The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

California Screaming

My friend Stogie at Saberpoint is, alas, a victim of Californication: The buzz is that California will be a hold out in this next Republican revolution — they will proudly and stubbornly be wrong once again.  While Californians struggle with 22% unemployment, free soup kitchens and food banks, they will nevertheless vote for the party […]

More Examples Of The Progressive Inverted Tongue

by Smitty Modern sophists don’t believe in any sort of absolute truth. This makes conversation challenging, as they will frequently attack the definitions of terms in lieu of dealing with reality. I call this Orwellian language use the Progressive Inverted Tongue, and I doubt not from which PIT it emerges. Two fine examples came through […]


OK, folks, no kidding around this time, it’s time to help a friend in urgent need: Home foreclosures are continuing at a brisk pace, according to an article by McClatchy News. Many of the first foreclosures that began three years ago, when the housing bubble began to burst, were for subprime mortgages. Now, however, a […]
