The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Does @Victoria_Spratt Hate Men?

Posted on | January 24, 2020 | 1 Comment


We could laugh at the recent headline — “The Dangerous Rise Of Men Who Won’t Date ‘Woke’ Women” — if the sense of panic weren’t indicative of a larger social problem, but there are probably a lot of women as worried as British journalist Vicky Spratt. They have been in a condition of despair for at least the past three years, ever since Hillary Clinton lost the election, and everywhere they look, they see more reasons to worry. It’s not merely the rise of nationalism, the elections of right-wing populists like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, the Brexit vote, etc. As the feminist slogan says, “the personal is political,” and a new generation of “empowered” young women is struggling to come to grips with a simple fact: Men generally don’t like feminists.

What set Miss Spratt’s alarm bells to ringing? An actor named Laurence Fox appeared on a BBC panel show called “Question Time,” where audience members ask questions of the panelists, and was dismissive of a woman’s claim that Megan Markle has been a victim of racism:

One audience member sparked the debate, and said: “The problem we’ve got with his is that Meghan has agreed to be Harry’s wife and then the press has torn her to pieces.
“Lets be really clear about what this is, lets call it by its name: it’s racism.”
Many members of the crowd applauded this, with equally as many booing.
The audience member continued: “She’s a black woman and she has been torn to pieces.”
Laurence Fox, an actor most known for his appearance in the series, Inspector Lewis, exclaimed: “It’s not racist!”
The audience member continued: “She has been torn to pieces and it absolutely is racism.”
Mr Fox replied: “It’s not racism, we’re the most tolerant and lovely country in Europe — you can’t just be throwing the charge of racism at everybody and its really starting to get boring now.”
The slanging match continued, as the audience member said: “Says a white privileged man, what worries me about your comment is you’re a white privileged male.” . . .
He said: “I can’t help what I am, I was born like this, it’s an immutable characteristic: to call me a white privileged male is to be racist – you’re being racist.”

As to the substance of that controversy, the problem was never Markle’s race, but her graceless reaction to the way she was treated by the British press. Even if the tabloid coverage of her marriage to Harry was racist, and even if some of the royal family disapproved of Harry’s choice, the Duchess of Sussex might have won over her critics if her reaction had been appropriately aristocratic. A true aristocrat is sufficiently conscious of his superiority that his self-esteem is not dependent upon his popularity. Think about how Winston Churchill endured his “wilderness years” in the 1930s, refusing to cede anything to the architects of appeasement, even though this meant he was smeared in the press as a warmonger. When, exactly as he had predicted, appeasement led to disaster, Churchill did not retaliate against those who had frozen him out of power for so long, but graciously credited Chamberlain with having acted with good intentions, however mistaken his policy had been.

That is what an aristocratic temperament looks like, and Markle alienated the British public by her failure to display such a temperament. But what caused Vicky Pratt to push the panic button was Laurence Fox’s further discussion of the problem of “woke” attitudes. He has said he couldn’t date a woman under 35 for that reason:

[H]e said he no longer dates younger ladies because they are “too woke” and many of them are “absolutely bonkers.”
He said women under 35 are “primed to believe they are victims.”
Fox then revealed he had broken up with an ex when she praised a Gillette advert which highlighted “toxic masculinity.”
He said: “I don’t know how we ended up together. It was a very short relationship.
“We were walking down the road together and she was talking about how good the Gillette advert was. I just looked at her and went, ‘Bye. Sorry I can’t do this with you.'”
Asked what his ex-girlfriend would think of him discussing their break-up in public, he said: “She will probably sit there and say, ‘See I told you he was patriarchal. He’s abusing me and I’m offended.'”

Indeed, a man would be better off alone than to be forced to surrender his intellectual independence for fear that his opinions might be deemed “offensive” to a politically correct girlfriend. Leftists never acknowledge the totalitarian tendency of their intolerance for dissent. It’s not conservatives, after all, who are forever trying to get their opponents banned from YouTube or Facebook for expressing unpopular opinions.

We might note that, for Laurence Fox, the personal is also political, as he endured a divorce and custody battle in 2016 that he says drained his bank account and nearly cost him his sanity. If he isn’t exactly enthusiastic about the feminist agenda, who can blame him?

