The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ed Koch Writes Around The Topic Of Corruption With A Neurosurgeon’s Skill

by Smitty One must admit, it’s quite a well done piece by Ed Koch in the Puffington Host to talk about corruption in the U.S. while mentioning no more than Dick Durbin in terms of Democrat corruption. What this country needs is a Congress and a president who will investigate the corruption that Americans feel […]

If It Weren’t Public School Doing It …

. . . what would you think about someone who wanted to talk to your 11-year-old about masturbation, anal sex, “doggie style” and how to perform oral sex if you’ve got braces? Welcome to New York City in 2012: New York City 11-year-olds will soon be learning sex education from workbooks that include instruction on […]

Dear NYPD …

NYPD resisted the temptation to kill this Commie douchenozzle Permit me to praise you, courageous officers of the New York Police Department, for your admirable restraint in dealing with the smelly Marxist scum currently infesting your city. While I haven’t previously bothered to grant any underserved publicity to the vermin involved in the “Occupy Wall […]

Democrats Discover the SCOAMF Factor

“The Democratic Party’s rare loss of a congressional seat in its urban heartland Tuesday, accompanied by a blowout defeat in a Nevada special election, marked the latest in a string of demoralizing setbacks that threatened to deepen the party’s crisis of confidence and raise concerns about President Barack Obama’s political fortunes. . . . In […]

NY-9: Turner Time?
UPDATE: ‘I See Dead Voters!’

UPDATE 12:08 a.m. ET: ASSOCIATED PRESS DECLARES REPUBLICAN BOB TURNER THE WINNER IN NEW YORK’S 9TH DISTRICT! UPDATE 12:13 a.m. ET: While AP has called it for Turner, Democrat Dave Weprin has not yet conceded: Businessman Bob Turner (R) defeated state Assemblyman David Weprin (D) in the special election for the House seat held by […]

NY-9: Boots on the Ground

CHARLOTTE, N.C. Changing planes here on my way to Tampa for the debate, but enough of a layover that I had time to had time to check my e-mail, and found a report on what the Conservative Action Fund is doing in the run-up to Tuesday’s special election in Anthony Weiner’s former congressional district. Here […]

VIDEO: Ladd Ehlinger Strikes NY-9 With Surfing Rabbi and Dancing Weiners

GO RED 9/13! UPDATE: A new Sienna College poll shows Turner leading by 6 points, with a 38-point advantage among independents. Ace of Spades points out that Weprin’s vote for gay marriage might be hurting him among Orthodox Jews in the district. UPDATE II: The latest poll — the second in the past week to […]

NY-9: Democrats Panic as Bob Turner Surges in Anthony Weiner’s District

Three weeks ago, I told you about Republican Bob Turner’s “unexpectedly” strong campaign in New York’s 9th District in the Sept. 13 special election to fill Anthony Weiner’s seat: The district’s Cook Partisan Voting Index rating is only D+5 — not nearly as prohibitively partisan as Jerry Nadler’s 8th District (D+22), for example. And remember […]

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