The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When You’re Doubled Over In Agony, Your Guts Are ‘Sploding And #ObamaCare Has Broken Our Medical System, Watch This

by Smitty Remember, boys and girls: triumph begins with visualization and a peppy soundtrack: (rest in) Peace Through Bureaucracy via Rare

The Perverse Incentives and Unintended Consequences of ObamaCare, Continued

The road to Hell is paved by liberal Democrats: An upstate New York grocery chain that had been praised for offering health insurance to its part-time employees will eliminate those benefits as a result of the federal health-care law passed in 2010. “Several Wegmans employees confirmed part-time health benefits had been cut and said the […]

When Did Failing Upward Become An American Tradition?

by Smitty Heritage reports that (presumably blue) cities and states will be dumping employee healthcare costs onto the federal health care exchanges: Both Chicago and Detroit have explored using the exchanges to reduce massive budget shortfalls, and it could set an example for others. Bloomberg quotes one expert from the Rockefeller Institute of Government: “We […]

Senators Cruz And Lee Talking Doubling Down On ObamaCare Funding

by Smitty Byron York at the Examiner reports: With Congress moving ahead on a continuing resolution to fund the federal government for the rest of the fiscal year, some Senate Republicans are proposing an amendment to delay funding the implementation of Obamacare — and they are threatening to stop the entire continuing resolution process unless […]

Is It Time For The Two Scandinavian Ladies To Sing On Defunding ObamaCare?

by Smitty Heritage notes: This week, the House plans to take up a bill that would fund the government for the remainder of the 2013 fiscal year. As of March 1, we are now living under the sequester that was passed overwhelmingly by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in the summer of […]

Mandates, Regulation and ‘Rights’

What was causing the problem to which ObamaCare was supposed to be the solution? If it was not clear before, it is becoming more so, now that the alleged solution is making the problem worse: Health insurance companies across the country are seeking and winning double-digit increases in premiums for some customers, even though one […]

Sow Crap Policy, Reap Policy Crap

by Smitty If you think having the ship list to port is a bad idea, I have news for you about the efficacy of mustering the crew on the port midships quarterdeck to form a union and fight the list: On Tuesday, CCAC employees were notified that Obamacare defines full-time employees as those working 30 […]

When Katy Met Arlen

The death of a RINO has already been duly noted, if not exactly mourned. In their own remembrance of Snarlin’ Arlen, Victory Girls remind us of the moment at a 2009 town-hall meeting when the Vicious Backstabbing Crapweasel learned he had “awakened a sleeping giant”: “This is about the systematic dismantling of this country. I […]

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