The kind of “intersectional” feminism that Vicky Spratt embraces means that white heterosexual males have no rights — not even the right to their own opinions — and yet she cannot seem to understand why the men she hates so much don’t want to date women like her:

Not wanting to date “woke” women, far from being laughable, is actually one of the more insidious aspects of it. Spend an afternoon on any major dating app and you’ll come across (generally white) men saying openly sexist and misogynistic things. They might say “no psychos” or that they “f–king hate big eyebrows” in their bios. And, by and large, they also tend to hold extremely right-wing views and see themselves as victims of liberal thinking.
In fact, as I was writing this, a dear friend sent me a screenshot of a guy she’s just matched with who describes Jordan B Peterson as his “dream dinner guest”. Yes, the same Jordan B Peterson who thinks that white privilege is a “Marxist lie” and wants millennials to drop their obsession with “social justice”.
I, meanwhile, recently had to block someone who after matching with me launched into a vile rant about how women are “evil”, “only want sex” and treat men as though they are “disposable”. When I asked him if he hated women he replied that he had “only moderate disdain” for us before asking me whether I didn’t want to date him because I’m actually “pretty rough”.
All of this, of course, speaks not only to the presence of the very active online communities of anti-feminist incels but to the prevalence of the hideous and incorrect ideas they promote. It doesn’t take magical thinking to see how men are radicalised by anti-feminism. . . .

You can read the whole thing but — spoiler alert! — Miss Spratt goes off into the paranoid everything-is-connected kind of “intersectionality” in which (a) some guy saying rude things on Tinder is linked to (b) violent extremists with AK-47s committing mass murder. By that kind of logic, of course, every socialist is responsible for the Khmer Rouge, every Muslim is implicated in 9/11, and all Germans are to blame for the Holocaust. Only by such a collective blame-game mentality can Miss Spratt make this leap of logic to accuse Laurence Fox of endorsing “insidious” ideas merely because he’s not interested in dating “woke” women. As for the type of men Miss Spratt is meeting via dating apps, well, what does she expect? At age 31, she is past her prime, and the quality of choices available to her reflects her diminished SMV.

Online dating is for losers. How many times do I have to repeat this? If nobody who actually knows you in real life wants to date you, why do you imagine the Internet will magically solve your problem? And doesn’t she understand that the guy who “launched into a vile rant” might have been just giving her the brush-off or, perhaps, just being typical of the kind of loser who can’t get a date from any who actually knows him? If losers on Tinder are the standard by which all men are to be judged, then I must be a veritable prince among men! Never once have I asserted that women “only want sex,” or told a stranger she looked “pretty rough.”

Also, if a guy says “no psychos” on his Tinder profile — well, he’s been dealing with the kind of women who use Tinder, OK? Emotionally dysfunctional women who can’t get a date with anyone who knows them in real life? Yeah, they’re a dime a dozen on Tinder, which is why I advise guys against using Tinder or any other dating app.


Speaking of emotional dysfunction, Vicky Spratt wasted seven years of her life — her peak SMV years — on a guy who recently dumped her. “Two months earlier,” she wrote in December, “I closed the door on a seven-year relationship both literally and metaphorically after the person I owned a home with left”:

Had I thought I would marry them? I guess so. . . .
My long-term relationship fell apart in slow motion. By the time I’d got a grip on the situation I realised I didn’t want to hold it together anymore.

People never ask for my advice, and when I volunteer advice, people seldom seem to listen, but I’ll try it once again. Ladies, never let a man string you along in a “relationship.” Notice I put that word inside quotation marks? That’s because having a “relationship” has become synonymous with what used to be called fornication. There is a reason why the Bible condemns fornication, and there is also a reason why people who fornicate nowadays use the euphemism “relationship,” i.e., because they don’t want to admit they’re doing something wrong.

When you do bad things, bad consequences are to be expected, and yet women like Vicky Spratt always seem surprised to discover that fornication — which is what “long-term relationship” means — ultimately results in unhappiness. You’re 24, you move in with your boyfriend, then seven years later, after it “fell apart in slow motion,” you’re having to block creeps on a dating app because you’re 31 and basically the only guys available and/or interested are creeps on dating apps.

That, my friends, is the answer to the question in the headline: Why does Vicky Spratt hate men? Because she wasted her youth on a guy who dumped her, and she has a right to be bitter about her experience, just as Laurence Fox has a right to be bitter about his divorce.



One Response to “Why Does @Victoria_Spratt Hate Men?”

  1. What Feminists Have Wrought | 357 Magnum
    January 24th, 2020 @ 10:36 pm

    […] “Unexpectedly,” men don’t want to associate with women who call them monsters. Why Does @Victoria_Spratt Hate Men?. […]