The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#NOAFW Kinder, Gentler Baby-Killing

Cosmopolitan magazine celebrates the Sacrament of Liberalism: New Jersey abortion clinic counselor Emily Lett got pregnant and recorded a video of her abortion experience, telling her story to “inspire other women to stop the guilt.” Wesley Smith comments: “Ah. good times. Becoming irresponsibly pregnant and then having a birth-like experience of destroying a fetus — […]

Call It the ‘Post-DTF Stroll,’ Maybe?

Feminism is, among other things, a totalitarian attempt to tell us what to think by controlling what we are allowed to say. For example, we cannot be permitted to disapprove of promiscuous women, and so the language of disapproval must be suppressed. Which predictably brings us to the latest from Amanda Marcotte: The “walk of […]

Feminist Theory Ruins Everything: @AmyGoodloe’s Lesbian Sedative

  “Allison eased herself carefully across the slippery sheets to the edge of the bed. Her feet dangling off the edge, she groped for the floor. She felt the slick, fur-like material of the rug between her toes. For a moment she played with it, enjoying the sensual tickling sensation on her barefoot. Then she […]

Geek Girls To Feminists: Don’t Jack Up Our Target-Rich Environment

by Smitty Is it National Offend a Feminist Week yet? Dr. Layla has got me on my knees, laughing at the notion that women shun Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors due to “concern that their ‘geeky’ male classmates will present poor social prospects“. Other major concerns listed were: boring they wouldn’t be any […]

Fred Reed Encounters Maureen Dowd; Demolition Ensues

by Smitty Reed mostly predates the blogging phenomenon. While this is not National Offend a Feminist Week, I think Stacy will permit our loyal readers a little taste of a first-rate spleen dump (emphasis mine): Listen, Corn Flower. Let’s think over this business of obsolete men. Reflect. You live in New York, in which every […]

My Wife Is a Soldier’s Mom

Army son will be up at 4 a.m. Number 15 in his “chalk” at Airborne school — first man out of his plane in Monday’s first jump. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) May 13, 2013 Today was Mother’s Day, and I realized I never got around to posting the photos of my Army son’s graduation […]

No, You’re Not a Feminist

Two years ago, I got in a long argument with my friend Little Miss Attila about feminism, specifically her claim that there is such a thing as “conservative feminism,” which I countered by citing the history of modern feminism from Betty Friedan to Susan Brownmiller as demonstrating that feminism always was a movement of the […]

As a ‘Christofascist Godbag,’ I Need Some Civility Lessons From Melissa McEwan

Let me begin this response to Melissa McEwan by citing Ann Coulter, not because she is a woman — certainly not one of those “liberal women constantly talking about their vaginas suddenly pretending to be offended by the word ‘slut’” — but because Coulter dared to tell the truth about Max Cleland’s Vietnam war injuries. […]

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