The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

ISIS Suspected in Terrorist Attack; 36 Dead, 147 Wounded at Istanbul Airport

An attack at Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport reportedly killed 36 people and left 147 others wounded Tuesday. A member of the House Intelligence Committee suggested ISIS was likely to blame. The massacre in Turkey had “all the signatures of an ISIS attack,” Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, told CNN’s Don Lemon. The attack was made […]

Did Atheist Reddit Save Her Soul?

There was a rather notorious incident in 2011 when a 15-year-old girl using the handle “Lunam” posted the photo above on the Reddit atheism forum, showing a copy of a Carl Sagan book her “super religious mother” bought her for Christmas. This being Reddit during its Wild West heyday — when the infamous troll “Violentacrez” […]

[Redacted] Is a Religion of Peace

The Obama administration and the liberal media have decided that when a radical Islamic terrorist kills Americans, the one thing the narrative cannot be about is radical Islamic terrorism. It’s OK to talk about the Orlando massacre in terms of homophobia, gun control or “toxic masculinity,” but don’t you dare mention Islam. Don’t mention that […]

Because @EllenPage Is Canadian, She Hates America and Wants Us All to Die

“Extremely anti-gay, anti-bi, anti-trans rhetoric . . . is constantly creating a poisonous environment which leads to people hating themselves, people being violent towards one and other, to bullying, to abuse and it really needs to stop.” — Ellen Page, June 15, 2016 There is a certain “Reichstag fire” element in the reaction by Democrats and […]

Shorter @AmandaMarcotte: ‘Masculinity Killed Those Gay People in Orlando’

“The horror story of Orlando lays bare what damage that this kind of dominance-oriented masculinity does to our society . . . It’s a stark reminder of why we, as a country, need to get past the politics of tough guy posturing and move towards a more thoughtful, inclusive society.” — Amanda Marcotte, June 13, […]

Blame-Shifters: Democrats Use #Orlando to Scapegoat Christians, GOP, NRA

  There is no limit to the Left’s shameful dishonesty: Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they “created this anti-queer climate,” according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys. “You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” […]

Omar Mateen: Muslim Commits Murder Rampage at Orlando Gay Nightclub

  This morning, the TV was on the local NBC affiliate — my wife is having a yard sale and wanted to check the weather — and the report was that about 20 people had been killed when a man armed with an assault rifle attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando. However, NBC said nothing […]

Feminism: It’s About SCIENCE!

  Sex is about reproductive biology. Human beings are mammals, and any eighth-grader can figure out what that means in terms of sex. Once you understand this scientific definition of sex, everything else is just details. Young people have to figure out how to attract potential partners, how to choose a good partner from among […]

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