The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Joe Biden: Obama’s Albatross

Posted on | October 26, 2012 | 10 Comments

Vulgar comments to the father of a Navy SEAL killed in Benghazi? Yeah, that’s just a start. How about Joe, the Omen of Economic Doom?

Vice President Joe Biden is campaigning in Oshkosh on Friday, a day after one of the largest area employers announced 450 layoffs — the result of expected cuts to the Department of Defense.
Oshkosh Corp. will layoff 450 manufacturing workers in January, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Thursday, saying the Pentagon is expected to purchase few of the company’s military vehicles. The military cut its requested budget for ground vehicles by 32 percent in the 2013 fiscal year.

“Stand up, Chuck! Let ’em see ya! Oh, God love ya, what am I talking about?”


10 Responses to “Joe Biden: Obama’s Albatross”

  1. anexconsview
    October 26th, 2012 @ 9:56 am

    @smitty_one_each If only Barry was selling him a penny a pound in a theater like in Monty Python!

  2. Don Surber
    October 26th, 2012 @ 10:19 am

    No, no, no. Barack Obama is Joe Biden’s albatross

  3. McGehee
    October 26th, 2012 @ 12:47 pm

    Two albatrosses that campaign as one.

  4. Ray Stickler
    October 26th, 2012 @ 1:23 pm

    Let’s see – Joe Biden makes a disgusting remark to a man who just lost his son, and Hillary tells Mr Woods that they will arrest the man responsible for the video. And it turns out the Obama regime told the CIA annex in Benghazi to “stand down” rather than help the Ambassador and his people. How can their still be an election going on?

  5. Ray Stickler
    October 26th, 2012 @ 1:25 pm

    Oops – There instead of their….

  6. Great moments on Twitter! « The Daley Gator
    October 26th, 2012 @ 1:32 pm

    […] Biden: Obama’s Albatross … Doug […]

  7. John Bradley
    October 26th, 2012 @ 2:01 pm

    Together, they combine to form MECHA-ALBATROSS!

  8. badanov
    October 26th, 2012 @ 3:27 pm

    Joe Biden can suck my balls

  9. Adjoran
    October 26th, 2012 @ 3:35 pm

    THREE times help was requested, THREE times it was refused, twice by the CIA Command, and once by the military. UNBELIEVABLE.

    And Panetta whines about “Monday Morning Quarterbacking”? This isn’t a GAME, you worthless piece of human detritus!

    We need rope. Lots and lots of rope.

  10. Bob Belvedere
    October 28th, 2012 @ 12:21 am

    You bring the rope, and I’ll bring the tar and feathers.