The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Props to @cypherdog on Twitter

by Smitty Our Ambassador issued a Strongly Worded Memo: Appearing soon on a roll of Russian toilet paper. . . — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) October 2, 2015 Iowahawk started us down the path to enlightenment: [View the story “Office Of Dr. StrangeSpace” on Storify] Didn’t laugh; I’d cry.

Once Upon A Time, Her Majesty Paid A Visit To A Village That It Had Taken

by Smitty @MsEBL @charliespiering @vermontaigne @TwitchyTeam @michellemalkin @Lemang01 @instapundit @AceofSpadesHQ @AmPowerBlog — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) July 26, 2015

Are We Hiring Someone So Challenged As To Require A “Business Suit Onesie”?

by Smitty Mrs. Other Smitty brought this to my attention. As a generally slack-tacular kinda guy, I can follow the logic involved in this. Anything you can do to streamline a process, e.g. dressing, is worth doing. Note the shopping avoidance on display: you buy the one thing, and you’re done. Two complications come to […]

Here It Is: #ClintonJennerDolezal2016

by Smitty In this blog’s relentless quest to immanentize the Next Big Thing, we proudly proffer the Tres Bimbos ticket. This #OPMhack clearly demonstrates that America needs a president who will set up an insecure email server in her mud room. — Cuffy (@CuffyMeh) June 12, 2015 That it’s Her Majesty’s turn, and we [nsfw] […]

Her Majesty’s Frontside #LibHorseNames

by Smitty Who can resist horsing around on twitter? #LibHorseNames Village Lotion — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) June 6, 2015 Update: So, American Pharaoh does the triple crown. Meanwhile, in the White House, some dude was all: “Hey, I gave a speech in Cairo once. . .”

Stephanopoulos Wishes He Could Get Over Macho Grande Like Brian Williams

by Smitty George asks "that hard question" of the Slick One — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) May 15, 2015 via Treacher & Paco

Brother Of- & World’s Youngest Blogger Experience Patriarchal Oppression

by Smitty

. . .And Then Her Majesty Hit The Karaoke For Some “You Light Up My Life” Action

by Smitty [View the story “Jokes That Write Themselves” on Storify]

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