The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why The Sudden Bi-Partisan Financial Regulation Interest?

by Smitty After the economic stun-ulus, auto takeover and the ObamaCare fiasco, the default position amongst conservatives is that the 111th Congress couldn’t lead two nuns in one minute of silent prayer. Now the Senate is setting about considering Wall Street regulation, to howls of derisive laughter, combined with angst at the economic sodomy to […]

GOP Future Funny When Written By Lefty

by Smitty Salon is quickly becoming a go-to humor site. Ed Kilgore serves up teh funny about the future of the Democratic party, which this blog will both radically paraphrase and condense: Democratic activists ponder the November elections and wet themselves. They are hoping that the Elders of CTHULHU will pull the economy out of […]

GOP House Press Conference

by Smitty (h/t NiceDeb) Various GOP heads talk to the ObamaCare hydra that still has a few moving heads.Their tone is rather somber, and they attempt to: Express interest in starting from scratch, and Focus attention on the tanked economy I really would like to hear them discuss more strategic thoughts, but freely admit that […]

The Department of Sizeable Ifs

by Smitty (h/t Gateway Pundit) The courageous Michelle Bachmann, longtime favorite of frequent commenter Young 4 Eyes, thinks that the Tea Party movement will become the dominant force of the

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