The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Can’t Obama?

by Smitty This. Must. Be. The. Question: Click the image to watch: If The Tea Party Can Balance Budget In Four Years, Why Can’t Obama? There are a couple of issues of equal weight today, and maybe the boom gets lowered after the GOP primaries, but, to paraphrase Da Tech Guy, every day the failure […]

Scott Ott With The News

by Smitty I’m totally a fan of this mildly dry wit. The Aqua Buddha joke works the best on this clip:

Progressivism At Work: Put States In A Bad Way, Blame States For Being There

by Smitty Come on, Gandleman: I need to preface this post by saying that I am a HUGE fan of Texas. I love visiting Texas. I love Texans. And I think too many Texans have been burned by the false stereotype of the exaggerating, bloviating Texas politician in a state that has many fine elected […]

Steven Crowder’s Latest, Plus The #Occupy Anthem: Anarchy Burger!

by Smitty Steven Crowder has what he thinks is the final #Occupy video: That’s un-possible. The final one will be the shot in 2013 when #OccupyResoluteDesk is relieved by ________. The other glitch with Steven’s video is the lack of a soundtrack. This old chestnut from a while back came to mind during the #OccupyBandNames […]

Victor D. Hanson Offers Meanness And Mitt

by Smitty VDH is one of the few academics worthy of the respect formerly afforded the ivory tower. His analysis is pure gloomy realpolitik: only Romney has the chops to take on Barack. Where I badly want to disagree with Victor is that he seems not to hold out much hope for the American people. […]

Victor Davis Hanson Thinks Than Romney Is The Only GOP Candidate Who Can Win

by Smitty Roger Simon of PJTV interviews the mighty Victor Davis Hanson. The post was linked by somebody, then dropped. Probably a simple rescheduling, though, I’ll not cite the blogger, on the off chance that the retraction has some other meaning. If you blog enough, these odd corner cases of etiquette will pop up, I […]

Radiance Foundation On ‘Zo Nation: NAACP And ACLU Hardest Hit

by Smitty Meet the man Planned Parenthood fears. Ryan Bomberger wants more black parents to choose life over abortion, and believes that abortion is hitting epidemic levels in black communities. Is Planned Parenthood racist? Find out. Click the image to view: Abortion is possibly the oldest Lefty evil. Thank St. Albert of Gore for the […]

‘Zo Takes Aim At Russell Simmons, Makes Fish Soup In Barrel

by Smitty On the one hand, the substance isn’t terribly challenging. On the other, Alfonzo Rachel still delivers the well-played style. Click the image to view: Update: And it looks like Steven Crowder has some #OccupyShenanigans coming on Monday:

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