The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

OMG! Calling Michelle Malkin! Kindergarten Girls Gone Wild?

Posted on | May 7, 2010 | 19 Comments

RicketyClick responded to National Offend a Feminist Week by asking where’s the feminist outrage over this video of little girls in skimpy outfits dancing to Beyonce’s “Single Lady.”

Any attempt to describe this creepazoid video fails due to the inadequacy of language. A few of the more printable YouTube comments:

“The parents should be hanged by their thumbs.”

“Holy s—. What the bloody hell were these girls’ parents thinking?”

“Omfg is this a f—ing pedophile organization?? wtf is wrong with people.”

Yeah, it’s enough to make “family values” people cuss. RicketyClick notes that this was a performance at “World of Dance,” sponsored by Paul Mitchell beauty products, and quotes Roissy in DC:

I really wonder what goes through the minds of parents who would skank up their five year old daughters. . . . I bet single moms are more prone to doing this sort of experimentation with their bastard spawn.

Disturbing commentary about a disturbing phenomenon. Beyond its satirical value, National Offend a Feminist Week sometimes provokes discussion of serious issues and this is certainly one of those. This particular discussion, however, deserves a much larger and more serious venue.

Short of asking John Walsh to investigate the choreographer and costume director of this “World of Dance” travesty, I can think of nothing better than to call it to the attention of Michelle Malkin, who has so often decried the “Girls Gone Wild” culture.

Happy Mother’s Day, America.

UPDATE: Melissa Clouthier dubs it “Future Pole Dancer Club of America.”

UPDATE II: Andrew Lawton at Strictly Right:

As can be seen in the video, Paul Mitchell (the hair company) was a key sponsor of the event. I called their holding company, John Paul Mitchell Systems for comment from their media relations department. It took me two hours to find out who I needed to talk to, let alone get a hold of them. With some further sleuthing, I found out that Paul Mitchell has shut down their phone lines to incoming calls today.

“Shut down their phone lines”? Just keep calling, people.

Paul Mitchell customer service:



19 Responses to “OMG! Calling Michelle Malkin! Kindergarten Girls Gone Wild?”

  1. Largebill
    May 7th, 2010 @ 6:19 pm

    I pray I’m wrong, but I don’t think those kids have any chance of making it to adulthood unharmed.
    With parenting like they’re getting . . . . well my guess is they will be into adult behavior before they’re ready and will pay the price in many forms.

  2. Largebill
    May 7th, 2010 @ 1:19 pm

    I pray I’m wrong, but I don’t think those kids have any chance of making it to adulthood unharmed.
    With parenting like they’re getting . . . . well my guess is they will be into adult behavior before they’re ready and will pay the price in many forms.

  3. Dirty Ol' Saudi
    May 7th, 2010 @ 6:28 pm

    Hey if they are over 9, it is all good. All good. Are their parents taking bids for them to get married?

  4. Dirty Ol' Saudi
    May 7th, 2010 @ 1:28 pm

    Hey if they are over 9, it is all good. All good. Are their parents taking bids for them to get married?

  5. Future Pole Dancer Club Of America: Catering To America’s Pedophiles | Liberty Pundits dot net
    May 7th, 2010 @ 1:54 pm

    […] don’t even want to know where Stacy McCain found this video. Go watch this and come […]

  6. Americaneocon
    May 7th, 2010 @ 8:09 pm

    Yes, McCain, serious issues … and with that, here’s my contribution to “Offend a Feminist Week 2010: ‘Offend a Feminist: Laura Sjoberg, Ph.D., J.D.’.

  7. Americaneocon
    May 7th, 2010 @ 3:09 pm

    Yes, McCain, serious issues … and with that, here’s my contribution to “Offend a Feminist Week 2010: ‘Offend a Feminist: Laura Sjoberg, Ph.D., J.D.’.

  8. just a conservative girl
    May 7th, 2010 @ 8:39 pm

    I have an issue with the premise of offend a feminist. I can give a million of examples of how to offend a conservative woman. Wouldn’t feminist women find this to be nothing more than “free expression”?

  9. just a conservative girl
    May 7th, 2010 @ 3:39 pm

    I have an issue with the premise of offend a feminist. I can give a million of examples of how to offend a conservative woman. Wouldn’t feminist women find this to be nothing more than “free expression”?

  10. McGehee
    May 8th, 2010 @ 2:53 am

    Offending a feminist is easy, since they need to take offense in regular doses or they’ll revert to sanity.

  11. McGehee
    May 7th, 2010 @ 9:53 pm

    Offending a feminist is easy, since they need to take offense in regular doses or they’ll revert to sanity.

  12. Jill
    May 8th, 2010 @ 3:15 pm

    Unreal. I’d love to visit their planet and try to understand what these parents are thinking. Moms and dads both.

    Linked to you here.

  13. Jill
    May 8th, 2010 @ 10:15 am

    Unreal. I’d love to visit their planet and try to understand what these parents are thinking. Moms and dads both.

    Linked to you here.

  14. Bob Belvedere
    May 8th, 2010 @ 8:52 pm
  15. Bob Belvedere
    May 8th, 2010 @ 3:52 pm
  16. Offend a Feminist! 2010 Finale
    May 9th, 2010 @ 12:24 am

    […] OMG! Calling Michelle Malkin! Kindergarten Girls Gone Wild? RicketyClick responded to National Offend a Feminist Week by asking where’s the feminist outrage over this video of little girls in skimpy outfits dancing to Beyonce’s ”Single Lady.” […]

  17. kelly
    May 11th, 2010 @ 12:22 am

    im a single mother im 23 ,,, and i would never ever let my child do or be apart of that just undress them and make them a sex object,,, yes its all they know in this day and age but old fashion morels are still n my blood and pride is more to me and self respect u dont need to shake it to make it in life …

  18. kelly
    May 10th, 2010 @ 7:22 pm

    im a single mother im 23 ,,, and i would never ever let my child do or be apart of that just undress them and make them a sex object,,, yes its all they know in this day and age but old fashion morels are still n my blood and pride is more to me and self respect u dont need to shake it to make it in life …

  19. Kindergarten Girls Dance Video?? Be a Parent for Mother’s Day
    July 12th, 2010 @ 1:22 am

    […] in time for Mother’s Day, “The OtherMcCain” (who is married to Mrs. “OtherMcCain”  and  a father of six, btw) via Rickety Click […]