The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Greek Meltdown?

Here are a couple of video reports from EuroNews about this week’s big economic question: Can Greece deal with its debt crisis or will default trigger a global economic meltdown? At the Hot Air Green Room: The good news, such as it is: French banks have reportedly agreed to a plan to roll over Greek […]

Euro-Doom Looming?

The Standard & Poor 500 this week suffered its seventh week of losses in the past eight weeks, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average again closed below 12,000 on Friday. The problem? In a word, Europe: “Everybody is trying to digest how the European debt situation is going to shake out,” said Jason Pride, director […]

How Not to Fix Your Economy

“Greek labor unions were planning a general strike and a mass protest on Wednesday against the country’s economic austerity measures.” The labor unions, which have done so much to wreck the Greek economy, are now fighting against efforts to repair the damage. It’s like Wisconsin, really.

EUROPE IN CRISIS: Sudden Financial Emergency Strikes EU Zone
UPDATE: Götterdämmerung?

These headlines at the Drudge Report outline evidence of increasing stress on European economies: IRELAND ON THE BRINK… …TOLD TO TAKE EU BAILOUT PORTUGAL HITS PANIC BUTTON… GREEK DEFICIT MUCH BIGGER THAN ESTIMATE…   Is this it? Are we finally approaching global economic Armageddon? Give me a few minutes to sort through what this means. […]

The Fiercely Independent Partisan Hackmanship of Ezra Klein

At some point, “progressive” becomes just another synonym for “whatever Democrats want”: Greece . . . is a bailout Republicans can finally be against. TARP, after all, was proposed by the Bush administration and attracted a substantial number of Republican votes in Congress. Not so with Greece. . . . Ezra Klein goes on from […]

Is Greece ‘Too Big to Fail’?

The next bailout candidate: Problems with Greek debt are about to spread to other countries and could infect the US unless the nation tackles its own mounting problems, Pimco’s Mohamed El-Erian told CNBC. . . . “We’ve seen a crisis start in a country—Greece—become regional, impact the whole of the Euro zone and is on […]

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