The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Racism Industrial Complex Training Film: “Bob Is A Racist”

by Smitty This country in general, and this blog in particular, cannot stop in its relentless quest for ‘fairness’, and a raaaaacism-free country. Sadly, it appears that Bob Belvedere has been outed as a raaaaacist by the Solipsist Piffle Legal CanYouNameTerrorists (SPLC): Next up on the list to be outed, apparently, are Troglopundit and American […]

Theological Question

by Smitty In a 2010 NYT editorial “We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change“, Al Gore said: From the standpoint of governance, what is at stake is our ability to use the rule of law as an instrument of human redemption. The Apostle Paul: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;–Romans […]

I Am Not Consumed With Jealousy!

by Smitty I do not envy Paul Ryan’s perfect hair, excellent command of facts, sterling reputation, thick head of hair, political courage to dare suggest that Congress balance the budget before the sun burns out, or, for that matter, his rockin’ locks. No, I am not jealous of posts like this. I just wish the […]

Insults Too Grievous to Be Borne Gladly

The dark mood is on me again, and I keep stumbling across occasions to remember injuries and insults heaped up like a gigantic mountain of humiliation. An inferno of rage burns in my gut, and restraining it takes a constant, conscious effort that exhausts me. Serial betrayals by backstabbing two-faced “friends” — well, I must put it […]

Troglopundit’s New Hairstyle

by Smitty It’s really not good form for men to pay any heed to each others’ personal appearance. If a fellow is dressed dorkishly, well, that’s on him. But, at times, a line is crossed; a boundary violated; common sense tarnished, and we are forced to confront the question: what went wrong?

Wisconsin NORK Rube Self-Identifies

by Smitty I just ate, and Trog comes up in the reader. He’s on about Look how cute that Kim Jong-un is and I’m wondering what went wrong with water management in the vicinity of his swamp. The Trog is shocked, SHOCKED! that the North Koreans are launching a rocket, in defiance of the United […]

Axis Of Socially Inept

by Smitty It must get awful lonely up there in Burri-land: Although Paco now denies it, his investigation clearly shows the ascendancy of The Axis of Cheesehead above that of the now passe Axis of Fedora. Passé? Really? Look at the photo at the link above. Quite the dude party you’ve got going there. Now […]

Bloviating Blame Manager Lashes Out At This Blog

by Smitty New depths of decay have been reached in the sad decomposition of what was once a decent blog. No, I’m being too generous–it was always a sad pot of rot, the Trog Blog. Now, in a feat of mental gymnastics worthy of #OccupyResoluteDesk’s famous projection of all failure on George W. Bush, Troglopundit […]

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