The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Senate Votes 51-49 Against Witnesses; Impeachment Circus Will End Wednesday

  Our long national nightmare will soon be over: Senators defeated a last-ditch effort by Democrats to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Trump Friday evening, then approved a final schedule that will force a vote Wednesday on Mr. Trump’s fate. That means the president will deliver his State of the Union address […]

Collins Announces ‘Yes,’ Alexander ‘No’ on Calling Impeachment Witnesses: TIE?

  Last night, Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine announced that she would vote to open the impeachment trial to more witnesses and documents, while Sen Lamar Alexander of Tennessee said he would vote against more witnesses. Mitt Romney, worthless backstabber that he is, says he wants John Bolton to testify. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski […]

Eric Ciaramella’s Name Is Not a Secret, and #TeamTrump Only Hires Winners

NATIONAL AFFAIRS DESK, Martinsburg, W.Va. Working from a McDonald’s here this morning because my brother Kirby has an all-day doctor’s appointment at the VA Medical Center, and contributions to the tip jar would be sincerely appreciated. Meanwhile, in the Historic Impeachment™ drama, Jake Tapper is a whiny bitch: Trump campaign deputy director of communications Matt […]

Report: Impeachment Could End Friday

  The long, sad circus is coming to its inevitable conclusion: A Democratic push to force Republicans to accept witnesses at Donald Trump’s impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate appeared to be flagging on Wednesday, raising the possibility the president could be acquitted as early as Friday. As senators spent the day posing questions to […]

Hunter Biden Settles Child-Support Arrangement With Arkansas Stripper

  We have previously discussed Lunden Alexis Roberts, the 29-year-old Arkansas woman who worked (under the stage name “Dallas”) at a D.C. strip club, where she met Joe Biden’s son, who fathered a bastard child with her. Now comes the news that Hunter Biden, 49, has agreed to pay his baby mama child support retroactive […]

Why Does @Victoria_Spratt Hate Men?

  We could laugh at the recent headline — “The Dangerous Rise Of Men Who Won’t Date ‘Woke’ Women” — if the sense of panic weren’t indicative of a larger social problem, but there are probably a lot of women as worried as British journalist Vicky Spratt. They have been in a condition of despair […]

Jonathan ‘Jessica’ Yaniv in Jail?

  When last we checked in with this wax-my-balls Canadian freak, he/“she” had assaulted a reporter outside a courthouse in Surrey, British Columbia. Now it seems the freak has spent time behind bars: Jessica Yaniv was arrested for the assault of a Canadian journalist on over the weekend. According to Keean Bexte, the journalist who […]

The Duchess of Sussex Is a Nasty Whore, and Prince Harry Is a Hopeless Fool

  Meghan Markle is doing to the British royal family what Yoko Ono did to the Beatles. Prince Harry married a trashy celebrity, who is now starring in her own reality show, Real Housewives of Buckingham Palace or maybe Keeping Up With the Windsors. Harry is being humiliated by his wife who seems determined to […]

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