this as if it were breaking news. And while I suppose I should be grateful that this gruesome tale is finally getting the attention it deserves, excuse me for asking: Where were these people 10 or 15 years ago, when I was frequently calling attention to this?

That was my first spate of coverage, nearly 15 years ago, and in 2014, I wrote extensively about “The Rotherham Horror”:

Imagine if more than a thousand girls, some as young as 11, were sexually exploited by members of a fundamentalist religious cult. Now imagine that authorities refused to act to stop this heinous abuse of young girls because of their fear of offending public opinion.
Except you don’t have to imagine this. It actually happened.
And the fundamentalist religious cult? Yeah: Islam.

Subsequently, I wrote about Emma Jackson, who was pimped out by these gangs beginning at age 13. What is amazing about all this is how the problem was widely known for years and yet was ignored, as I remarked when activist Tommy Robinson was arrested in 2018:

Class prejudice was clearly a factor in this. Most British journalists are from the college-educated upper classes, while the girls being raped and pimped out by these Muslim gangs were mostly from a class that Americans would call “white trash.”
It’s not as if the “grooming” gangs were a big secret, after all. Young Pakistani men were parking their cars in front of schools to pick up their 14- and 15-year-old “girlfriends” and, because these girls were generally from the welfare-dependent lower classes, nobody seemed to care. Police, educators and social-service agencies ignored what was going on, and as for the media, well, they wouldn’t want to be accused of “racism” or “Islamophobia” for reporting on this phenomenon.

Radical feminist Julie Bindel was actually the first to write about the so-called “grooming gangs” in 2007, and it was also covered at great length by my friend Pamela Geller. It was a “fringe” concern back then, and to see the story surge to the top of the headlines because Elon Musk slammed the British Prime Minister — well, welcome to the party, pal.


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