The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Which Lunatics Are Running the Asylum?

  Meet Cassidy Leigh “Cas” Barbour (pronouns “he/him/his”), a Peer Advisor at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, where “he” is majoring in Communication Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies. “Cas” first came out as bisexual at age 11, identified as “gay” at age 12, and at age 18, decided she was actually “he.” Now calling […]

Condé Nast Is Decadent and Depraved

  Remember the Teen Vogue anal sex issue? The presentation of this material in a beauty-and-fashion publication aimed at minors (many of them too young to legally consent to any sexual activity) alarmed and enraged parents who wondered what the hell was going on at the offices of the publishing giant Condé Nast. It turned […]

‘Strong Delusion’

  Richard Cooper called attention to this woman’s online dating profile: A 22-year-old unmarried mother who demands that any guy who contacts her must be 6-foot-3 with “stable housing and income … open to the idea of marriage … intelligent,” etc. Beggars can’t be choosers, ma’am. The average height of U.S. males is 5-foot-9. At […]

Solipsism and Feminist Rage Syndrome

In his third book, The Rational Male: Positive Masculinity, Rollo Tomassi observes that women are prone to solipsistic thinking, making their own feelings the measure of everything, a self-referential point of view that makes objectivity impossible. Of course, many men are also inclined toward solipsism, but in our feminine-primary social order (to employ Rollo’s phrase), […]

Guys, Never Do This

Are you a parent? Do you have a teenage son? Have you talked to him about how to deal with girls? Because if boys are not properly instructed, they will turn out to be pathetic losers, like Tyler:   Who does this? Set aside, for the moment, the fact that the guy knew he was […]

Nostalgia Is Not a Policy Agenda

Dalrock points out that some conservatives, in criticizing 21st-century feminism, are merely expressing nostalgia for the feminism of the past. This is an error I’ve never made; having researched the origins of modern feminism in the radical New Left of the 1960s, I realized that the idea of “Women’s Liberation” conveyed by popular culture is […]

The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved: Never Have Sex With a Yale Girl

  Is heterosexuality even legal at Yale University anymore? An accused student is suing Yale University for concluding that the brief absence of a condom “during an otherwise consensual encounter” was sexual assault. “John Doe” alleges that “gender bias was a motivating factor” in the decision against him by Dean of the College Marvin Chun, […]


Telling the truth about social-media and prostitution: Have you ever seen a group of girls [on Instagram] sporting skimpy bikinis on a gorgeous yacht? Or that “model” who continually posts thong and hand-bra pics and is ALWAYS traveling to the most exotic (and expensive) places? I always used to wonder, “how does she have so […]

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