The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Health Care or Aircraft Carriers?

One of the problems with ObamaCare is that this massive new entitlement program will steadily drain away tax money from the federal budget — including the defense budget, so that the United States can no longer afford to defend its interests abroad. In fact, something similar is already happening to our allies: The British military intervention in Libya is […]

Silliest Headline of the Week

FURIOUS BIN LADEN SUPPORTERS VOW TO TAKE REVENGE “You know how we were always screaming ‘Death to the infidel American imperialists’ before you killed bin Laden? Well, now we’re going to scream it even louder. So there. Nyah nyah nyah.”

How About Those Hats, Huh?

Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice — the daughters of Prince Andrew and Fergie — upstaged their cousin William at the royal wedding when they appeared in truly spectacular hats. Eugenie’s hat looked like a spotted owl feasting on plums, or perhaps a squirrel stuck in a rose bush, while Bea’s hat inspired comparisons to the Flying Spaghetti […]

Ye Merry Olde Upskirt Traffic

Back in November, when I first had the silly idea of grabbing the “Kate Middleton upskirt photo” Google-bomb (I blame John Hawkins and his Linkiest aggregator site for the inspiration), I little imagined how traffic would surge on the royal wedding day.

EXCLUSIVE: Royal Wedding Photo

Guarantee no other site on the Internet has this one: That’s my 8-year-old daughter Reagan Elizabeth, who got up at 4 a.m. to watch coverage of the royal wedding. Note the tiara. We call her “Princess.” You should hit Ye Merry Olde Tip Jar. UPDATE: From Her Royal Majesty: The Queen has today been pleased […]

Royalists for Social Justice?

After yesterday’s post about the royal wedding, I decided to develop the theme into a column for The American Spectator: Conservatives, predisposed to defend all things traditional and hierarchical, might naturally be expected to admire the British monarchy. But the remarkable fact is that most of the Americans obsessed by the royal wedding (and the […]

British Sending Military Advisers to Libya; Russia Says Aid Violates U.N. Mandate

It may be too early to call it a hopeless quagmire yet, but the situation is definitely getting squirrelly now: Britain said Tuesday it is expanding its presence in Libya with military advisers and the European Union said it is prepared to send troops for humanitarian assistance if requested by the United Nations. . . […]

Anti-Monarchist Christopher Hitchens Stubbornly Resists Royal Wedding Mania

Give him credit at least for consistency: Convinced republican that I am, and foe of the prince [i.e., Charles] who talks to plants and wants to be crowned “head of all faiths” as well as the etiolated Church of England, I find myself pierced by a pang of sympathy. Not much of a life, is […]

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