The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats ‘Increasingly Worried About a Number of Issues Plaguing’ Kamala

Remember what I told you in mid-September? “Kamala Is Underperforming” was the headline, at a time when the newly-minted Democratic presidential nominee was still riding her post-convention “bounce.” A careful comparison of Harris’s poll numbers to Joe Biden’s numbers in 2020 and Hillary Clinton’s numbers in 2016 showed that she was weaker against Trump than […]


Look, I don’t want to name any names or call anybody out, but I am sick and tired of the defeatist negativity that crops up in the comments every time I blog about the election. Whenever I point to hopeful signs about November (as I did on Tuesday), the comments fill up with a chorus […]

The Slow Death of Kamala’s ‘Joy’

Notice something about that picture of Vice President Kamala Harris? She’s wearing sneakers. Is this supposed to be some kind of message? At age 59, she is the candidate of youth, or something? In a campaign short on substance and long on symbolism, we can be certain that having the candidate onstage in a pair […]

Kamala Is Underperforming

Keep that word in mind — “underperforming” — as you contemplate the fact that Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania, a state that Joe Biden (allegedly) won by more than 80,000 votes in 2020. Let’s compare Kamala’s polls to Biden’s polls four years ago. On this date in 2020, the Real Clear Politics average showed […]

‘Don’t Get Cocky’

What’s the first thing you notice when you look at today’s Real Clear Politics average of presidential election polls? What stands out to your eye? For me, it’s that NPR/PBS/Marist poll which, alone among all polls in the last two weeks, shows Joe Biden in the lead. Any average is only as good as the […]

When You’ve Lost Nate Silver …

What? A Democrat telling “obvious lies that nobody but the dumbest partisans will buy”? You mean it’s a day ending in “-y”? My friend Stephen Green is reveling in schadenfreude over Silver’s latest election forecast, which is developing a trendline in exactly one direction — from bad to worse for “Sundown Joe,” showing “Biden with […]

‘If You Experience an Erection Lasting More Than Four Hours …’

. . . blame the latest New York Times poll: Are you pumped, or what? There hasn’t been this much sorrow among Democrats since Hillary Clinton cratered in 2016: “It’s going to be a very tough decision — I’m seriously thinking about not voting,” said Mamta Misra, 57, a Democrat and an economics professor in […]

CNN: The Stupidity Caucus

The late George Carlin used to say, you know how stupid the average guy is? Well, half the people are dumber than that. This crossed my mind because CNN — I watch CNN so you don’t have to — was hyping up this Quinnipiac University poll claiming that (a) Biden is leading Trump 50% to […]

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